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Unigine::Math::vec4 Struct

Header: #include <UnigineMathLibVec4.h>

This class represents a vector of 4 float components.

vec4 Class


vec4 ( const __m128& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given 128-bit variable as a source.
We do not recommend to use this method unless you have a clear understanding of SSE2.


  • const __m128& v - 128-bit variable

vec4 ( const quat& q ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given source quaternion.


  • const quat& q

vec4 ( const hvec4& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given hvec4 source vector.


  • const hvec4& v - Source vector.

vec4 ( ) #

Default constructor. Produces a zero vector.

vec4 ( const vec4& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector by copying a given source vector.


  • const vec4& v - Source vector.

vec4 ( const vec2& v, float z, float w ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given two-component vec2 source vector and two scalars.


  • const vec2& v - Two-component source vector.
  • float z - Z component of the vector.
  • float w - W component of the vector.

vec4 ( const vec3& v, float w ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given three-component vec3 source vector and a scalar.


  • const vec3& v - Three-component source vector.
  • float w - W component of the vector.

vec4 ( float x, float y, float z, float w ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using given float values.


  • float x - X component of the vector.
  • float y - Y component of the vector.
  • float z - Z component of the vector.
  • float w - W component of the vector.

explicit vec4 ( float v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given scalar value: x=v, y=v, z=v, w=v.


  • float v - Scalar value.

explicit vec4 ( const vec2& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given two-component vec2 source vector: x=v.x, y=v.y, z=0.0f, w=1.0f.


  • const vec2& v - Two-component source vector.

explicit vec4 ( const vec3& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given three-component vec3 source vector: x=v.x, y=v.y, z=v.z, w=1.0f.


  • const vec3& v - Three-component source vector.

explicit vec4 ( const dvec4& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given dvec4 source vector.


  • const dvec4& v - Source vector.

explicit vec4 ( const ivec4& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given ivec4 source vector.


  • const ivec4& v - Source vector.

explicit vec4 ( const bvec4& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given bvec4 source vector.


  • const bvec4& v - Source vector.

explicit vec4 ( const svec4& v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given svec4 source vector.


  • const svec4& v - Source vector.

explicit vec4 ( const float* v ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given pointer to the array of float elements: x=v[0], y=v[1], z=v[2], w=v[3].


  • const float* v - Pointer to the array of float elements.

vec4 ( const dvec2& v0, const dvec2& v1 ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using given two dvec2 source vectors.


  • const dvec2& v0 - Two-component source vector.
  • const dvec2& v1 - Two-component source vector.

vec4 ( const vec2& v0, const vec2& v1 ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using given two vec2 source vectors.


  • const vec2& v0 - Two-component source vector.
  • const vec2& v1 - Two-component source vector.

vec4 ( float x, float y, float z, float w, ConstexprTag ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using given float values.


  • float x - X component of the vector.
  • float y - Y component of the vector.
  • float z - Z component of the vector.
  • float w - W component of the vector.
  • ConstexprTag - Auxiliary tag.

vec4 ( float v, ConstexprTag ) #

Constructor. Initializes the vector using a given constant scalar value: x=v, y=v, z=v, w=v.


  • float v - Constant scalar value.
  • ConstexprTag - Auxiliary tag.

vec4 & abs ( ) #

Returns the absolute values of the vector components.

Return value

Vector with absolute values.

void set ( float x_, float y_, float z_, float w_ ) #

Sets the vector by components.


  • float x_ - X component of the vector.
  • float y_ - Y component of the vector.
  • float z_ - Z component of the vector.
  • float w_ - W component of the vector.

void set ( const float* v ) #

Sets the vector using the array of float elements: x=val[0], y=val[1], z=val[2], w=val[3].


  • const float* v - Pointer to the array of float elements.

void set ( const vec4& v ) #

Sets the vector equal to the specified source vector.


  • const vec4& v - Source vector.

void set ( const vec2& v, float z_, float w_ ) #

Sets the vector using a two-component vec2 source vector and two scalars.


  • const vec2& v - Two-component source vector.
  • float z_ - Z component of the vector.
  • float w_ - W component of the vector.

void set ( const vec3& v, float w_ ) #

Sets the vector using a three-component vec3 source vector and a scalar.


  • const vec3& v - Three-component source vector.
  • float w_ - W component of the vector.

void set ( const quat& q ) #

Sets the vector using a quaternion.


  • const quat& q - Quaternion.

void set ( float v ) #

Sets the vector components equal to specified scalar value: x=val, y=val, z=val, w=val.


  • float v - Scalar value.

void get ( float* v ) const#

Gets the vector: val[0]=x, val[1]=y, val[2]=z, val[3]=w.


  • float* v - Pointer to the array of float elements.

float * get ( ) #

Returns the pointer to the vector.

Return value

Pointer to the vector.

const float * get ( ) const#

Returns the constant pointer to the vector.

Return value

Pointer to the vector.

float length ( ) const#

Returns the length of the vector.

Return value

Vector length.

float length2 ( ) const#

Returns the squared length of the vector.

Return value

Squared length of the vector.

float lengthFast ( ) const#

Returns the fast-calculated length of the vector.

float iLength ( ) const#

Returns the inverted length of the vector.

float iLengthFast ( ) const#

Returns the fast-calculated inverted length of the vector.

float maxXY ( ) const#

Compares the X and Y components of the vector and returns the greater one.

Return value

The greater out of the X and Y components of the vector.

float maxXYZ ( ) const#

Compares the X, Y, and Z components of the vector and returns the greatest one.

Return value

The greatest out of the X, Y, and Z vector components.

float max ( ) const#

Compares all components of the vector and returns the greatest value.

Return value

The greatest out of the vector components.

vec4 & normalize ( ) #

Returns a normalized vector.

Return value

Normalized vector.

vec4 & normalizeValid ( ) #

Normalizes a vector, makes its magnitude equal to 1. When normalized, a vector keeps the same direction but its length is equal to 1. Check for the zero vector is performed: if the argument is a zero vector, then a zero vector is returned.

Return value

Normalized vector.

vec4 & normalizeFast ( ) #

Returns a normalized vector, calculated using the fast inverse square root algorithm.

Return value

Normalized vector.

vec4 & normalizeValidFast ( ) #

Returns a normalized vector, calculated using the fast inverse square root algorithm. Check for the zero vector is performed: if the argument is a zero vector, then a zero vector is returned.

Return value

Normalized vector.

vec4 & normalize3 ( ) #

Returns the vector with normalized XYZ components.

Return value

Vector with normalized XYZ components.

vec4 & normalizeValid3 ( ) #

Returns the vector with normalized XYZ components. Check for the zero vector is performed: if the argument is a zero vector, then a zero vector is returned.

Return value

Vector with normalized XYZ components.

vec4 & normalizeFast3 ( ) #

Returns the vector with XYZ components normalized using the fast inverse square root algorithm.

Return value

Vector with normalized XYZ components.

vec4 & normalizeValidFast3 ( ) #

Returns the vector with XYZ components normalized using the fast inverse square root algorithm. Check for the zero vector is performed: if the argument is a zero vector, then a zero vector is returned.

Return value

Vector with normalized XYZ components.

const float * operator const float * ( ) const#

Performs type conversion to const float *.

const void * operator const void * ( ) const#

Performs type conversion to const void *.

float * operator float * ( ) #

Performs type conversion to float *.

void * operator void * ( ) #

Performs type conversion to void *.

vec4 & operator*= ( float v ) #

Performs scalar multiplication.


  • float v - Scalar value.

Return value

Resulting vector.

vec4 & operator*= ( const vec4& v ) #

Performs vector multiplication.


  • const vec4& v - Vector.

Return value

Resulting vector.

vec4 & operator+= ( float v ) #

Performs addition of the specified value.


  • float v - Value.

Return value

This vector.

vec4 & operator+= ( const vec4& v ) #

Performs vector addition.


  • const vec4& v - Vector.

Return value

Resulting vector.

vec4 operator- ( ) const#

Performs vector negation.

Return value

Resulting vector.

vec4 & operator-= ( const vec4& v ) #

Performs vector subtraction.


  • const vec4& v - Vector.

Return value

Resulting vector.

vec4 & operator-= ( float v ) #

Subtracts the argument from all elements of the vector.


  • float v - Value.

Return value

This vector.

vec4 & operator/= ( float v ) #

Performs componentwise division of the vector by the scalar. Implemented using the calculation of inverse scalar value with subsequent by-component multiplication.


  • float v - Scalar value.

Return value

Resulting vector.

vec4 & operator/= ( const vec4& v ) #

Performs componentwise division of vectors.


  • const vec4& v - Vector.

Return value

Resulting vector.

vec4 & operator= ( const __m128& v ) #

Sets the vector using a given 128-bit variable as a source.
We do not recommend to use this method unless you have a clear understanding of SSE2.


  • const __m128& v - 128-bit variable.

Return value


vec4 & operator= ( const vec4& v ) #

Performs vector assignment. Destination vector = Source vector.


  • const vec4& v - Source vector.

Return value


vec4 & operator= ( const float v ) #

Sets the vector components equal to specified scalar value: x=val, y=val, z=val, w=val.


  • const float v - Scalar value.

Return value

This vector.

float & operator[] ( int i ) #

Performs array access to the vector item reference by using given item index.


  • int i - Vector item index.

Return value

Vector item reference.

float operator[] ( int i ) const#

Performs array access to the vector item by using given item index.


  • int i - Vector item index.

Return value

Vector item.

void mul ( float v ) #

Multiplies the vector by the value of the specified argument.


  • float v - A float multiplier.

void mul ( const vec4& v ) #

Multiplies the vector by the value of the specified argument.


  • const vec4& v - Vector multiplier.

void mul3 ( float v ) #

Multiplies the X, Y, and Z components of the vector by the value of the specified argument.


  • float v - A float multiplier.

void div ( float v ) #

Performs division of the vector by the value of the specified arguments.


  • float v - A float divisor value.

void div ( const vec4& v ) #

Performs division of the vector by the value of the specified arguments.


  • const vec4& v - A vec3 divisor value.

float sum ( ) const#

Returns the sum of vector components.

void add ( float v ) #

Performs addition of the specified argument.


  • float v - Value.

void add ( const vec4& v ) #

Performs addition of the specified argument.


  • const vec4& v - Value.

void sub ( float v ) #

Subtracts the argument from all elements of the vector.


  • float v - Value.

void sub ( const vec4& v ) #

Subtracts each element of the specified argument from ther corresponding element.


  • const vec4& v - Value.

static vec4 parseColor ( const char * str ) #

Converts a color string in the Web format (RRGGBB / #RRGGBB or RRGGBBAA / #RRGGBBAA) into its vec4 equivalent.


  • const char * str - Color string in the Web format.

Return value

Color value as a vec4 vector (R, G, B, A).

unsigned int hash ( ) const#

Returns a hash obtained by mixing the hash values of vector components.

Return value

32-bit hash value.

float rgbToLuma ( vec4 & color ) #

Returns the perceived brightness of the color.


  • vec4 & color - Color.

Return value

Perceived brightness of the color.
Last update: 13.12.2024
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