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Unigine::MeshRender Class

Header: #include <UnigineMeshRender.h>

MeshRender Class


bool isLoaded() const#

Returns the current value indicating if the mesh is loaded.

Return value

true if the mesh is loaded; otherwise false.

MeshRender ( ) #

Constructor. Creates an empty static mesh.

bool load ( const char * path ) #

Loads the mesh using the specified path.


  • const char * path - Path to the mesh.

Return value

true if the mesh is loaded successfully; otherwise false.

bool load ( const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh ) #

Loads the specified mesh.


  • const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh - The mesh to be loaded.

Return value

true if the mesh is loaded successfully; otherwise false.

void clear ( ) #

Clears the mesh (including its surfaces and bounds).

void bind ( ) #

Binds the mesh data (index and vertex buffers) to the input assembler stage.

void unbind ( ) #

Unbinds the mesh data (index and vertex buffers).

int renderSurface ( int mode, int surface, int target = 0 ) #

Renders the surface.


  • int mode - Rendering mode. One of the MODE_* variables.
  • int surface - Surface number.
  • int target - Surface target number. The default value is 0.

Return value

Number of primitives rendered. Primitive type is determined by the rendering mode.

int renderInstancedSurface ( int mode, int num, int surface, int target = 0 ) #

Renders the specified number of instances of the surface.


  • int mode - Rendering mode. One of the MODE_* variables.
  • int num - Number of instances to be rendered.
  • int surface - Surface number.
  • int target - Surface target number. The default value is 0.

Return value

Number of primitives rendered. Primitive type is determined by the rendering mode.

int render ( int mode, int surface = -1, int target = 0 ) #

Renders the static mesh with the specified settings and mode.


  • int mode - Rendering mode. One of the MODE_* variables.
  • int surface - Surface number (use -1 for all surfaces).
  • int target - Surface target number. The default value is 0.

Return value

Number of primitives rendered. Primitive type is determined by the rendering mode.

int renderInstanced ( int mode, int num, int surface = -1, int target = 0 ) #

Renders the specified number of instances of the surface.


  • int mode - Rendering mode. One of the MODE_* variables.
  • int num - Number of instances to be rendered.
  • int surface - Surface number (use -1 for all surfaces).
  • int target - Surface target number. The default value is 0.

Return value

Number of primitives rendered. Primitive type is determined by the rendering mode.

size_t getSystemMemoryUsage ( ) const#

Returns the current amount of system memory used by the static mesh, in bytes.

Return value

System memory amount used by the static mesh, in bytes.

size_t getVideoMemoryUsage ( ) const#

Returns the current amount of video memory used by the static mesh.

Return value

Video memory amount used by the static mesh, in bytes.

void updateDebugName ( ) #

Updates the friendly name for GPU debugging (RenderDoc, NVIDIA Nsight).

void setDebugName ( const char * name ) #

Sets a friendly name for GPU debugging (RenderDoc, NVIDIA Nsight). It can be used to help you determine if the corresponding object interface pointer caused the leak. Memory leaks are reported by the debug software layer by outputting a list of object interface pointers along with their friendly names.


  • const char * name - Friendly debug name to be set.

const char * getDebugName ( ) const#

Returns the currently used friendly name for GPU debugging (RenderDoc, NVIDIA Nsight). It can be used to help you determine if the corresponding object interface pointer caused the leak. Memory leaks are reported by the debug software layer by outputting a list of object interface pointers along with their friendly names.

Return value

Friendly debug name.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.

Last update: 13.12.2024
Build: ()