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Unigine::SystemInfo Class

Header: #include <UnigineSystemInfo.h>

This class is used to obtain system information.

SystemInfo Class

Перечисления (Enums)


PLATFORM_TYPE_WINDOWS = 0Windows platform.
PLATFORM_TYPE_LINUX = 1Linux platform.
PLATFORM_TYPE_XBOX_SERIES_S = 2Microsoft Xbox Series S platform.
PLATFORM_TYPE_XBOX_SERIES_X = 3Microsoft Xbox Series X platform.
PLATFORM_TYPE_PS5 = 4PlayStation 5 (PS5) platform.


GPU_TYPE_DISCRETE = 0Discrete graphics processing unit (GPU).
GPU_TYPE_INTEGRATED = 1Integrated graphics processing unit (GPU).
GPU_TYPE_OTHER = 2Other type of graphics processing unit (GPU).
GPU_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED = 3Unsupported type of graphics processing unit (GPU).


GPU_VENDOR_UNKNOWN = 0Graphics processing unit (GPU) of an unknown vendor.
GPU_VENDOR_AMD = 1Graphics processing unit (GPU) developed by AMD.
GPU_VENDOR_NVIDIA = 2Graphics processing unit (GPU) developed by NVIDIA.
GPU_VENDOR_INTEL = 3Graphics processing unit (GPU) developed by Intel.
GPU_VENDOR_ARM = 4Graphics processing unit (GPU) developed by ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) Holdings.
GPU_VENDOR_APPLE = 5Graphics processing unit (GPU) developed by Apple Inc.
GPU_VENDOR_IMGTEC = 6Graphics processing unit (GPU) developed by Imagination Technologies Group plc.
GPU_VENDOR_QUALCOMM = 7Graphics processing unit (GPU) developed by Qualcomm.


const char * getBinaryInfo ( ) #

Returns information on the Engine binary.

Return value

Information on the Engine binary.

const char * getRevisionInfo ( ) #

Returns information on the Engine version.

Return value

Information on the Engine version.

const char * getCPUInfo ( ) #

Console: cpu_info
Returns information on the CPU.

Return value

CPU information.

int getCPUFrequency ( ) #

Console: cpu_frequency
Returns the current CPU frequency.

Return value

Current CPU frequency, in MHz.

int getCPUThreads ( ) #

Console: cpu_threads
Returns the number of available CPU threads.

Return value

Number of available CPU threads.

bool hasMMX ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the system supports MMX (Multi-Media Extensions).

Return value

true if the system supports MMX extension; otherwise, false.

bool hasSSE ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the system supports SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions).

Return value

true if the system supports SSE extension; otherwise, false.

bool hasSSE2 ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the system supports SSE2 (Streaming SIMD Extensions).

Return value

true if the system supports SSE2 extension; otherwise, false.

bool hasSSE3 ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the system supports SSE3 (Streaming SIMD Extensions).

Return value

true if the system supports SSE3 extension; otherwise, false.

bool hasSSE4 ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the system supports SSE4 (Streaming SIMD Extensions).

Return value

true if the system supports SSE4 extension; otherwise, false.

bool hasSSE5 ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the system supports SSE5 (Streaming SIMD Extensions).

Return value

true if the system supports SSE5 extension; otherwise, false.

bool hasAVX ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the system supports AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions).

Return value

true if the system supports AVX extension; otherwise, false.

bool hasAVX2 ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the system supports AVX2 (Advanced Vector Extensions).

Return value

true if the system supports AVX2 extension; otherwise, false.

bool hasNeon ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the system supports Neon (Advanced Vector Extensions).

Return value

true if the system supports Neon extension; otherwise, false.

bool hasHyperThreading ( ) #

Console: cpu_hyper_threading
Returns a value indicating if the system supports hyper-threading.

Return value

true if the system supports hyper-threading; otherwise, false.

int getGPUCount ( ) #

Returns the number of available GPUs.

Return value

Number of available GPUs.

int getGPUMemory ( int video_adapter_num = 0 ) #

Returns the video memory size for the video adapter with the specified number.


  • int video_adapter_num - Number of the video adapter.

Return value

Video memory size, in Mbytes.

int getGPUID ( int video_adapter_num = 0 ) #

Returns the GPU ID for the video adapter with the specified number in the list of detected ones.


  • int video_adapter_num - Number of the graphics adapter (GPU) in the list of detected ones.

Return value

GPU ID for the video adapter with the specified number.

const char * getOSInfo ( ) #

Returns the operating system information: its name, edition, and build.

Return value

Operating system information.

const char * getEngineInfo ( ) #

Returns the complete information on the engine: version number, release/debug, revision, date.

Return value

Complete engine information.

long long getMemoryFree ( ) #

Returns the total amount of unused memory, in Mbytes.

Return value

The total amount of unused memory.

long long getMemoryFreeCommitted ( ) #

Returns the amount of unused committed memory, in Mbytes.

Return value

The amount of unused committed memory.

long long getMemoryTotal ( ) #

Returns the total amount of memory, in Mbytes.

Return value

The total amount of memory.

long long getMemoryTotalCommitted ( ) #

Returns the total amount of committed memory, in Mbytes.

Return value

The total amount of committed memory.

long long getMemoryUsage ( ) #

Returns the total amount of memory in use, in Mbytes.

Return value

The total amount of used memory.

long long getMemoryUsageCommitted ( ) #

Returns the amount of the committed memory currently in use, in Mbytes.

Return value

The amount of the committed memory currently in use, in Mbytes.

int getCPUCores ( ) #

Returns the number of CPU cores.

Return value

The number of CPU cores.

void logInfo ( ) #

Returns the infromation on the Engine, OS, CPU and GPU.

int getGPUActive ( ) #

Returns the index of the active GPU.

Return value

The index of the active GPU.

int findGPUByLuid ( unsigned long long luid ) #

Returns the GPU index by its locally unique identifier.


  • unsigned long long luid - The locally unique identifier of the GPU.

Return value

The GPU index, or -1 if no GPU is found.

int findGPUByDeviceID ( unsigned int device_id ) #

Returns the GPU index by the device identifier.


  • unsigned int device_id - The GPU device ID.

Return value

The GPU index, or -1 if no GPU is found.

SystemInfo::GPU_TYPE getGPUType ( int video_adapter_num = -1 ) #

Returns the GPU type by the video adapter index.


  • int video_adapter_num - The video adapter index.

Return value

The GPU type.

SystemInfo::GPU_VENDOR getGPUVendor ( int video_adapter_num = -1 ) #

Returns the GPU vendor name by the video adapter index.


  • int video_adapter_num - The video adapter index.

Return value

The GPU vendor name.

unsigned int getGPUDeviceID ( int video_adapter_num = -1 ) #

Returns the GPU device ID by the video adapter index.


  • int video_adapter_num - The video adapter index.

Return value

The GPU device ID.

unsigned long long getGPULuid ( int video_adapter_num = -1 ) #

Returns the GPU locally unique identifier by the video adapter index.


  • int video_adapter_num - The video adapter index.

Return value

The locally unique identifier of the GPU.

const char * getGPUDescription ( int video_adapter_num = -1 ) #

Returns the graphics card model by the video adapter index.


  • int video_adapter_num - The video adapter index.

Return value

The GPU model.

const char * getGPUVendorName ( int video_adapter_num = -1 ) #

Returns the graphics card vendor name by the video adapter index.


  • int video_adapter_num - The video adapter index.

Return value

The GPU vendor name.

const char * getGPUDriver ( int video_adapter_num = -1 ) #

Returns the graphics card driver version by the video adapter index.


  • int video_adapter_num - The video adapter index.

Return value

The GPU driver version.

long long getGPUMemoryFree ( ) #

Returns the amount of unused GPU memory, in Mbytes.

Return value

The amount of unused GPU memory, in Mbytes.

SystemInfo::PLATFORM_TYPE getPlatformType ( ) #

Returns the platform type.

Return value

The platform type.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.

Last update: 13.12.2024
Build: ()