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Unigine::RenderTarget Class

Header: #include <UnigineTextures.h>

A container to which an image is rendered (a framebuffer abstraction).

RenderTarget Class


static RenderTargetPtr create ( ) #

Constructor. Creates a new render target.

void destroy ( ) #

Destroys the render target.

void enable ( ) #

Enables the render target.

void enableCompute ( ) #

Enables the render target with the use of compute shader output.

void disable ( ) #

Disables the render target.

void flush ( ) #

Flushes the render target.

Ptr<Texture> getColorTexture ( int slot ) const#

Returns a color texture by the specified slot.


  • int slot - Texture slot.

Return value

Color texture if it exists, otherwise nullptr.

void bindColorTexture ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture ) #

Binds all layers and faces (if supported by the texture type) of a texture on the 0 mip level to the specified slot as render target.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Color texture to be bound.

void bindColorTexture2D ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified slot of a 2D texture on the specified mipmap level to the specified slot as render target.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - 2D color texture to be bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void bindColorTexture2DArray ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, int layer = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified slot and layer of a 2D texture array on the specified mipmap level to the specified slot as render target.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - 2D color texture array to be bound.
  • int layer - Number of the 2D texture array layer. With the default value of -1, all layers of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void bindColorTextureCube ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, int face = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified slot and face of a texture cube on the specified mipmap level to the specified slot as render target.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Color texture cube to be bound.
  • int face - The face of the cube. With the default value of -1, all faces of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void bindColorTextureCubeArray ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, int layer = -1, int face = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified layer and face of a texture cube array on the specified mipmap level to the specified slot as render target.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Color cube array texture to be bound.
  • int layer - Number of the texture cube array layer. With the default value of -1, all layers of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int face - The face of the cube. With the default value of -1, all faces of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void bindColorTexture3D ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, int depth = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified depth layer of a 3D texture on the specified mipmap level to the specified slot as render target.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - 3D Color texture to be bound.
  • int depth - 3D texture depth layer. With the default value of -1, all depth layers of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void unbindColorTexture ( int slot ) #

Unbinds a render target texture from the specified slot.


  • int slot - Texture slot.

void unbindColorTextures ( ) #

Unbinds all render target textures from a render target.

Ptr<Texture> getDepthTexture ( ) const#

Returns the depth texture.

Return value

Depth texture if it exists, otherwise nullptr.

void bindDepthTexture ( const Ptr<Texture> & texture ) #

Binds all layers and faces (if supported by the texture type) of a texture on the 0 mip level to the specified slot as depth target.


  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Depth texture to be bound.

void bindDepthTexture2D ( const Ptr<Texture> & texture, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds a 2D depth texture on the specified mipmap level as depth target.


void bindDepthTexture2DArray ( const Ptr<Texture> & texture, int layer = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified layer of a depth texture on the specified mipmap level as depth target.


  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - 2D depth texture array to be bound.
  • int layer - Number of the 2D depth texture array layer. With the default value of -1, all layers of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void bindDepthTextureCube ( const Ptr<Texture> & texture, int face = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified face of a depth texture cube on the specified mipmap level as depth target.


  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Depth texture cube to be bound.
  • int face - The face of the cube. With the default value of -1, all faces of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void bindDepthTextureCubeArray ( const Ptr<Texture> & texture, int layer = -1, int face = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified layer and face of a depth texture cube array on the specified mipmap level as depth target.


  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Depth texture cube array to be bound.
  • int layer - Number of the texture cube array layer. With the default value of -1, all layers of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int face - The face of the cube. With the default value of -1, all faces of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void unbindDepthTexture ( ) #

Unbinds a depth texture from a depth target.

Ptr<Texture> getUnorderedAccessTexture ( int slot ) const#

Returns an unordered access texture by the specified slot.


  • int slot - Texture slot.

Return value

Unordered access texture if it exists, otherwise nullptr.

void bindUnorderedAccessTexture ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, bool writeonly = false, bool atomic = false ) #

Binds all layers and faces (if supported by the texture type) of a texture on the 0 mip level to the specified slot for unordered access.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Unordered access texture to be bound.
  • bool writeonly - Access flag. true to use the texture for writing only, otherwise false.
  • bool atomic - Set true to bind the texture with the GL_32UI format; otherwise — false. This flag is to be set for OpenGL only.

void bindUnorderedAccessTexture2D ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, bool writeonly = false, bool atomic = false, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds a 2D texture on the specified mipmap level to the specified slot for unordered access.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Unordered access 2D texture to be bound.
  • bool writeonly - Access flag. true to use the texture for writing only, otherwise false.
  • bool atomic - Set true to bind the texture with the GL_32UI format; otherwise — false. This flag is to be set for OpenGL only.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void bindUnorderedAccessTexture2DArray ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, bool writeonly = false, bool atomic = false, int layer = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified layer of a 2D texture array on the specified mipmap level to the specified slot for unordered access.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Unordered access 2D texture array to be bound.
  • bool writeonly - Access flag. true to use the texture for writing only, otherwise false.
  • bool atomic - Set true to bind the texture with the GL_32UI format; otherwise — false. This flag is to be set for OpenGL only.
  • int layer - Number of the 2D texture array layer. With the default value of -1, all layers of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void bindUnorderedAccessTextureCube ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, bool writeonly = false, bool atomic = false, int face = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified face of a texture cube on the specified mipmap level to the specified slot for unordered access.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Unordered access texture cube to be bound.
  • bool writeonly - Access flag. true to use the texture for writing only, otherwise false.
  • bool atomic - Set true to bind the texture with the GL_32UI format; otherwise — false. This flag is to be set for OpenGL only.
  • int face - The face of the cube. With the default value of -1, all faces of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void bindUnorderedAccessTextureCubeArray ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, bool writeonly = false, bool atomic = false, int layer = -1, int face = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified layer and face of a texture cube on the specified mipmap level to the specified slot for unordered access.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Unordered access texture cube array to be bound.
  • bool writeonly - Access flag. true to use the texture for writing only, otherwise false.
  • bool atomic - Set true to bind the texture with the GL_32UI format; otherwise — false. This flag is to be set for OpenGL only.
  • int layer - Number of the texture cube array layer.
  • int face - The face of the cube. With the default value of -1, all faces of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void bindUnorderedAccessTexture3D ( int slot, const Ptr<Texture> & texture, bool writeonly = false, bool atomic = false, int depth = -1, int mip = 0 ) #

Binds the specified layer of a 3D texture on the specified mipmap level to the specified slot for unordered access.


  • int slot - Texture slot.
  • const Ptr<Texture> & texture - Unordered access 3D texture to be bound.
  • bool writeonly - Access flag. true to use the texture for writing only, otherwise false.
  • bool atomic - Set true to bind the texture with the GL_32UI format; otherwise — false. This flag is to be set for OpenGL only.
  • int depth - 3D texture depth layer. With the default value of -1, all depth layers of the texture on a specified mip level are bound.
  • int mip - Mipmap level number in the range from 0 to the total number of mipmaps.

void unbindUnorderedAccessTexture ( int slot ) #

Unbinds an unordered access texture from the specified slot.


  • int slot - Texture slot.

void unbindUnorderedAccessTextures ( ) #

Unbinds all unordered access textures for unordered access resources.

Ptr<StructuredBuffer> getStructuredBuffer ( int slot ) const#

Returns a structured buffer by the specified slot.


  • int slot - Texture slot.

Return value

Structured buffer if it exists, otherwise nullptr.

void bindStructuredBuffer ( int slot, const Ptr<StructuredBuffer> & buffer ) #

Binds a structured buffer to a device by the specified slot.


void unbindStructuredBuffer ( int slot ) #

Unbinds a structured buffer for unordered access resources.


  • int slot - Texture slot.

void unbindStructuredBuffers ( ) #

Unbinds all structured buffers for unordered access resources.

bool isEnabled ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the render target is enabled.

Return value

1 if the render target is enabled, otherwise 0.

bool isCompleted ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the render target is completed.

Return value

1 if the render target is completed, otherwise 0.

void unbindAll ( ) #

Unbinds all color, depth, and unordered access textures as well as structured buffers.
Last update: 13.12.2024
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