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Unigine::JointCylindrical Class

Header: #include <UniginePhysics.h>
Inherits from: Joint

This class is used to create cylindrical joints.


The following code illustrates connection of two bodies (b0 and b1) using a cylindrical joint.

Source code (C++)
include <UniginePhysics.h>

/* .. */

JointCylindricalPtr joint = JointCylindrical::create(b0, b1);
// setting joint axis coordinates
joint->setWorldAxis(vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

// setting common joint constraint parameters

// setting linear and angular damping

// setting linear limits [-1.5; 1.5]

// setting number of iterations

See Also#

Usage examples:

JointCylindrical Class


float getCurrentLinearVelocity() const#

Returns the current velocity of the linear motor.

Return value

Current current velocity in units per second.

float getCurrentLinearDistance() const#

Returns the current distance between the bodies.

Return value

Current current distance in units.

float getCurrentAngularVelocity() const#

Returns the current velocity of the angular motor.

Return value

Current current velocity in radians per second.

float getCurrentAngularAngle() const#

Returns the current angle between the bodies.

Return value

Current current angle in degrees.

void setLinearVelocity ( float velocity ) #

Sets a new target velocity of the attached linear motor.


  • float velocity - The target velocity in units per second.

float getLinearVelocity() const#

Returns the current target velocity of the attached linear motor.

Return value

Current target velocity in units per second.

void setLinearSpring ( float spring ) #

Sets a new rigidity coefficient of the linear spring. 0 means that the spring is not attached.


  • float spring - The rigidity coefficient. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the spring.

float getLinearSpring() const#

Returns the current rigidity coefficient of the linear spring. 0 means that the spring is not attached.

Return value

Current rigidity coefficient. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the spring.

void setLinearLimitTo ( float to ) #

Sets a new high limit distance. This limit specifies how far a connected body can move along the joint axis.


  • float to - The high limit distance in units.

float getLinearLimitTo() const#

Returns the current high limit distance. This limit specifies how far a connected body can move along the joint axis.

Return value

Current high limit distance in units.

void setLinearLimitFrom ( float from ) #

Sets a new low limit distance. This limit specifies how far a connected body can move along the joint axis.


  • float from - The low limit distance in units.

float getLinearLimitFrom() const#

Returns the current low limit distance. This limit specifies how far a connected body can move along the joint axis.

Return value

Current low limit distance in units.

void setLinearForce ( float force ) #

Sets a new maximum force of the attached linear motor. 0 means that the motor is not attached.


  • float force - The maximum force. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the motor.

float getLinearForce() const#

Returns the current maximum force of the attached linear motor. 0 means that the motor is not attached.

Return value

Current maximum force. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the motor.

void setLinearDistance ( float distance ) #

Sets a new target distance of the attached linear spring. The spring tries to move the connected bodies so that to keep this distance between them.


  • float distance - The target distance in units.

float getLinearDistance() const#

Returns the current target distance of the attached linear spring. The spring tries to move the connected bodies so that to keep this distance between them.

Return value

Current target distance in units.

void setLinearDamping ( float damping ) #

Sets a new linear damping of the joint.


  • float damping - The linear damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getLinearDamping() const#

Returns the current linear damping of the joint.

Return value

Current linear damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

void setAngularVelocity ( float velocity ) #

Sets a new target velocity of the attached angular motor.


  • float velocity - The target velocity in radians per second.

float getAngularVelocity() const#

Returns the current target velocity of the attached angular motor.

Return value

Current target velocity in radians per second.

void setAngularSpring ( float spring ) #

Sets a new rigidity coefficient of the angular spring. 0 means that the spring is not attached.


  • float spring - The rigidity coefficient. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the spring.

float getAngularSpring() const#

Returns the current rigidity coefficient of the angular spring. 0 means that the spring is not attached.

Return value

Current rigidity coefficient. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the spring.

void setAngularLimitTo ( float to ) #

Sets a new high rotation limit angle. Rotation limit specifies how much a connected body can rotate around the joint axis


  • float to - The high rotation limit angle in degrees. The provided value will be saturated in the range [-180; 180].

float getAngularLimitTo() const#

Returns the current high rotation limit angle. Rotation limit specifies how much a connected body can rotate around the joint axis

Return value

Current high rotation limit angle in degrees. The provided value will be saturated in the range [-180; 180].

void setAngularLimitFrom ( float from ) #

Sets a new low rotation limit angle. Rotation limit specifies how much a connected body can rotate around the joint axis.


  • float from - The Low rotation limit angle in degrees. The provided value will be saturated in the range [-180; 180].

float getAngularLimitFrom() const#

Returns the current low rotation limit angle. Rotation limit specifies how much a connected body can rotate around the joint axis.

Return value

Current Low rotation limit angle in degrees. The provided value will be saturated in the range [-180; 180].

void setAngularTorque ( float torque ) #

Sets a new maximum torque of the attached angular motor. 0 means that the motor is not attached.


  • float torque - The Maximum torque. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the motor.

float getAngularTorque() const#

Returns the current maximum torque of the attached angular motor. 0 means that the motor is not attached.

Return value

Current Maximum torque. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the motor.

void setAngularDamping ( float damping ) #

Sets a new angular damping of the joint.


  • float damping - The angular damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getAngularDamping() const#

Returns the current angular damping of the joint.

Return value

Current angular damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

void setAngularAngle ( float angle ) #

Sets a new target angle of the attached angular spring. the spring tries to rotate the connected bodies so that they make this angle.


  • float angle - The target angle in degrees. The provided value will be saturated in the range [-180; 180].

float getAngularAngle() const#

Returns the current target angle of the attached angular spring. the spring tries to rotate the connected bodies so that they make this angle.

Return value

Current target angle in degrees. The provided value will be saturated in the range [-180; 180].

void setWorldAxis ( const Math::vec3& axis ) #

Sets a new joint axis. The joint axis is calculated based on the axes of the connected bodies.


  • const Math::vec3& axis - The joint axis.

Math::vec3 getWorldAxis() const#

Returns the current joint axis. The joint axis is calculated based on the axes of the connected bodies.

Return value

Current joint axis.

void setAxis0 ( const Math::vec3& axis0 ) #

Sets a new axis of the first connected body.


  • const Math::vec3& axis0 - The axis of the first body. The provided vector will be normalized.

Math::vec3 getAxis0() const#

Returns the current axis of the first connected body.

Return value

Current axis of the first body. The provided vector will be normalized.

void setAxis1 ( const Math::vec3& axis1 ) #

Sets a new axis of the second connected body.


  • const Math::vec3& axis1 - The axis of the second body. The provided vector will be normalized.

Math::vec3 getAxis1() const#

Returns the current axis of the second connected body.

Return value

Current axis of the second body. The provided vector will be normalized.

static JointCylindricalPtr create ( ) #

Constructor. Creates a cylindrical joint with an anchor at the origin of the world coordinates.

static JointCylindricalPtr create ( const Ptr<Body> & body0, const Ptr<Body> & body1 ) #

Constructor. Creates a cylindrical joint connecting two given bodies. An anchor is placed between centers of mass of the bodies.


  • const Ptr<Body> & body0 - First body to be connected with the joint.
  • const Ptr<Body> & body1 - Second body to be connected with the joint.

static JointCylindricalPtr create ( const Ptr<Body> & body0, const Ptr<Body> & body1, const Math::Vec3 & anchor, const Math::vec3 & axis ) #

Constructor. Creates a cylindrical joint connecting two given bodies with specified axis coordinates and an anchor placed at specified coordinates.


  • const Ptr<Body> & body0 - First body to be connected with the joint.
  • const Ptr<Body> & body1 - Second body to be connected with the joint.
  • const Math::Vec3 & anchor - Anchor coordinates.
  • const Math::vec3 & axis - Axis coordinates.
Last update: 13.12.2024
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