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Unigine::TileSet Class

Header: #include <UnigineTileset.h>

This class is used to manage a regular tileset of the ObjectTerrainGlobal. The tileset can have an arbitrary number of tiles. Each tile is represented by the following elements:

  • Data - an image with tile data.
  • Mask - a single-channel image describing data weights.
    In case if a tile has no mask, all weights are considered equal to 1.

Tileset Class


int getImageType ( ) #

Returns a numerical code of the image type used in the tileset.

Return value

Image type identifier. See the FORMAT_* variables.

int setTileData ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord, const Ptr<Image> & data ) #

Sets the data for the specified tile by copying from the source image.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).
  • const Ptr<Image> & data - Source image containing a new tile data to be set.

Return value

1 if the data of the tile was successfully set; otherwise, 0.

int getTileData ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord, Ptr<Image> & data, int force = 1 ) #

Copies the data of the specified tile to the given image instance.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).
  • Ptr<Image> & data - Image to which the tile data is to be copied.
  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the data will be copied immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, data copy operation will be queued to a separate thread.
    It is recommended to set this flag to 0 when possible to avoid spikes.

Return value

1 if the tile data was successfully copied to the image; otherwise, 0.

int getTileDataState ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Returns the state of the data for the tile with specified coordinates.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

Tile data state. One of the TILE_STATE_* values.

int getTileResolution ( ) #

Returns the tile resolution of the tileset.

Return value

Tile resolution, in pixels.
Tiles are square and have the same number of pixels in both dimensions.

Math::ivec2 getTileCoord ( const Math::dvec2 & flat_position ) #

Returns the coordinates of the tile containing the given point on the terrain.


  • const Math::dvec2 & flat_position - Coordinates of the point on the terrain (X, Y).

Return value

Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

int reloadTileData ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Reloads the data for the tile with specified coordinates from the tileset file.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

1 if the tile data was successfully loaded from the tileset file; otherwise, 0.

Math::dvec2 getTilePixelFlatPosition ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord, const Math::vec2 & pixel_coord, int use_half_pixel_offset = 0 ) #

Returns the coordinates of the point on the terrain (X, Y) corresponding to the specified pixel of the given tile.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).
  • const Math::vec2 & pixel_coord - Pixel coordinates on the tile (X, Y).
  • int use_half_pixel_offset - 1 to use half-pixel offset; 0 to use zero-offset.

Return value

Coordinates of the point on the terrain (X, Y).

int isTileMaskLoaded ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Returns a value indicating if a mask is loaded for the tile with the specified coordinates.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

1 if a mask is loaded for the tile; otherwise, 0.

Math::vec2 getTilePixelCoord ( const Math::dvec2 & flat_position, int use_half_pixel_offset = 0 ) #

Returns the local tile coordinates of the pixel corresponding to the specified point on the terrain. To determine the tile that contains this pixel use the getTileCoord() method.


  • const Math::dvec2 & flat_position - Coordinates of the point on the terrain (X, Y).
  • int use_half_pixel_offset - 1 to use half-pixel offset; 0 to use zero-offset.

Return value

Local tile coordinates of the pixel (X, Y).

int saveTile ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord, int force = 0 ) #

Saves changes of the specified tile to the tileset file.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).
  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the changes will be saved immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, the saving operation will be queued to a separate thread.
    It is recommended to set this flag to 0 when possible to avoid spikes.

Return value

1 if changes of the specified tile were successfully saved to the tileset file; otherwise, 0.

int saveAll ( int force = 1 ) #

Saves changes of all tiles to the tileset file.


  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the changes will be saved immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, the saving operation will be queued to a separate thread.
    It is recommended to set this flag to 0 when possible to avoid spikes.

Return value

1 if all changes were successfully saved to the tileset file; otherwise, 0.

float getLifeTime ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Returns the current lifetime of the tile. This parameter determines how long the specified tile will be kept in the RAM without being accessed.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

Tile lifetime, in seconds.

int getDataFormat ( ) #

Returns a value indicating current image format for the tile data.

Return value

Tile data image format. One of the Image::FORMAT_* values.

int getMaskFormat ( ) #

Returns a value indicating current image format for the tile mask.

Return value

Tile mask image format. One of the Image::FORMAT_* values.

const char * getPath ( ) #

Returns the path to the tileset file.

Return value

Path to the tileset file.

int getTileMask ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord, Ptr<Image> & mask, int force = 1 ) #

Copies the mask of the specified tile to the given image instance.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).
  • Ptr<Image> & mask - Image to which the tile mask is to be copied.
  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the mask will be copied immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, mask copy operation will be queued to a separate thread.
    It is recommended to set this flag to 0 when possible to avoid spikes.

Return value

1 if the tile mask was successfully copied to the image; otherwise, 0.

int removeTileMask ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Removes the mask of the tile with specified coordinates from the tileset.
This method does not remove the mask from the tileset file.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

1 if the mask of the tile was successfully removed from the tileset; otherwise, 0.

int setTileMask ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord, const Ptr<Image> & mask ) #

Sets the mask for the specified tile by copying it from the source image.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).
  • const Ptr<Image> & mask - Source image containing a new tile mask to be set.

Return value

1 if the mask of the tile was successfully set; otherwise, 0.

int reloadTileMask ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Reloads the mask for the tile with specified coordinates from the tileset file.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

1 if the tile mask was successfully loaded from the tileset file; otherwise, 0.

float getTileDensity ( ) #

Returns the tile density (number of pixels per unit) of the tileset.

Return value

Tile density, in pixels per unit.

int hasTileFileMask ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Returns a value indicating if the tile with specified coordinates has a mask in the tileset file.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

1 if the specified tile has a mask in the tileset file; otherwise, 0.

int hasTileMask ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Returns a value indicating if the tile with specified coordinates has a mask in the tileset.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

1 if the specified tile has a mask in the tileset; otherwise, 0.

int isTileDataLoaded ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Returns a value indicating if data is loaded for the tile with the specified coordinates.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

1 if data is loaded for the tile; otherwise, 0.

int getTileMaskState ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Returns the state of the mask for the tile with specified coordinates.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

Tile mask state. One of the TILE_STATE_* values.

float getTileSize ( ) #

Returns actual tile size in the tileset.

Return value

Tile size, in units.

int hasTile ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Returns a value indicating if there is a tile with specified coordinates in the tileset.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

1 if there is a tile with specified coordinates in the tileset; otherwise, 0.

int hasTileFile ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Returns a value indicating if there is a tile with specified coordinates in the tileset file.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

1 if there is a tile with specified coordinates in the tileset file; otherwise, 0.

int removeTile ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Removes the tile with specified coordinates from the tileset.
This method does not remove the tile from the tileset file.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

1 if the tile was successfully removed from the tileset; otherwise, 0.

int setLifeTime ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord, float seconds ) #

Sets the lifetime for the specified tile This parameter determines how long the specified tile will be kept in the RAM without being accessed.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).
  • float seconds - Tile lifetime, in seconds.

Return value

1 if the lifetime for the specified tile was successfully set; otherwise, 0.

Math::dvec2 getTileFlatPosition ( const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord ) #

Returns the coordinates of the point on the terrain (X, Y) corresponding to the top-left corner of the specified tile.


  • const Math::ivec2 & tile_coord - Tile coordinates in the tileset (X, Y).

Return value

Coordinates of the point on the terrain (X, Y).

float fetchData ( const Math::Vec2 & position, Math::vec4 & result, int layer, bool force ) #

Fetches the data for the specified point on the terrain and puts it to the output vector.


  • const Math::Vec2 & position - Coordinates of the point on the terrain (X, Y).
  • Math::vec4 & result - Output vector to store the data retrieved for the specified point.
  • int layer - Layer number.
  • bool force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the data will be fetched immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, the operation will be queued to a separate thread.
    It is recommended to set this flag to 0 when possible to avoid spikes.

Return value

1.0f if the data was fetched successfully; otherwise, 0.0f.
Last update: 13.12.2024
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