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Unigine::ParticlesField Class

Header: #include <UnigineParticlesFields.h>
Inherits from: Node

This is a base class for all Particles Fields and incorporates their common characteristics. ParticlesFieldSpacer and ParticlesFieldDeflector classes derive from it.

Particles Fields can be used to cut particles out from a certain volume (spacer-fields that can be used, for example, to avoid rendering of rain inside a car) or to deflect particles making them bounce from the field's surface (deflector).

A Particles Fields will affect a Particles System only if they interact with each other. You can control interaction of fields and particles via a separate mask (Particles Field). You can also switch between interaction modes to choose if particles should interact on a contact of the field either with particle's center position or with its bounding box.

ParticlesField Class

Перечисления (Enums)


Interaction modes for the Particles Field.
INTERACT_PARTICLE_MODE_POSITION = 0Position mode. Interaction between the Particles Field and a particle takes place if the position of the particle's center comes into contact (intersection) with the field (its volume or surface in case of a deflector field).
INTERACT_PARTICLE_MODE_BOUND = 1Bound mode. Interaction between the Particles Field and a particle takes place if the bounding box of the particle comes into contact (intersection) with the field (its volume or surface in case of a deflector field).
NUM_INTERACT_PARTICLE_MODES = 2Number of interaction modes for Particles Fields.


void setInteractParticleMode ( ParticlesField::INTERACT_PARTICLE_MODE mode ) #

Sets a new interaction mode for the Particles Field. Interaction can be triggered on a contact of the field either with particle's center position or with its bounding box.


ParticlesField::INTERACT_PARTICLE_MODE getInteractParticleMode ( ) const#

Returns the current interaction mode for the Particles Field. Interaction can be triggered on a contact of the field either with particle's center position or with its bounding box.

Return value

Current interaction mode of the Particles Field. One of the INTERACT_PARTICLE_MODE* values.

void setParticlesFieldMask ( int mask ) #

Sets a new Particles Field bit mask enabling you to control interactions with particles. The Particles Field will interact with a Particles System if they both have matching Particles Field masks (one bit at least).


  • int mask - New mask to be set for the field. Integer, each bit of which is a mask.

int getParticlesFieldMask ( ) const#

Returns the current Particles Field bit mask enabling you to control interactions with particles. The Particles Field will interact with a Particles System if they both have matching Particles Field masks (one bit at least).

Return value

Current mask of the field. Integer, each bit of which is a mask.

void setViewportMask ( int mask ) #

Sets a new Viewport mask enabling you to control rendering of the field. The Particles Field will be rendered in the viewport if it has a matching Viewport mask (one bit at least).


  • int mask - New Viewport mask to be set for the field. Integer, each bit of which is a mask.

int getViewportMask ( ) const#

Returns the current Viewport mask enabling you to control rendering of the field. The Particles Field will be rendered in the viewport if it has a matching Viewport mask (one bit at least).

Return value

Current Viewport mask of the field. Integer, each bit of which is a mask.
Last update: 13.12.2024
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