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Unigine::AnimationCurveBool Class

The functionality described here is EXPERIMENTAL and is not recommended for production use. Future releases may bring significant changes to API and features. Backward compatibility of the final production-ready version is not guaranteed.
Header: #include <UnigineAnimation.h>
Inherits from: AnimationCurve

This class represents an interface enabling you to create and manage animation curves containing boolean values.

AnimationCurveBool Class


getNumKeys() const#

Returns the current total number of key points in the curve.

Return value

Current total number of key points in the curve.

getMinTime() const#

Returns the current point of the whole animation timeline where this curve starts being applied, in units.

Return value

Current point of the whole animation timeline where this curve starts being applied, in units.

getMaxTime() const#

Returns the current point of the whole animation timeline up to which this curve is applied, in units.

Return value

Current point of the whole animation timeline up to which this curve is applied, in units.

AnimationCurveBool ( ) #

Constructor. Creates a new boolean animation curve instance.

void copy ( const Ptr<AnimationCurveBool> & curve ) #

Copies all data (key points and tangents) from the specified source curve.


  • const Ptr<AnimationCurveBool> & curve - Source curve.

int addKey ( float time, bool value ) #

Adds a new key point with the specified value at the specified point of the timeline to the curve.


  • float time - Time of the key on the timeline, in seconds.
  • bool value - The boolean value of the key.

Return value

Index of the added key point.

int addKey ( float time, bool value, AnimationCurve::KEY_TYPE type ) #

Adds a new key point with the specified value and type at the specified point of the timeline to the curve.


  • float time - Time of the key on the timeline, in seconds.
  • bool value - The boolean value of the key.
  • AnimationCurve::KEY_TYPE type - Interpolation type set for the key, one of the KEY_TYPE_* values.

Return value

Index of the added key point.

int addKey ( float time, bool value, AnimationCurve::KEY_TYPE type, const Math::vec2 & left_tangent, const Math::vec2 & right_tangent ) #

Adds a new key point with the specified value, type and tangents at the specified point of the timeline to the curve.


  • float time - Time of the key on the timeline, in seconds.
  • bool value - The boolean value of the key.
  • AnimationCurve::KEY_TYPE type - Interpolation type set for the key, one of the KEY_TYPE_* values.
  • const Math::vec2 & left_tangent - Coordinates of the left tangent at the key point.
  • const Math::vec2 & right_tangent - Coordinates of the right tangent at the key point.

Return value

Index of the added key point.

void removeKey ( int index ) #

Removes the key point with the specified index from the curve.


int moveKey ( int index, float new_time ) #

Moves the key point with the specified number to a new time position (preserving the tangents). The index of key point will be updated automatically. This method can be used to implement dragging of keys on the curve.


  • int index - Key point number, in the range from 0 to the total number of key points in the curve.
  • float new_time - Time of the key on the timeline, in seconds.

Return value

New index of the key.

void setKeyType ( int index, AnimationCurve::KEY_TYPE type ) #

Sets the interpolation type for the specified key on the curve.


AnimationCurve::KEY_TYPE getKeyType ( int index ) const#

Returns the interpolation type of the specified key on the curve.


Return value

Interpolation type set for the key, one of the KEY_TYPE_* values.

float getKeyTime ( int index ) const#

Returns the current time of the key point with the specified index.


Return value

The time of the specified key point on the timeline, in seconds.

bool getDefaultKeyValue ( ) const#

Returns the default value for all keys in the curve.

Return value

Default value for all keys in the curve.

void setKeyValue ( int index, bool value ) #

Sets the value for the specified key on the curve.


  • int index - Key point number, in the range from 0 to the total number of key points in the curve.
  • bool value - The boolean value of the key.

bool getKeyValue ( int index ) const#

Returns the current value for the specified key on the curve.


Return value

The boolean value of the key.

void setKeyLeftTangent ( int index, const Math::vec2 & left_tangent ) #

Sets new coordinates for the left tangent at the specified key point of the curve.


  • int index - Key point number, in the range from 0 to the total number of key points in the curve.
  • const Math::vec2 & left_tangent - Coordinates of the left tangent at the specified key point to be set.

Math::vec2 getKeyLeftTangent ( int index ) const#

Returns the current coordinates for the left tangent at the specified key point of the curve.


Return value

Coordinates of the left tangent at the specified key point.

void setKeyRightTangent ( int index, const Math::vec2 & right_tangent ) #

Sets new coordinates for the right tangent at the specified key point of the curve.


  • int index - Key point number, in the range from 0 to the total number of key points in the curve.
  • const Math::vec2 & right_tangent - Coordinates of the right tangent at the specified key point to be set.

Math::vec2 getKeyRightTangent ( int index ) const#

Returns the current coordinates for the right tangent at the specified key point of the curve.


Return value

Coordinates of the right tangent at the specified key point.

void setTypeOfAllKeys ( AnimationCurve::KEY_TYPE type ) #

Sets the interpolation type for all keys of the curve.


void clear ( ) #

Clears the curve removing all key points and tangents.

bool getValueByTime ( float time ) #

Returns the key value at the specified key point of the curve.


  • float time - Time of the key on the timeline, in seconds.

Return value

The curve value at the specified key point.

bool getValueByNormalizedTime ( float normalized_time ) #

Returns the key value using the normalized time value of the key.


  • float normalized_time - The normalized time value of the key.

Return value

The curve value at the specified key point.

void save ( const Ptr<Blob> & blob ) const#

Saves the curve data to a blob.


  • const Ptr<Blob> & blob - Blob to which the curve data will be saved.

void load ( const Ptr<Blob> & blob ) #

Loads the curve data from the blob.


  • const Ptr<Blob> & blob - Blob storing the curve data.
Last update: 13.12.2024
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