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Unigine::Plugins::IG::WeatherLayerPrecipitation Class

Header: #include <plugins/Unigine/IG/UnigineIG.h>
Inherits from: WeatherLayer

This class is used to represent a precipitation layer within a weather region. It enables you to define the type of precipitation (rain, snow, etc.), a node (ObjectParticles) to be used to visualize the precipitation effect, and manage the size of particles representing snowflakes or droplets.

WeatherLayerPrecipitation Class


Ptr<Node> getEffectNode ( ) const#

Returns the node used to visualize the precipitation effect.

Return value

Node representing the precipitation effect in the world.

void setPrecipitationType ( int type ) #

Sets a value defining the type of the weather precipitation layer.


  • int type - Integer value that defines the type of precipitation enabled for the weather layer:
    • 0 - disable precipitation
    • 1 - rain
    • 2 - snow
    The set of precipitation types can be extended.

int getPrecipitationType ( ) const#

Returns a value defining the type of the weather precipitation layer.

Return value

Integer value that defines the type of precipitation enabled for the weather layer:
  • 0 - disable precipitation
  • 1 - rain
  • 2 - snow
The set of precipitation types can be extended.

void setParticlesSize ( float size ) #

Sets the size of particles used to visualize the precipitation effect (snowflakes, droplets, etc.).


  • float size - New particle size, in units.

float getParticlesSize ( ) const#

Returns the current size of particles used to visualize the precipitation effect (snowflakes, droplets, etc.).

Return value

Particle size, in units.

void setParticlesSizeSmoothBySpeed ( float unit_per_sec ) #

Sets the mode of smooth gradual change of the particles size by the specified rate (in units per second). The particles size changes gradually from the current to target value by the specified value during each second, such smoothing is performed to make changes more realistic. Moreover, each value can be changed with its own rate (the rain starting fast with a slowly changing cloud coverage). This method fits best when the difference between the target and current value is either too big (e.g. visibility distance change from 10m to 1km) or too small (e.g. from 1m to 1.05m), avoiding too fast or too slow changes. For other cases you can also choose another mode "by time" to change the value from the current to target during the specified time interval via the setParticlesSizeSmoothByTime().


  • float unit_per_sec - Constant rate (in units per second) with which the value gradually changes from the current to target.

void setParticlesSizeSmoothByTime ( float sec ) #

Sets the mode of smooth gradual change of the particles size by the specified time interval. The particles size changes gradually from the current to target value during this interval, such smoothing is performed to make changes more realistic. Moreover, each value can be changed with its own rate (the rain starting fast with a slowly changing cloud coverage). When the value of 0 is set, the value changes instantly. If the difference between the target and current value is too big (e.g. visibility distance change from 10m to 1km), the changes in this mode may be too fast and too noticeable, or on the contrary they might be too slow if the difference is too small (e.g. from 1m to 1.05m). In this case you can choose another mode to change the value with a specified rate via the setParticlesSizeSmoothBySpeed().


  • float sec - Time interval (in seconds) during which the value changes from the current to target.
Last update: 2023-12-19
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