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Volume Sphere

Volume sphere has adjustable radii along three axes, so it can take a shape of an ellipsoid. Spheres are used to create:

  • Fog haze or mist that hides objects behind it. If spheres with fog intersect, denser fog is created.
  • Spheres of light around point light sources, for example, a bulb or a candle. These spheres are visible when the light illuminates dust and other particles floating in the air. A light material is always rendered as a regular sphere.

Volume sphere with a light material

Volume sphere with a light material around light sources

Volume sphere with a light material

Volume sphere with a fog material

See also

Sphere Options

Radius Scale of the sphere along X, Y and Z axes respectively.
If a volume light material is assigned to a sphere, it cannot be of an ellipsoid shape. A sphere is rendered based only on the X-axis Radius value. If its radii along Y or Z axes are smaller, then the object is cut along them.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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