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Json Class

This class is used to parse and create JSON formatted strings.

Each Json node has type, name and value. Also, it can have child Json nodes and a parent node.

Json node can have one of the following types:

  • null
  • bool
  • number
  • string
  • array
  • object

The Json node has a hierarchy structure. The following code creates a Json node and adds child nodes with different type of values:

Source code (UnigineScript)
Json json = new Json();
json.addChild("child_0",0);    // int
json.addChild("child_1",1.1);   // float
json.addChild("child_2","two");   // string

The result is:

  "child_0": 0,
  "child_1": 1.1,
  "child_2": "two" 

Child nodes have names "child_0", "child_1", "child_2" and values: integer 0, double 1.1 and string "two". The name has always string type.

Json Class


Json ()

Default constructor that creates an empty instance.

Json (string name)

Constructor that creates a JSON node with a given name.


  • string name - Name of the Json node.

Json addChild (string name, variable value)

Adds a new name-value pair as a child node to the current Json node.


  • string name - Node name.
  • variable value - Argument of one of the following types:
    • int value - integer value.
    • float value - float value.
    • string value - string value.

Return value

Child Json node.

Json addChild (variable var)

Adds an existing Json node as a child to the current Json node.


  • variable var - Argument of one of the following types:
    • Json json - Json node.
    • string name - Name of the Json node.

Return value

Child Json node.

void clearChildren ()

Clears all children of the current Json node.

void clearChilds ()

Clears all children of the current Json node.
The function is deprecated. It is provided to keep your code working until the next release. Please, replace it with clearChildren().

void clear ()

Clears all data of the current Json node including type, value, name and all children. If the current Json node has a parent, it also removed from the parent Json node.

void copy (Json source)

Copies type, name and value from the source Json node to the current Json node and adds the source Json child nodes as child nodes to the current Json node.


  • Json source - Source Json node.

Json find (string name)

Finds Json node by its name in current Json node tree.


  • string name - Name of the Json node.

Return value

Founded Json node.

void getArray (int out[] = [])

Gets an array of values of the Json node.


  • int out[] - An array into which the result will be placed.

int getBool ()

Reads a boolean value of the current Json node.

Return value

1 if the Json node has a bool type; otherwise, 0.

Json getChild (variable var)

Returns the child node of the current Json node.


  • variable var - Argument of one of the following types:
    • string name - Name of the Json node.
    • int number - Number of the child of the Json node.

Return value

Child Json node.

StringStack<256> getFormattedSubTree (string name = 0)

Returns a subtree of a Json node as the formatted string.

Usage Example

To get the formatted subtree of a Json node, do the following:

Source code (UnigineScript)
Json json = new Json();

json.addChild("child_0", 1);
json.addChild("child_1", 2.2);
json.addChild("child_2", "three");
Json object = json.addChild("object");
object.setObject(("1": 5, "4": 6, "2": 7));

string fSubTree = json.getFormattedSubTree();
log.message("the formatted subtree is:%s\n", fSubTree);

In the console you see the following:

the formatted subtree is:{
  "child_0": 1,
  "child_1": 2.2,
  "child_2": "three",
  "object": {
    "1": 5,
    "2": 7,
    "4": 6


  • string name - The name of a child node. If there is a name, the function returns formatted subtree for this child Json node.

Return value

Formatted subtree.

string getName ()

Returns the name of the current Json node.

Return value

The name of the Json node.

int getNumChildren ()

Returns the number of child nodes of the current Json node.

Return value

Number of child nodes.

int getNumChilds ()

Returns the number of child nodes of the current Json node.
The function is deprecated. It is provided to keep your code working until the next release. Please, replace it with getNumChildren().

Return value

Number of child nodes.

double getNumber ()

Returns the number value of the current Json node.

Return value

Number value of the current Json node.

void getObject (int array[] = [])

Puts object of the current Json node into a given map.


  • int array[] - Map for an object.

Json getParent ()

Returns the parent node of the current Json node.

Return value

Parent Json node.

StringStack<256> getString ()

Returns the value of the current Json node as string.

Return value

Value of the current Json node

StringStack<256> getSubTree (string name = 0)

Returns a subtree of a Json node as the non-formatted string.

Usage Example

To get the subtree of a Json node, do the following:

Source code (UnigineScript)
Json json = new Json();

json.addChild("child_0", 1);
json.addChild("child_1", 2.2);
json.addChild("child_2", "three");
Json object = json.addChild("object");
object.setObject(("1": 5, "4": 6, "2": 7));

string subTree = json.getSubTree();
log.message("the subtree is:%s\n", subTree);

In the console you see the following:

the subtree is:{"child_0":1,"child_1":2.2,"child_2":"three","object":{"1":5,"2":7,"4":6}}


  • string name - The name of a child node. If there is a name, the function returns formatted subtree for this child Json node.

Return value

Non-formatted subtree.

int isArray ()

Returns a value indicating if the Json node has an array type.

Return value

1 if the Json has an array type; otherwise, 0.

int isBool ()

Returns a value indicating if the Json node has a bool type.

Return value

1 if the Json has a bool type; otherwise, 0.

int isChild (string name)

Checks if a child node with a given name exists.


  • string name - Name of the child node.

Return value

1 if a child with the provided name exists; otherwise, 0.

int isNull ()

Returns a value indicating if the Json node has a null type.

Return value

1 if the Json has a null type; otherwise, 0.

int isNumber ()

Returns a value indicating if the Json node has a number type.

Return value

1 if the Json has a number type; otherwise, 0.

int isObject ()

Returns a value indicating if the Json node has an object type.

Return value

1 if the Json has an object type; otherwise, 0.

int isString ()

Returns a value indicating if the Json node has a string type.

Return value

1 if the Json has a string type; otherwise, 0.

int load (string path)

Loads the data to the current Json node from the file with a given path.


  • string path - Path of the file.

Return value

1 if the Json node was loaded successfully; otherwise, 0.

int parse (string source)

Parses a given string into the Json node.

Usage Example

Source code (UnigineScript)
Json json = new Json();
json.addChild("child_0", 1);

Json json_2 = new Json();

Now the json_2 node contains:

Source code
  "child_0": 1


  • string source - String to parse.

Return value

1 if the string was parsed successfully; otherwise, 0.

variable removeChild (variable var)

Removes the child Json node.


  • variable var - Argument of one of the following types:
    • Json json - Json node.
    • string name - Name of the Json node.

Return value

Removed child Json node.

int save (string path)

Saves the Json node into a file with a given path.


  • string path - Path to the file.

Return value

1 if the file was saved successfully; otherwise, 0.

void setArray (int array[] = [])

Sets array type to the current Json node and adds a given array as a child.

Usage Example

Adding an Array

The following example shows how to add an array to the Json node.

Source code (UnigineScript)
Json json = new Json();
Json array = json.addChild("array");
array.addChild(NULL, 5);

The result is:

  "array": [

Adding an Array to Array

To add array to the array, just add an array as a child:

Source code (UnigineScript)
Json json = new Json();
Json array = json.addChild("array");
array.addChild(NULL, 5); 

The result is:

  "array": [

Adding an Object to Array

To add an object to array, do the following:

Source code (UnigineScript)
Json json = new Json();
Json array = json.addChild("array");
array.addChild(NULL,"object").setObject(("one": 5, "two": 6, "three": 7));

The result is:

  "array": [
      "one": 5,
      "three": 7,
      "two": 6
The setObject() function alphabetizes child nodes by using their names.


  • int array[] - Array to add.

void setArray ()

Sets array type to the current Json node.

void setBool (variable var)

Sets a boolean value and type to the current Json node.


  • variable var - Argument of one of the following types:
    • string value - all strings except "true", set "false".
    • int value - all int values except 0, set "true".
    • double value - all double values except 0.0, set "true".
    • float value - all float values except 0.0f, set "true".

void setName (string name)

Sets the given name to the Json node.


  • string name - Name of the Json node.

void setNull ()

Sets null type to the current Json node.

void setNumber (variable var)

Sets a number value and type to the current Json node.


  • variable var - Argument of one of the following types:
    • int number - integer value. For example, 5.
    • double number - double value. For example, 5.0.
    • float number - float value. For example, 5.0f.
    • string value - string with value. For example, "5".

void setObject (int array[] = [])

Adds a given object to the current Json node.

Usage Example

Adding an Object

To add an object to the Json node, do the following:

Source code (UnigineScript)
Json json = new Json();
Json object = json.addChild("object");
object.setObject(("1": 5, "4": 6, "2": 7, "3": 8));
object.addChild("child_0", "data_0");

The result is:

  "object": {
    "1": 5,
    "2": 7,
    "3": 8,
    "4": 6,
    "child_0": "data_0"
The setObject() function alphabetizes child nodes by using their names.

Adding an Array to the Object

To add an array to the added object, do the following:

Source code (UnigineScript)
Json json = new Json();
Json object = json.addChild("object");
object.setObject(("1": 5, "4": 6, "2": 7, "3": 8));
object.addChild(class_remove(new Json("array"))).setArray((1,2,3));

The result is:

  "object": {
    "1": 5,
    "2": 7,
    "3": 8,
    "4": 6,
    "array": [

Adding an Object to the Object

To add an object to the added object, do the following:

Source code (UnigineScript)
Json json = new Json();
Json object = json.addChild("object");
object.setObject(("1": 5, "4": 6, "2": 7, "3": 8));
object.addChild(class_remove(new Json("object"))).setObject(("one" : 1,"two" : 2,"three" : 3));

The result is:

  "object": {
    "1": 5,
    "2": 7,
    "3": 8,
    "4": 6,
    "object": {
      "one": 1,
      "three": 3,
      "two": 2


  • int array[] - Array to add.

void setObject ()

Sets object type to the current Json node.

void setString (variable var)

Sets a string value and type to the current Json node. The function automatically casts number values to string type.


  • variable var - Argument of one of the following types:
    • string value - string value.
    • int number - integer value.
    • double number - double value.
    • float number - float value.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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