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Unigine::FileSystem Class

File list access and mesh streaming functions have been added to the Unigine::FileSystem class.

-int getNumModifiers() Returns the total number of file modifiers registered in the file system.
-const char * getModifier(int num) Returns the name of the given modifier.
-void addModifier(const char * name) Registers a new modifier in the file system.
-void removeModifier(const char * name) Unregisters a given modifier in the file system.
-void clearModifiers() Unregister all modifiers in the file system.
-int getNumFiles() Returns the number of files cached by the file system.
-void getFileNames(Vector< String > & names) Fills the given vector with the list of unarchived files cached by the file system.
-const char * getFileName(const char * name) Returns the relative path to the file by the given partial one.
-int isFile(const char * name) Checks if a given file exists in the file system.
-int isKnownFile(const char * name) Checks if the given file is known to the file system.
-int addKnownFile(const char * name) Registers the regular file name as known and appends it into the map used for fast searching.
-int getNumPackages() Returns the number of ZIP and UNG packages inside the data directory (the directory specified as an argument of the data_path command-line option).
-int findPackage(const char * name) Checks if an UNG or ZIP package has been added into the file system.
-const char * getPackageName(int num) Returns a name of a given ZIP or UNG package.
-int getNumPackageFiles(int num) Returns the number of files inside of a given ZIP or UNG package.
-void getPackageFileNames(int num, Vector< String > & names) Fills the given vector with the list of files in the specified ZIP or UNG package.
-const char * getPackageFileName(int num, const char * name) Returns the full path to given file relative to the package root directory. The path includes the name of the given file.
-int isPackageFile(int num, const char * name) Checks if the given file exists in the package.
-int loadMesh(const char * name, int group, float weight) Adds a mesh to the background loading queue in the alphabetical order.
-int removeMesh(const char * name) Removes a mesh from the loading queue.
-int forceMesh(const char * name) Loads a mesh immediately after calling the function.
-int checkMesh(const char * name) Checks whether the mesh was loaded to the queue or not.
virtual int isBufferFile (const char * name) const =0virtual int isBlobFile (const char * name) const =0 Unigine::Buffer changed to Unigine::Blob.
virtual int addBufferFile (const char * name) const =0virtual int addBlobFile (const char * name) const =0 Unigine::Buffer changed to Unigine::Blob.
virtual int removeBufferFile (const char * name) const =0virtual int removeBlobFile (const char * name) const =0 Unigine::Buffer changed to Unigine::Blob.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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