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FrequencyGroup Class

This class provides time spreading of the periodic function calls.

The FrequencyGroup class implementation can be found in the data/framework/game/scheduler.h file.

FrequencyGroup Class


FrequencyGroup (int frequency, int base_frequency)

Constructor. Creates a new FrequencyGroup class instance with the certain number of ticks.


  • int frequency - Group frequency.
  • int base_frequency - The maximum frequency of the scheduler system.

void appendTask (GameCallback task)

Appends a new callback to a frequency group for time spreading.


  • GameCallback task - Callback to append.

int getNumTasks ()

Returns the number of function callbacks.

Return value

Number of of function callbacks.

GameCallback getTask (int i)

Returns a callback from the frequency group by its index.


  • int i - Callback index.

Return value

Game callback.

int getFrequency ()

Returns a call frequency of the functions in the frequency group.

Return value

Call frequency.

GameCallback find (string key)

Searches a callback in the frequency group by using a unique key.


  • string key - Unique key.

Return value

Game callback.

void update (GameCallback tasks[], int sort[])

Collects functions, which are called in the current tick (1/60 seconds).


  • GameCallback tasks[] - Array of the functions.
  • int sort[] - Priorities of the functions.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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