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Unigine::World Class

World Class

-virtual int getCollision(const UNIGINE_BOUND_BOX & bb, Vector <ObjectPtr> & objects) const =0 Searches for all collider objects within a given bounding box.
-virtual int getCollision(const UNIGINE_BOUND_SPHERE & bb, Vector<ObjectPtr> & objects) const =0 Searches for all collider objects within a given bounding sphere.
-virtual int getCollision(const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p1, Vector<ObjectPtr> & objects) const =0 Performs tracing from the p0 point to the p1 point to find all collider objects.
virtual ObjectPtr getIntersection(const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p1, int mask, int & ret_surface) const=0- Removed.
virtual ObjectPtr getIntersection(const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p1, int mask, UNIGINE_VEC3 & ret_point, vec3 & ret_normal, int & ret_surface)- Removed.
virtual ObjectPtr getIntersection(const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p1, int mask, UNIGINE_VEC3 & ret_point, vec3 & ret_normal, vec4 & ret_textcoord, int & ret_surface)virtual ObjectPtr getIntersection(const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p1, int mask, UNIGINE_VEC3 * ret_point, vec3 * ret_normal, vec4 * ret_texcoord, int * ret_index, int * ret_surface) const =0 Searches for all of the objects intersecting the line.
-virtual ObjectPtr getIntersection (const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p0, const UNIGINE_VEC3 & p1, int mask, const Vector<NodePtr> & exclude, UNIGINE_VEC3 * ret_point, vec3 * ret_normal, vec4 * ret_texcoord, int * ret_index, int * ret_surface) const =0
-virtual void setBudget(float budget) const =0 Sets the world generation budget value for Grass and Clutter objects.
-virtual float getBudget() const =0 Returns the value of the world generation budget for Grass and Clutter objects.

WorldExtern Class

-static int type() WorldExtern type.

WorldLayer Class

-static int type() WorldLayer type.
-virtual Ptr<Node> getNode() const =0 Returns a node pointer.
-virtual int getNumNodes() const =0 Returns the number of nodes contained in the world layer.
-virtual NodePtr getNode(int num) const =0 Returns a specified node contained in the world layer.

WorldPortal Class

-static int type() WorldPortal type.

WorldSector Class

-virtual Ptr<Node> getNode() const =0 Returns a node pointer.
-static int type() WorldSector type.

WorldSwitcher Class

-static int type() WorldSwitcher type.

WorldTrigger Class

-virtual Ptr<Node> getNode() const =0 Returns a node pointer.
-static int type() WorldTrigger type.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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