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This article describes the data/samples/objects/grass_03.cpp sample.

The grass_03 sample demonstrates how to place the grass on the terrain according to a mesh mask, namely:

  • Load the terrain
  • Add the grass to the editor and make it a child node of the terrain
    It is also required to enable intersection with parent objects to make the grass grow upon the terrain.
  • Set a transformation matrix and assign a material to make the grass visible in the scene
  • Specify the required options: maximum visible and fade distances, width and height, step for cells used to render grass, density factor, etc.
  • Set the mesh-based mask to specify the areas where the grass should grow

Grass placed upon the terrain according to the mesh-based mask

In this sample, the samples/objects/meshes/grass_01.mesh planar mesh is used as the mask.

See Also

Last update: 2017-07-03
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