Body Class
This class is used to simulate physical bodies that allow an object to participate in physical interactions. A body is assigned one or several collision shapes, which can be connected together with joints. To transform a body, one of the following functions can be used: There are three ways to transform a body:
All of these function take effect when physics calculations are over and its flush is performed. Only after that transformations of the body are applied to the rendered node. If a node need to be transformed immediately after its physical body, flushTransform() is to be called.The simulation of the body can be frozen (if a setFrozen flag is set).
Body Class
Math::quat getRotation ()
Returns the body rotation.Return value
The body rotation in the world coordinates.Math::Vec3 getPosition ()
Returns the body position.Return value
The body position in the world coordinates.Math::Vec3 getContactPoint (int num)
Returns world coordinates of the contact point.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Contact point.void setPositionCallback (CallbackBase * func)
Adds a callback function that will be run when a given body moves a certain distance (rotation is not taken into account).Arguments
- CallbackBase * func - Name of the callback function.
int getNumChildren ()
Returns the number of child bodies.Return value
Number of children.void setShapeTransform (int num, const Math::mat4 & transform)
Sets a transformation matrix for a given shape (in local coordinates). This matrix describes position and orientation of the shape.Arguments
- int num - Shape number.
- const Math::mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix.
Ptr<Shape> getContactShape0 (int num)
Returns the first shape participating in a given contact. This shape does not necessarily belong to the current body.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
First shape.void addShape (const Ptr<Shape> & shape, const Math::mat4 & transform)
Adds a shape to the list of shapes comprising the body.Arguments
- const Ptr<Shape> & shape - New shape to add.
- const Math::mat4 & transform - Shape transformation matrix.
void setName (const char * name)
Sets the name of the body.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the body.
void flushTransform ()
Forces to set the transformations of the body for the node.float getContactTime (int num)
Returns the time when the given contact occurs. By CCD (for spheres or capsules), it returns the time starting from the current physics simulation tick to the moment when the calculated contact is bound to happen. By non-continuous collision detection, 0 is always returned.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Time of the calculated contact to happen in isFrozen ()
Returns a value indicating if the body is frozen. When a body is frozen, it is not simulated (though its contacts are still calculated), until a collision with a frozen body occurs or some force is applied.Return value
Positive number if the body is frozen; otherwise, 0.const char * getName ()
Returns the name of the body.Return value
Name of the body.void renderShapes ()
Renders shapes comprising the saveState (const Ptr<Stream> & stream)
Saves the state of a given node into a binary stream.- If a node is a parent for other nodes, states of these child nodes need to be saved manually.
- To save the state from a buffer, file or a message from a socket, make sure the stream is opened. For buffers and files, you also need to set the proper position for reading.
- const Ptr<Stream> & stream - Stream to save node state data.
Return value
1 if node state is successfully saved; otherwise, 0.float getContactDepth (int num)
Returns the depth by which the body penetrated with an obstacle by the given contact. This distance is measured along the contact normal.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Penetration depth in isEnabledSelf ()
Returns a value indicating if the body is enabled.Return value
1 if the body is enabled; otherwise, 0.Ptr<Object> getObject ()
Returns the object, which is approximated with the body.Return value
Approximated object.void setContactCallback (CallbackBase * func)
Adds a callback function that will be run when a contact with a given body emerges.contact_callback_function_name(Body body);
contact_callback_function_name(Body body,int num); // num is the contact ID
contact_callback_function_name(Body body,int num,variable arg0); // num is the contact ID
contact_callback_function_name(Body body,int num,variable arg0,variable arg1); // num is the contact ID
contact_callback_function_name(Body body,int num,variable arg0,variable arg1);
- CallbackBase * func - Name of the callback function.
Math::vec3 getContactVelocity (int num)
Returns relative velocity in the point of a given contact.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Velocity restoreState (const Ptr<Stream> & stream)
Restores the state of a given node from a binary stream.- If a node is a parent for other nodes, states of these child nodes need to be restored manually.
- To save the state into a buffer, file or a message from a socket, make sure the stream is opened. If necessary, you can set a position for writing for buffers and files.
- const Ptr<Stream> & stream - Stream with saved node state data.
Return value
1 if node state is successfully restored; otherwise, isShape (const Ptr<Shape> & shape)
Checks if a given shape belongs to the body.Arguments
- const Ptr<Shape> & shape - Shape to check.
Return value
1 if the shape belongs to the body; otherwise, 0.void updateShapes ()
Ptr<Joint> getJoint (int num)
Returns a given joint.Arguments
- int num - Joint number.
Return value
Corresponding joint.void setTransform (const Math::Mat4 & transform)
Sets a transformation matrix for the body (in world coordinates). This method resets body's linear and angular velocities to defaults, sets forces and torques to zeros, nullifies counted down frozen frames. It is called, for example, when the node is dragged to a new position in the editor.Arguments
- const Math::Mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix. This matrix describes position, orientation and scale of the body.
void setDirection (const Math::vec3 & dir, const Math::vec3 & up)
Updates the direction vector of the body. By default, a direction vector points along -Z axis. This function changes its direction and reorients the body.Arguments
- const Math::vec3 & dir - New direction vector in the world coordinates. The direction vector always has unit length.
- const Math::vec3 & up - New up vector in the world coordinates.
Ptr<Shape> getIntersection (const Math::Vec3 & p0, const Math::Vec3 & p1, int mask, Math::Vec3 * ret_point, Math::vec3 * ret_normal)
Performs tracing from the p0 point to the p1 point to find a body shape located on that line. Intersection is found only for objects with a matching mask.
Depending on the variable passed as an argument, the result can be presented as the PhysicsIntersection or PhysicsIntersectionNormal node.
- const Math::Vec3 & p0 - Start point of the line.
- const Math::Vec3 & p1 - End point of the line.
- int mask - Intersection mask.
- Math::Vec3 * ret_point - Variable defining which type of intersection object will be returned:
- PhysicsIntersectionintersection - The PhysicsIntersection node.
- PhysicsIntersectionNormalnormal - The PhysicsIntersectionNormal node.
- Math::vec3 * ret_normal
Return value
Reference to the first intersected shape, if found; otherwise - 0.float getContactImpulse (int num)
Returns the relative impulse arising in the point of a given contact.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Impulse value.void setPhysicalMask (int mask)
Sets the bit mask for interactions with physicals. Two objects interact, if they both have matching masks.Arguments
- int mask - Integer, each bit of which is a mask.
void setObject (const Ptr<Object> & object, int update = 1)
Sets an object, which the body approximates.Arguments
- const Ptr<Object> & object - Object to approximate.
- int update
void addJoint (const Ptr<Joint> & joint)
Adds a joint to the body.Arguments
- const Ptr<Joint> & joint - New joint to add.
int setID (int id)
Sets the unique ID for the body.Arguments
- int id - Unique ID.
Return value
1 if the ID is set successfully; otherwise, 0.float getContactFriction (int num)
Returns relative friction arising in the point of a given contact.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Friction value.void setFrozenCallback (CallbackBase * func)
Adds a callback function that will be run when a given body freezes.Arguments
- CallbackBase * func - Name of the callback function.
int isJoint (const Ptr<Joint> & joint)
Checks if a given joint belongs to the body.Arguments
- const Ptr<Joint> & joint - Joint to check.
Return value
1 if the joint belongs to the body; otherwise, 0.Ptr<Shape> getShape (int num)
Returns a given shape.Arguments
- int num - Shape number.
Return value
Corresponding shape object.Ptr<Shape> getContactShape1 (int num)
Returns the second shape participating in a given contact. This shape does not necessarily belong to the current body.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Second shape.void setPosition (const Math::Vec3 & pos)
Updates the body position. Body's linear and angular velocities will be reset to 0.Arguments
- const Math::Vec3 & pos - New position in the world coordinates.
void renderVisualizer ()
Renders shapes, joints and contact points of the body.Ptr<Body> getParent ()
Returns the parent of the current body.Return value
Parent getPhysicalMask ()
Returns the bit mask for interactions with physicals. Two objects interact, if they both have matching masks.Return value
Integer, each bit of which is a mask.void setGravity (int gravity)
Sets a value indicating if gravity is affecting the body.Arguments
- int gravity - Positive number if the body is affected by gravity; otherwise, 0.
const char * getTypeName ()
Returns the name of the body type.Return value
Type name.Ptr<Body> getBody ()
Return value
int getContactSurface (int num)
Returns the surface of the current object, which is in contact (used for collisions with non-physical object).Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Surface number.Math::vec3 getContactNormal (int num)
Returns a normal of the contact point, in world coordinates.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value getType ()
Returns the type of the body.Return value
One of the BODY_* pre-defined findChild (const char * name)
Searches for a child body with a given name.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the child body.
Return value
Number of the child in the list of children, if it is found; otherwise, getID ()
Returns the unique ID of the body.Return value
Unique ID.void swap (const Ptr<Body> & body)
Swaps the bodies saving the pointers.Arguments
- const Ptr<Body> & body - Body to swap.
void removeShape (const Ptr<Shape> & shape)
Removes a given shape from the body.Arguments
- const Ptr<Shape> & shape - Shape to be removed.
Math::mat4 getShapeTransform (int num)
Returns the transformation matrix of a given shape (in local coordinates). This matrix describes position and orientation of the shape.Arguments
- int num - Shape number.
Return value
Transformation matrix.Math::vec3 getDirection ()
Returns the normalized direction vector of the body. By default, a direction vector points along -Z axis. It always has an unit length.Return value
Normalized direction vector in the world coordinates.void addShape (const Ptr<Shape> & shape)
Adds a shape to the list of shapes comprising the body.Arguments
- const Ptr<Shape> & shape - New shape to add.
void renderJoints ()
Renders joints in the findShape (const char * name)
Searches for a shape with a given name.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the shape.
Return value
Number of the shape in the list of shapes, if it is found; otherwise, -1.void setRotation (const Math::quat & rot)
Updates the body rotation.Arguments
- const Math::quat & rot - New rotation in the world coordinates.
int findJoint (const char * name)
Searches for a joint with a given name.Arguments
- const char * name - Name of the joint.
Return value
Number of the joint in the list of joints, if it is found; otherwise, -1.void setFrozen (int frozen)
Freezes or unfreezes the body. When a body is frozen, it is not simulated (though its contacts are still calculated), until a collision with a frozen body occurs or some force is applied.Arguments
- int frozen - Positive number to freeze the object, 0 to unfreeze it.
void setPreserveTransform (const Math::Mat4 & transform)
Sets a transformation matrix for the body (in world coordinates). This method safely preserves body's linear and angular velocities. It changes only body coordinates - all other body parameters stay the same.Arguments
- const Math::Mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix. This matrix describes position, orientation and scale of the body.
void renderContacts ()
Renders contact points of the body.float getContactRestitution (int num)
Returns relative restitution arising in the point of a given contact.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Restitution.Ptr<Body> clone (const Ptr<Object> & object)
Clones the body and assigns a copy to a given object.Arguments
- const Ptr<Object> & object - Object, to which the copy will be assigned.
Return value
Copy of the body.Math::Mat4 getTransform ()
Returns the transformation matrix of the body (in world coordinates). This matrix describes position and orientation of the body.Return value
Transformation isGravity ()
Returns a value indicating if gravity is affecting the body.Return value
1 if the body is affected by gravity; otherwise, 0.Ptr<Body> getContactBody1 (int num)
Returns the second body participating in a given contact. This is not necessarily the current body.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Second getContactID (int num)
Returns the contact ID.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Contact IDint getNumShapes ()
Returns the number of shapes comprising the body.Return value
Number of shapes.Ptr<Body> getContactBody0 (int num)
Returns the first body participating in a given contact. This is not necessarily the current body.Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
First getNumJoints ()
Returns the number of joints in the body.Return value
Number of joints.void setVelocityTransform (const Math::Mat4 & transform)
Sets a transformation matrix (in world coordinates) and computes linear and angular velocities of the body depending on its trajectory from the current position to the specified one. The time used in calculations corresponds to physics ticks. It clears forces and torques to zeros and nullifies counted down frozen frames.Arguments
- const Math::Mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix. This matrix describes position, orientation and scale of the body.
void removeJoint (const Ptr<Joint> & joint)
Removes a given joint from the body.Arguments
- const Ptr<Joint> & joint - Joint to be removed.
int isChild (const Ptr<Body> & body)
Checks if a given body is a child of the current body.Arguments
- const Ptr<Body> & body - Body to check.
Return value
1 if the provided body is a child; otherwise, 0.Ptr<Object> getContactObject (int num)
Returns an object participating in the contact (used for collisions with non-physical object).Arguments
- int num - Contact number.
Return value
Object in getNumContacts ()
Returns the number of contacts in which the body participates and which it handles.To detect all contacts in which the body participates setContactCallback() should be used.
Return value
Number of isEnabled ()
Returns a value indicating if physical interactions with the body are enabled.Return value
Positive number if physical interactions with the body are enabled; otherwise, 0.Ptr<Body> getChild (int num)
Returns a given child body.Arguments
- int num - Child number.
Return value
Corresponding body.void setEnabled (int enable)
Enables or disables physical interactions with the body.Arguments
- int enable - Positive number to enable physical interactions, 0 to disable them.