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engine.kinect Functions

The scope of applications for UnigineScript is limited to implementing materials-related logic (material expressions, scriptable materials, brush materials). Do not use UnigineScript as a language for application logic, please consider C#/C++ instead, as these APIs are the preferred ones. Availability of new Engine features in UnigineScript (beyond its scope of applications) is not guaranteed, as the current level of support assumes only fixing critical issues.

This set of functions is available when the Kinect2 plugin is loaded. This plugin is used for receiving already detected data from a Kinect2 sensor.

Kinect SDK 2.0+ must be installed on your computer.

If the plugin is loaded together with the engine, the HAS_KINECT definition is set. This definition can be used, for example, to avoid errors if the plugin is not loaded: the code in which the plugin functions are executed can be wrapped around as follows:

Source code (UnigineScript)
	// engine.kinect functions

The Unigine Kinect plugin works in the following way: when engine.kinect.isBodyTracked(body) returns 0, engine.kinect.getBonePosition(body, bone) will return vec3_zero. Kinect has its own framerate, so the body tracking information is not available each engine frame. Wrist tracking can be achieved via:

Source code (UnigineScript)
vec3 wrist;

int update() {
    if(engine.kinect.isBodyTracked(0)) {
        wrist = engine.kinect.getBonePosition(0,KINECT_BONE_WRIST_LEFT);
    return 1;

See Also#

  • Article on Kinect2 Plugin
  • A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/plugins/ folder:
    • kinect_00
    • kinect_01
    • kinect_02

Kinect Class


int engine.kinect.getBodyLeanState ( int body ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the body with the given number was tracked as lean or not.


  • int body - Body index in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].

Return value

One of the TRACKING_STATE_* constants specifying the tracking state. If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, TRACKING_STATE_NOT_TRACKED will be returned.

quat engine.kinect.getBoneOrientation ( int body, int bone ) #

Returns orientation of the given bone of the given body relative to the parent bone.


  • int body - Body number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].
  • int bone - Bone number in range [0;NUM_BONES - 1 ].

Return value

Bone orientation relative to the parent bone. If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, zero quat will be returned.

vec3 engine.kinect.getBonePosition ( int body, int bone ) #

Returns position of the given bone of the given body relative to the sensor.


  • int body - Body number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].
  • int bone - Bone number in range [0;NUM_BONES - 1 ].

Return value

Bone position relative to the sensor. If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, zero vector will be returned.

int engine.kinect.getBoneState ( int body, int bone ) #

Returns the current tracking state of the given bone of the given body.


  • int body - Body number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].
  • int bone - Bone number in range [0;NUM_BONES - 1 ].

Return value

One of the TRACKING_STATE_* constants specifying the tracking state. If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, TRACKING_STATE_NOT_TRACKED will be returned.

Image engine.kinect.getColorBuffer ( ) #

Returns an image representing the current color buffer in the RGBA8 format.
The image in the color buffer is deleted each frame. However, the data isn't sent to the buffer each frame, so the function may return NULL.

Return value

An image representing the current color buffer. If the STREAM_COLOR is not specified on sensor initialization, NULL will be returned.

Image engine.kinect.getDepthBuffer ( ) #

Returns an image representing the current depth buffer in the R16 format.
The image in the depth buffer is deleted each frame. However, the data isn't sent to the buffer each frame, so the function may return NULL.

Return value

An image representing the current depth buffer. If the STREAM_DEPTH is not specified on sensor initialization, NULL will be returned.

ivec4 engine.kinect.getFaceBoundsInColorSpace ( int face ) #

Returns bounds of the given face relative to the size of the color buffer.


  • int face - Face number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].

Return value

Face bounds in the format (Left,Top,Right,Bottom). If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, zero vector will be returned.

ivec4 engine.kinect.getFaceBoundsInInfraredSpace ( int face ) #

Returns bounds of the given face relative to the size of the infrared buffer.


  • int face - Face number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].

Return value

Face bounds in the format (Left,Top,Right,Bottom). If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, zero vector will be returned.

quat engine.kinect.getFaceOrientation ( int face ) #

Returns orientation of the given face relative to the sensor.


  • int face - Face number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].

Return value

Face orientation. If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, zero quat will be returned.

vec3 engine.kinect.getFacePointInColorSpace ( int face, int point ) #

Returns coordinates of the given point on the given face relative to the size of the color buffer.
Only X and Y components of the returned vector are used, Z component should be ignored.


Return value

Face point coordinates. If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, zero vector will be returned.

vec3 engine.kinect.getFacePointInInfraredSpace ( int face, int point ) #

Returns coordinates of the given point on the given face relative to the size of the infrared buffer.
Only X and Y components of the returned vector are used, Z component should be ignored.


Return value

Face point coordinates. If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, zero vector will be returned.

int engine.kinect.getFaceProperty ( int face, int property ) #

Returns a value indicating how accurate the property of the given face was tracked.


Return value

One of the KINECT_FACE_DETECTION_RESULT_* constants. If The STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, KINECT_FACE_DETECTION_RESULT_UNKNOWN will be returned.

Image engine.kinect.getInfraredBuffer ( ) #

Returns an image representing the current infrared buffer in the R16 format.
The image in the infrared buffer is deleted each frame. However, the data isn't sent to the buffer each frame, so the function may return NULL.

Return value

An image representing the current infrared buffer. If the STREAM_INFRARED is not specified on sensor initialization, NULL will be returned.

int engine.kinect.getLeftHandConfidence ( int body ) #

Returns the confidence level for the tracked left hand of the given body.


  • int body - Body number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].

Return value

One of the TRACKING_CONFIDENCE_*. If The STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, TRACKING_CONFIDENCE_LOW will be returned.

int engine.kinect.getLeftHandState ( int body ) #

Returns the current state of the left hand of the given body.


  • int body - Body number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].

Return value

One of the HAND_STATE_*. If The STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, HAND_STATE_UNKNOWN will be returned.

int engine.kinect.getRightHandConfidence ( int body ) #

Returns the confidence level for the tracked right hand of the given body.


  • int body - Body number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].

Return value

One of the TRACKING_CONFIDENCE_*. If The STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, TRACKING_CONFIDENCE_LOW will be returned.

int engine.kinect.getRightHandState ( int body ) #

Returns the current state of the right hand of the given body.


  • int body - Body number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].

Return value

One of the HAND_STATE_*. If The STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, HAND_STATE_UNKNOWN will be returned.

int engine.kinect.init ( unsigned int stream_flags ) #

Kinect2 sensor initialization. The STREAM_* constants specify which data streams should be initialized.


  • unsigned int stream_flags - A bit mask represented by one of or combination of the STREAM_* constants.

Return value

1 if the sensor was initialized successfully; otherwise, 0.


For example, there will be access to the color and depth buffers if you initialize the sensor as follows:

Source code (UnigineScript)

bool engine.kinect.isBodyTracked ( int body ) #

Returns a value indicating if the body with the given number was tracked by the sensor.


  • int body - Body number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].

Return value

true if the body was tracked; otherwise, false. If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, fals will be returned.

bool engine.kinect.isFaceTracked ( int face ) #

Returns a value indicating whether the face with the given number was tracked or not.


  • int face - Face number in range [0;NUM_BODIES - 1 ].

Return value

true if the given face is tracked; otherwise, false. If the STREAM_BODY is not specified on sensor initialization, false will be returned.

void engine.kinect.shutdown ( ) #

Kinect2 sensor shutdown.
Last update: 2023-03-15
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