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engine.config Functions

The scope of applications for UnigineScript is limited to implementing materials-related logic (material expressions, scriptable materials, brush materials). Do not use UnigineScript as a language for application logic, please consider C#/C++ instead, as these APIs are the preferred ones. Availability of new Engine features in UnigineScript (beyond its scope of applications) is not guaranteed, as the current level of support assumes only fixing critical issues.

The Config class is used to read values (settings) from the application configuration file (configs/default.config by default) and write them back to it.

Use the appropriate methods depending on the type of the target item. For example, to get the values of the following items, you should use the getInt() and getString() methods respectively:

Source code (XML)
<item name="show_fps" type="int">1</item>
<item name="system_script" type="string">unigine_project/unigine.usc</item>

Usage Example#

By using the Config class, you can save custom settings to the configuration file and then restore it when required. For example:

Source code (UnigineScript)
#include <core/unigine.h>

string player_avatar;
int skip_cutscenes;
int blood_enabled;
int bulletshell_lifetime;

int init() {
	// read custom user-defined settings from the configuration file
	player_avatar = engine.config.getString("player_avatar", "usa_soldier1");
	skip_cutscenes = engine.config.getBool("skip_cutscenes", 0);
	blood_enabled = engine.config.getBool("blood_enabled", 0);
	bulletshell_lifetime = engine.config.getInt("bulletshell_lifetime", 100);
	return 1;

int shutdown() {

	// check whether data can be written to the configuration file 
	if (engine.console.getInt("config_readonly") == 1) engine.console.setInt("config_readonly",0);
	// write the custom settings to the configuration file
	engine.config.setString("player_avatar", player_avatar);
	engine.config.setBool("skip_cutscenes", skip_cutscenes);
	engine.config.setBool("blood_enabled", blood_enabled);
	engine.config.setInt("bulletshell_lifetime", bulletshell_lifetime);
	return 1;

In UnigineScript, changes made for the configuration file are saved automatically on the application shutdown.

See Also#

Config Class


static void engine.config.setBool ( string name, int value ) #

Sets a value of the given boolean setting. If the setting with this name already exists, its value is overwritten.


  • string name - Name of the setting.
  • int value - Boolean value (0 or 1). 0 stands for false, 1 stands for true.

static int engine.config.getBool ( string name ) #

Reads the value of the given boolean setting.


  • string name - Name of the setting.

Return value

Boolean value (0 or 1) of the setting. 0 stands for false, 1 stands for true.

static int engine.config.getBool ( string name, int value ) #

Reads the value of the given boolean setting. Returns the value specified as the second argument if the setting isn't found.


  • string name - Name of the setting.
  • int value - Custom value to be returned if the setting isn't found.

Return value

Boolean value (0 or 1) of the setting. 0 stands for false, 1 stands for true.

static int engine.config.isExist ( string name ) #

Checks if the setting with the given name exists.


  • string name - Name of the setting.

Return value

1 if the setting exists; otherwise, 0.

static void engine.config.setFloat ( string name, float value ) #

Sets a value of the given float setting. If the setting with this name already exists, its value is overwritten.


  • string name - Name of the setting.
  • float value - Float value of the setting.

static float engine.config.getFloat ( string name, float value ) #

Reads the value of the given float setting. Returns the value specified as the second argument if the setting isn't found.


  • string name - Name of the setting.
  • float value - Custom value to be returned if the setting isn't found.

Return value

Float value of the setting.

static float engine.config.getFloat ( string name ) #

Reads the value of the given float setting.


  • string name - Name of the setting.

Return value

Float value of the setting.

static void engine.config.setInt ( string name, int value ) #

Sets a value of the given integer setting. If the setting with this name already exists, its value is overwritten.


  • string name - Name of the setting.
  • int value - Integer value of the setting.

static int engine.config.getInt ( string name ) #

Reads the value of the given integer setting.


  • string name - Name of the setting.

Return value

Integer value of the setting.

static int engine.config.getInt ( string name, int value ) #

Reads the value of the given integer setting. Returns the value specified as the second argument if the setting isn't found.


  • string name - Name of the setting.
  • int value - Custom value to be returned if the setting isn't found.

Return value

Integer value of the setting.

static void engine.config.setString ( string name, string value ) #

Sets a value of the given string setting. If the setting with this name already exists, its value is overwritten.


  • string name - Name of the setting.
  • string value - String value of the setting.

static string engine.config.getString ( string name, string value ) #

Reads the value of the given string setting. Returns the value specified as the second argument if the setting isn't found.


  • string name - Name of the setting.
  • string value - Custom value to be returned if the setting is found.

Return value

String value of the setting.

static string engine.config.getString ( string name ) #

Reads the value of the given string setting.


  • string name - Name of the setting.

Return value

String value of the setting.

static void engine.config.setPath ( string path ) #

Console: config
Sets a new path to the Engine config file (default: configs/default.config). The path can be specified as an absolute path or relative to the -data_path or <project_name> folder if the -project_name is set. This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.boot.


  • string path - New path to the Engine configuration file to be set.

static string engine.config.getPath ( ) #

Console: config
Returns the current path to the Engine config file (default: configs/default.config). This parameter is stored in the following configuration file: *.boot.

Return value

Current path to the Engine configuration file.

static void engine.config.setAutosave ( int autosave ) #

Console: config_autosave
Sets a value indicating if current Engine configuration settings are automatically saved to the corresponding config file on loading, closing, and saving the world, as well as on the Engine shutdown.


  • int autosave - 1 to enable automatic saving of current Engine configuration settings; 0 — to disable it.

static int engine.config.isAutosave ( ) #

Console: config_autosave
Returns a value indicating if current Engine configuration settings are automatically saved to the corresponding config file on loading, closing, and saving the world, as well as on the Engine shutdown.

Return value

1 if automatic saving of current Engine configuration settings is enabled; otherwise, 0.
Last update: 2023-03-02
Build: ()