Creating of Custom Shader for Deferred Rendering Pass
Unigine 2.0 renders all the opaque geometry in the deferred rendering pass. This article explains how to create your own material with shaders (both vertex and fragment) for the deferred pass.
In this article, we create a material for static, dynamic and skinned meshes. We define a heightmap for a vertex shader and a diffuse texture for fragment shader. Also, we calculate normals to make our mesh be lit properly.
See Also
- The article on Material Settings
- The article on Custom Materials
Create a Material
The material is the essential thing for rendering: you specify shaders, states, bindings, textures in the material thus telling the engine how to render it.
Let's create our own material (for deferred pass only) and write the vertex and the fragment shaders for it. Perform the following steps to create the material:
- In your project folder (which located in the data folder) create the materials folder.
- Create the empty <your material name>.xml file.
- Open the material file in any plain text editor and create the following document structure:
Source code (XML)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <materials version="2.0" editable="0"> <!-- custom mesh material --> <material name="custom_mesh_material" editable="0"> <!-- states --> <state name="deferred">1</state> <!-- deferred rendering shaders --> <shader pass="deferred" object="mesh_static" deferred="1" defines="BASE_DEFERRED" vertex="<your project folder>/shaders/vertex/deferred.vert" fragment="<your project folder>/shaders/fragment/deferred.frag"/> <!-- bindings --> <bind object="mesh_dynamic" to="mesh_static"/> <bind object="mesh_skinned" to="mesh_static"/> </material> </materials>
- In the code above, we defined a new custom material with the deferred state.
- Also we defined shaders for the deferred state and set the paths to them (we will create these shader files and folder in further steps).
- Finally, we defined the bindings: types of meshes for which the material can be assigned.
- Save the changes.
Create Vertex Shader
In this section we explain how to create the structure for shaders and how to create the custom vertex shader.
We assign two shaders in out material: vertex and fragment. To create the vertex shader, perform the following:
- Create the shaders folder in your project's folder.
- Inside recently created folder, create another two folders: vertex for vertex shaders, fragment for fragment shaders.
- Open a plain text editor and write the following:
Source code (UUSL)
// Include Unified Unigine Shader Language (UUSL) header #include <core/shaders/common/common.h> // Input data struct STRUCT(VERTEX_IN) INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,0,POSITION) // Vertex position INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,1,TEXCOORD0) // Vertex texcoord (uv) INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,2,TEXCOORD1) // Vertex basis tangent INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,3,TEXCOORD2) // Vertex color END // Our output vertex data struct STRUCT(VERTEX_OUT) INIT_POSITION // Out projected position INIT_OUT(float4,0) // Texcoord (uv) INIT_OUT(float3,1) // Vertex direction INIT_CUSTOM_DEPTH_VERTEX_OUT // For custom depth END MAIN_BEGIN(VERTEX_OUT,VERTEX_IN) // Get transform with scale and rotation (without translation) float4 row_0 = s_transform[0]; float4 row_1 = s_transform[1]; float4 row_2 = s_transform[2]; // Get Modelview-space transform float4 in_vertex = float4(IN_ATTRIBUTE(0).xyz,1.0f); float4 position = mul4(row_0,row_1,row_2,in_vertex); // Set output UV float4 texcoord = IN_ATTRIBUTE(1); OUT_DATA(0) = texcoord; // Set output vertex direction OUT_DATA(1) = * s_depth_range.w; // Set output position OUT_POSITION = getPosition(position); // For custom depth PERFORM_DEPTH_VERTEX_OUT MAIN_END // end
WarningYou should add a new line (press Enter) after closing the instruction.The code is pretty simple and clear:
- Includes the UUSL header.
- Defines the input vertex data structure.
- Defines the output vertex data structure.
- Starts the main program of the shader:
- Translates the object-space coordinates to clipping space coordinates.
- Sets the output UV.
- Sets the vertex direction.
- Sets the vertex position.
- Save the shader file with the deferred.vert extension inside the shaders/vertex folder.
Create Fragment Shader
This sections contains instructions on how to create a fragment shader (also known as pixel shader).
To create the fragment shader, perform the following:
- Open a plain text editor, and write the following:
Source code (UUSL)
// Include the UUSL language header #include <core/shaders/common/fragment.h> STRUCT(FRAGMENT_IN) INIT_POSITION // Projected position INIT_IN(float4,0) // Texcoord (uv) INIT_IN(float3,1) // Vertex direction INIT_CUSTOM_DEPTH_VERTEX_IN // For custom depth END MAIN_BEGIN(FRAGMENT_OUT,FRAGMENT_IN) // Fill G-Buffer SET_DEPTH(length(IN_DATA(1))) SET_NORMAL(float3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f)) SET_DIFFUSE(float3_one) SET_ALPHA(01.0f) SET_SPECULAR(float3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)) SET_GLOSS(0.0f) SET_DECAL_MASK(0) SET_TRANSLUCENT(0.0f) SET_VELOCITY(float3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f),float3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f)) SET_MICROFIBER(0.0f) SET_OCCLUSION(1.0f) SET_LIGHT_MAP(float3_zero) // For custom depth CUSTOM_DEPTH_FRAGMENT_OUT MAIN_END // end
WarningYou should add a new line (press Enter) after closing the instruction.Some explanations:
- We include the UUSL header.
- Define the input fragment data struct.
- Start the main program of the shader:
- Fill the G-Buffer:
- SET_DEPTH command calculates the depth to the fragment.
- SET_NORMAL command sets the normal vector.
- SET_DIFFUSE command sets the diffuse value.
- SET_ALPHA command sets the alpha value
- SET_SPECULAR command sets the specular value.
- SET_GLOSS command sets the gloss value.
- SET_DECAL_MASK command sets the decal mask value.
- SET_TRANSLUCENT command sets the translucent value.
- SET_VELOCITY command fills the velocity buffer.
- SET_MICROFIBER command sets the microfiber value.
- SET_OCCLUSION command sets the occlusion value.
- SET_LIGHT_MAP command sets the light map value.
- Fill the G-Buffer:
- Save the shader file with the deferred.frag extension to the shaders/fragment folder.
Working with Material
After performing all these steps, you can see recently created shaders in use. These shaders are primitive, and they don't provide a nice final image. Anyway, to see their work perform the following steps:
- Open UnigineEditor and launch your project.
- Go the Materials settings and add a new material, which you recently created.
- Create a primitive, for example, a sphere.
- Assign the custom material.
After that you'll get the following result.
It doesn't look good, but it works!
Let's go further and calculate the tangent basis for the mesh and assign textures to it.
Adding Textures to Shaders
Let's add textures to the both shaders: vertex and fragment. In vertex shader we will use texture as a heightmap and in the fragment as a diffuse map.
Editting the Material
First, let's edit the custom material and add texture slots.
- Open the custom material .mat file by using plain text editor.
- Edit it in the following way:
Source code (XML)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <materials version="2.0" editable="0"> <!-- custom mesh material --> <material name="custom_mesh_material" editable="0"> <!-- states --> <state name="deferred">1</state> <!-- deferred shaders --> <shader pass="deferred" object="mesh_static" deferred="1" defines="BASE_DEFERRED" vertex="<your project folder>/shaders/vertex/deferred.vert" fragment="<your project folder>/shaders/fragment/deferred.frag"/> <!-- bindings --> <bind object="mesh_dynamic" to="mesh_static"/> <bind object="mesh_skinned" to="mesh_static"/> <!-- textures --> <texture unit="0" name="diffuse" anisotropy="1" shader="fragment" pass="deferred">core/textures/common/</texture> <texture unit="1" name="height" shader="vertex" pass="deferred">core/textures/common/</texture> </material> </materials>
Now the textures will be available in the shaders. We specified the name of the texture, rendering pass, and the path to the default texture.
Editting the Vertex Shader
Now we should edit the vertex shader code and add the texture to the shader.
The better way to add the texture in the shader (an example):
// Define the name of the texture
#define TEX_COLOR 0
// Initialize the texture slot
It makes changing the number of textures slots easy without correction of whole shader's code. Let's do it in the vertex shader:
- Open the vertex shader deferred.vert file by using plain text editor.
- Edit the source code in the following way:
Source code (UUSL)
// Include Unified Unigine Shader Language (UUSL) header #include <core/shaders/common/common.h> // Input data struct STRUCT(VERTEX_IN) INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,0,POSITION) // Vertex position INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,1,TEXCOORD0) // Vertex texcoord (uv) INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,2,TEXCOORD1) // Vertex basis tangent INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4,3,TEXCOORD2) // Vertex color END // Create a texture sampler #define TEX_HEIGHT 1 INIT_TEXTURE(TEX_HEIGHT) // Our output vertex data struct STRUCT(VERTEX_OUT) INIT_POSITION // Out projected position INIT_OUT(float4,0) // Texcoord (uv) INIT_OUT(float3,1) // Vertex direction INIT_OUT(float3,2) // Vertex TBN (X) INIT_OUT(float3,3) // Vertex TBN (Y) INIT_OUT(float3,4) // Vertex TBN (Z) INIT_CUSTOM_DEPTH_VERTEX_OUT // For custom depth END MAIN_BEGIN(VERTEX_OUT,VERTEX_IN) // Get transform with scale and rotation (without translation) float4 row_0 = s_transform[0]; float4 row_1 = s_transform[1]; float4 row_2 = s_transform[2]; // Perfrom Modelview-space transform float4 in_vertex = float4(IN_ATTRIBUTE(0).xyz,1.0f); float4 position = mul4(row_0,row_1,row_2,in_vertex); // Set output UV float4 texcoord = IN_ATTRIBUTE(1); OUT_DATA(0) = texcoord; // Set output vertex direction OUT_DATA(1) = * s_depth_range.w; // Define tangent basis float3 tangent,binormal,normal; // Getting normal in object-space getTangentBasis(IN_ATTRIBUTE(2),tangent,binormal,normal); // Transform object-space TBN into camera-space TBN normal = normalize(mul3(row_0,row_1,row_2,normal)); tangent = normalize(mul3(row_0,row_1,row_2,tangent)); binormal = normalize(mul3(row_0,row_1,row_2,binormal)); // Add this to make the two-sided material normal *= s_polygon_front; // Set output TBN matrix OUT_DATA(2) = float3(tangent.x,binormal.x,normal.x); OUT_DATA(3) = float3(tangent.y,binormal.y,normal.y); OUT_DATA(4) = float3(tangent.z,binormal.z,normal.z); // Set the texture float4 height = TEXTURE_BIAS_ZERO(TEX_HEIGHT,texcoord.xy); // Perform the displacement mapping position.rgb += normal * (height.r) * 0.2f; OUT_POSITION = getPosition(position); PERFORM_DEPTH_VERTEX_OUT MAIN_END // end
WarningYou should add a new line (press Enter) after closing the instruction. - Save the file.
That's it! Our vertex shader now calculates the normals, gets the texture and performs the displacement mapping. We add three new output semantics and now we should receive them in our fragment shader.
Editting the Fragment Shader
Now we should edit the fragment shader code and add the diffuse texture to the shader.
- Open the fragment shader deferred.frag file by using plain text editor.
- Edit the source code in the following way:
Source code
// Include the UUSL language header #include <core/shaders/common/fragment.h> // Adds a texture sampler #define TEX_COLOR 0 INIT_TEXTURE(TEX_COLOR) STRUCT(FRAGMENT_IN) INIT_POSITION // Projected position INIT_IN(float4,0) // Texcoord (uv) INIT_IN(float3,1) // Vertex direction INIT_IN(float3,2) // Vertex TBN (X) INIT_IN(float3,3) // Vertex TBN (Y) INIT_IN(float3,4) // Vertex TBN (Z) INIT_CUSTOM_DEPTH_VERTEX_IN // for custom depth END MAIN_BEGIN(FRAGMENT_OUT,FRAGMENT_IN) // get the UV coords float4 texcoord = IN_DATA(0); // get the texture data float4 texture_data = TEXTURE(TEX_COLOR,texcoord.xy); // Normal of a fragment in tangent-space STATICVAR float3 ts_normal = float3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); float3 N; N.x = dot(IN_DATA(2),ts_normal); N.y = dot(IN_DATA(3),ts_normal); N.z = dot(IN_DATA(4),ts_normal); N = normalize(N); // Fill G-Buffer: set the calculated normal and diffuse of the texture SET_DEPTH(length(IN_DATA(1))) SET_NORMAL(N) SET_DIFFUSE(texture_data.rgb) SET_ALPHA(1.0f) SET_SPECULAR(float3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)) SET_GLOSS(0.0f) SET_DECAL_MASK(0) SET_TRANSLUCENT(0.0f) SET_VELOCITY(float3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f),float3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f)) SET_MICROFIBER(0.0f) SET_OCCLUSION(1.0f) SET_LIGHT_MAP(float3_zero) // For custom depth CUSTOM_DEPTH_FRAGMENT_OUT MAIN_END // end
WarningYou should add a new line (press Enter) after closing the instruction. - Save the file.
Now our shaders are ready to work! Let's see them in action!
Editting the Material
We changed the material and shader, so we should relaunch the engine.
Now the result is different: we see the white lit sphere:
It looks much better! So perform the following:
- Create a new material by inheriting recently created.
- Go to the textures tab of the material.
- Choose the diffuse and the displacement maps for the material.
Voila! We just created a new deferred material with own shaders which use two textures for diffuse and displacement mapping!