IG::Symbol Class
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Header: | #include <UnigineIG.h> |
This class represents the IG Symbol interface. A symbol is a single drawing primitive or a group of drawing primitives that may be drawn on a symbol surface (plane) within a particular view or placed relative to a particular entity.
IG plugin must be loaded.
Symbol Class
int getID ( ) #
Returns the ID of the symbol.void setParent ( Symbol * symbol ) #
Sets a new parent for the symbol.Arguments
- Symbol * symbol - Symbol to be set as parent for the symbol.
Symbol * getParent ( ) #
Returns the parent of the symbol.Return value
Parent of the symbol.void setVisible ( bool value ) #
Toggles visibility of the symbol on and off.Arguments
- bool value - 1 to make the symbol visible, otherwise 0.
bool isVisible ( ) #
Checks if the symbol is visible.Return value
1 if the symbol is visible, otherwise 0.void setOrder ( int value ) #
Sets rendering order (Z-order) for the symbol. The higher the value, the later the symbol is rendered atop other elements.Arguments
- int value - Order of the symbol.
void setOffset ( float x, float y ) #
Sets the symbol's position relevant to the parent plane or symbol.Arguments
- float x - Horizontal offset from the parent.
- float y - Vertical offset from the parent.
vec2 getOffset ( ) #
Returns the symbol's position relevant to the parent plane or symbol.Return value
Offset from the parent.void setScale ( float scale_x, float scale_y ) #
Sets the symbol's scale.Arguments
- float scale_x - The symbol's scale along the X axis.
- float scale_y - The symbol's scale along the Y axis.
vec2 getScale ( ) #
Returns the symbol's scale.Return value
Symbol's scale.void setRotation ( float angle_anticlockwise ) #
Sets the rotation angle for the symbol.Arguments
- float angle_anticlockwise - Angle of rotation in counter-clockwise direction.
float getRotation ( ) #
Returns the rotation angle for the symbol.Return value
Angle of rotation in counter-clockwise direction.void setFlashProgram ( const Unigine::Vector<float> & data ) #
Sets the flash program for the symbol. The program uses a sequence of indicated time periods in seconds to consecutively enable and disable the symbol starting from the Enabled state. For example, a sequence 0.3;0.05;0.1 means that a symbol is enabled for 0.3 seconds, then disabled for 0.05 seconds, enabled for 0.1 seconds, and then continues to be enabled for 0.3 seconds, etc. To disable the program, the array should be empty.Arguments
- const Unigine::Vector<float> & data - Flash program for the symbol.
void resetFlashProgram ( ) #
Starts the flash program anew.void setColor ( const vec4 & color ) #
Sets the color of the symbol.Arguments
- const vec4 & color - Color of the symbol in the RGBA range.
void setColorInherit ( bool value ) #
Toggles inheritance of the color from the parent symbol on and off.Arguments
- bool value - 1 to inherit the color from the parent symbol, otherwise 0.
void setLineWidth ( float value ) #
Sets the width of lines the symbol is drawn of.Arguments
- float value - Width of the line.
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