Output Projection is the projection to be used for the generated terrain. The set of options depends on the output format.输出 Projection 是用于生成地形的投影。选项集取决于 output format。
Object Landscape Terrain对象 风景 地形#
The generated terrain is exported to Object Landscape Terrain, which is actually a flat (i.e., not geospherical) area. Therefore, only projected coordinate systems are available for selection and can be used as export projections.生成的地形输出到Object Landscape Terrain,这实际上是一个平坦的(即非地球)区域。因此,只有投影坐标系可供选择并可用作导出投影。
To choose a projection, click the corresponding button. The list of coordinate systems that can be used for projected output will open:要选择投影,请单击相应的按钮。可用于投影输出的坐标系列表将打开:
- The Projected Coordinate System list contains a wide range of coordinate reference systems for projected output.Projected Coordinate System 列表包含用于投影输出的各种坐标参考系统。
- The Source Coordinate System list displays the coordinate systems used by your source data for convenience.为方便起见,Source Coordinate System 列表显示源数据使用的坐标系。
Select a projection by double click, or just select by clicking once and press the OK button.通过双击选择一个投影,或者只需单击一次并按下 OK 按钮来选择。
Terrain Global全球地形#
The following types of output projections are available:可以使用以下类型的输出投影:
- Built-In (Geodetic Pivot) projection based on WGS-84 ellipsoid.内置 (大地坐标轴)基于 WGS-84 椭球的投影。
- Custom projection that is used for data with a custom source projection (not WGS-84 ellipsoid-based). In this case, the projection is selected the same way as for Object Landscape Terrain.
注意The terrain generated using a custom projection cannot be curved.风俗 projection that is used for data with a custom source projection (not WGS-84基于椭球)。在这种情况下,投影的选择方式与Object Landscape Terrain.