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Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Extending Editor Functionality
World Nodes
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
Content Optimization
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
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In Unigine, nodes are organized in a hierarchy that can be managed via the World Nodes window. 在Unigine中,节点以等级制度可以通过World Nodes窗口进行管理。

World Nodes WindowWorld Nodes视窗

This window contains all nodes existing in the current world. Some nodes can be instances of the asset files: meshes, sounds, terrains, instanced nodes, or nodes stored in the *.node files. 此窗口包含当前世界中存在的所有节点。一些节点可以是资产文件:网格,声音,地形,实例化节点或*.node文件中存储的节点。

When you add a new node to the scene via the Menu Bar (the Create menu) or by dragging it from the Asset Browser, this node is automatically added to the nodes hierarchy and displayed in the World Nodes window. 通过 将新节点添加到场景中时菜单栏Create菜单)或将其从Asset Browser拖动,该节点将自动添加到节点层次结构中,并显示在World Nodes窗口中。

The World Nodes window allows filtering nodes by name and by type, collapsing nodes hierarchy (showing only the parent nodes and hiding the child ones), expanding nodes hierarchy (showing all nodes added to the world), rearranging, reparenting, cloning, renaming, deleting, and grouping the nodes. 0#phl窗口允许按名称和类型过滤节点,折叠节点层次结构(仅显示父节点并隐藏子节点),扩展节点层次结构(显示添加到世界的所有节点),重新整理复育克隆重命名删除中, 和分组节点。

To open the World Nodes window, choose Windows -> Toggle World Hierarchy in the Menu. 要打开World Nodes窗口,请在菜单中选择Windows -> Toggle World Hierarchy

When building a hierarchy, take into account multi-threaded update of dependent nodes.建立层次结构时,请考虑到依赖节点的多线程更新

Toggling Nodes切换节点#

To toggle a node on and off, left-click the checkbox next to it. If the flag is unchecked, the node will not be rendered.要打开和关闭节点,请在其旁边的复选框上单击鼠标左键。如果未选中该标志,则不会渲染该节点。

Toggling a node on and off切换节点的开和关

You can also enable and disable a group of selected nodes:您还可以启用和禁用一组选定的节点:

Multi-selection toggling多选切换

A node can also be disabled and enabled in the Parameters window.也可以在Parameters窗口中禁用和启用节点。

Renaming Nodes重命名节点#

To rename a node, select it in the World Nodes and left-click it once again (slow double-clicking) to enter a new name.要重命名节点,请在World Nodes然后再次左键单击(缓慢双击)以输入新名称。

Renaming a Node重命名节点

You can also right-click a node, choose Rename in the drop-down list, and type a new name. 您也可以右键单击一个节点,在下拉列表中选择Rename,然后键入一个新名称。

A node can also be renamed in the Parameters window: 节点也可以在Parameters窗口中重命名:

Renaming via Parameters Window通过Parameters窗口重命名
Renaming a node doesn't lead to renaming the asset it is linked to (if any).重命名节点不会导致重命名与其链接的资产(如果有)。

Rearranging Nodes重新排列节点#

To move a node to a specific position in the hierarchy, drag it with the left mouse button pressed. 要将节点移动到层次结构中的特定位置,请按住鼠标左键将其拖动。

Moving a Node in Hierarchy在层次结构中移动节点

The position in the hierarchy, where the node will be placed, is highlighted with the white line:用白线突出显示将在其中放置节点的层次结构中的位置:

Highlighted Position突出位置

Setting Up Nodes Inheritance设置节点继承#

Nodes in the scene have hierarchical arrangement: each node (parent node) can have multiple children (child nodes). It allows you, for example, to change the transformation of several nodes only by transforming the parent node. 场景中的节点具有层次结构:每个节点(父节点)可以具有多个子节点(子节点)。例如,它允许您仅通过转换父节点来更改多个节点的转换。

To collapse or expand the list of child nodes, click the arrow to the left of the parent node.
You can also collapse all child nodes in the World Nodes window by clicking , or expand the list to see all nodes in the World Nodes by clicking .
您也可以通过单击折叠World Nodes窗口中的所有子节点,或展开单击,以查看World Nodes中的所有节点。

By default, a new node added to the scene is positioned at the root level of the nodes hierarchy. You can set up its inheritance in one of the ways described below. 默认情况下,添加到场景的新节点位于节点层次结构的根级别。您可以使用以下描述的方法之一设置其继承。

Making a Parent Node制作父节点#

To make one node a parent for the other node (or several nodes), select both the parent and the desired child nodes, right-click the parent node, and choose Make Parent in the drop-down list: 要使一个节点成为另一个节点(或多个节点)的父节点,请同时选择父节点和所需的子节点,右键单击父节点,然后在下拉菜单中选择Make Parent,下拉列表:

Making a Parent Node制作父节点

By using this option, you can perform reparenting for the hierarchy tree branch: select the target branch, right-click the desired parent node and choose Make Parent in the drop-down list. It produces the following: 通过使用此选项,您可以为层次结构树分支执行重定位:选择目标分支,右键单击所需的父节点,然后在下拉列表中选择Make Parent。它产生以下内容:

  1. The new-made parent is always placed at the root level of the hierarchy.新建的父代始终位于层次结构的根级别。
  2. The child nodes positioned at the different hierarchy levels are placed at the same level.位于不同层次结构级别的子节点位于同一级别。

Reparenting Nodes修复节点

Making a Child Node制作子节点#

To add one node as a child to the other in the hierarchy, or reparent a node, drag it holding the left mouse button to the desired parent node. 要将一个节点作为子节点添加到层次结构中的另一个节点,或重设一个节点,请按住鼠标左键将其拖动到所需的父节点。

Adding a Child Node添加子节点

The parent node to which the node will be added, is highlighted with the white frame:将添加节点的父节点以白色框突出显示:

Highlighted Parent Node突出显示的父节点

You can also move a node to a specific position alongside the child nodes of the desired parent: the node will be added as a child to this parent node.你也可以移动节点到所需父节点的子节点旁边的特定位置:该节点将作为子节点添加到此父节点。

Moving Node As a Child小时候移动节点

Unparenting a Node取消父节点#

To detach a node from its parent, right-click it and choose Unparent in the drop-down list:要从其父节点分离节点,请右键单击它,然后在下拉列表中选择Unparent

The node is detached only from its direct parent and placed at the same level as the former parent.节点仅与其直接父节点分离,并与前一个父节点放置在同一级别。

Detaching a Node from Its Parent从其父节点分离节点

To reset inheritance of a child node (i.e., detach it from all parents and place at the root level of the hierarchy), simply drag it to the corresponding position in the hierarchy. 要重置子节点的继承(即,将其与所有父节点分离并放置在层次结构的根级别),只需它到层次结构中的相应位置。

Cloning a Node克隆节点#

To clone a node, right-click it and choose Clone in the drop-down list: 要克隆节点,请右键单击它,然后在下拉列表中选择Clone

Cloning a Node克隆节点

You can also select the node and press Ctrl+D to perform the same operation. The new node will be created at the same hierarchy level as the original one, and have the same transformation. If the original node has children, they will be cloned as well. 您也可以选择节点并按Ctrl+D执行相同的操作。新节点将在与原始节点相同的层次结构级别上创建,并具有相同的转换。如果原始节点有子节点,那么它们也将被克隆。

Another way to clone a node is to select it, press Shift and drag the node's arrow manipulator. 克隆节点的另一种方法是选择它,按Shift并拖动该节点的箭头操纵器。

Deleting a Node删除节点#

To delete a node from the hierarchy, right-click it and choose Delete in the drop-down list: 要从层次结构中删除节点,请右键单击它,然后在下拉列表中选择Delete

Deleting Node删除节点

You can also select a node and press DELETE to perform the same operation.您也可以选择一个节点,然后按DELETE执行相同的操作。

If you delete a parent node, all its child nodes will be deleted as well.如果删除父节点,则其所有子节点也将被删除。

Deleting a node doesn't lead to deleting the asset it is linked to (if any).删除节点不会导致删除与其链接的资产(如果有)。

Filtering Nodes过滤节点#

Filtering nodes simplifies managing nodes in a large world.过滤节点可简化大型环境中的节点管理。

You can select which node types to display in the World Nodes window: click and choose the required node types.您可以选择要在World Nodes窗口中显示的节点类型:单击并选择所需的节点类型。

You can temporary show all objects by clicking Enable All. At that, the current filter settings will be preserved.您可以通过单击Enable All临时显示所有对象。届时,将保留当前的过滤器设置。

Filtering Nodes过滤节点

Nodes can be filtered by name or by ID (should be typed in full). Type the node name or ID in the corresponding field.可以按名称或ID(应完整键入)来过滤节点。在相应的字段中输入节点名称或ID。

Filtering Nodes by ID按ID过滤节点

Grouping Nodes分组节点#

Grouping nodes allows managing several nodes simultaneously. The grouped nodes can be transformed as a single node relative to a pivot point 分组节点允许同时管理多个节点。相对于节点,可以将分组的节点转换为单个节点中心点

When grouping nodes, a new Dummy Node is created, and all selected nodes become its children. At that, the hierarchy of grouped nodes persists. 对节点进行分组时,将创建一个新的Dummy Node,并且所有选定的节点都将成为其子节点。届时,分组节点的层次结构将继续存在。

To group nodes, select them, right-click, and choose Group in the drop-down list or press Ctrl+G: 要对节点进行分组,选择它们,右键单击,然后在下拉列表中选择Group或按Ctrl+G

Grouping Nodes分组节点

The grouped nodes can be selected and transformed as a single node: 可以选择分组的节点并将其转换为单个节点:

Grouped Nodes分组节点
最新更新: 2021-12-13
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