从Autodesk Maya导出3D模型
This article describes how to export your 3D Model From Autodesk Maya so that it would have proper scaling, position, and orientation when imported to UnigineEditor.本文介绍如何从Autodesk Maya导出3D模型,以便在导入到UnigineEditor时具有正确的缩放比例,位置和方向。
See Also也可以看看#
Pre-Export Arrangement出口前安排#
Before the export, do the following:导出之前,请执行以下操作:
Check that World Coordinate System and Working Units are set as follows:检查是否按照以下方式设置了World Coordinate System和Working Units:
For convenience, you can set the grid cell size equal to 1 meter. Click Display -> Grid and set the following:为了方便起见,您可以将网格像元大小设置为等于1米。单击Display -> Grid并设置以下内容:
Orient the model towards the positive direction of the Z axis, which is the front direction in Autodesk Maya.将模型朝向Z轴的正方向(即Autodesk Maya中的正向)定向。
- Set the actual model size.设置实际模型尺寸。
- Freeze transformations (Modify -> Freeze Transformations), if needed.如果需要,冻结转换(Modify -> Freeze Transformations)。
- Check that materials are ready for export.检查材料是否准备好出口。
Export Settings汇出设定#
As soon as your model is ready for export, click File -> Export All....一旦准备好导出模型,请单击File -> Export All...。
Export settings should be the following:导出设置应为以下内容:
- Files of type: FBX export
- Units: Automatic
- Up Axis: Y