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Unigine::Plugins::Syncker::Projections Class

Header: #include <plugins/UnigineSyncker.h>
Syncker plugin must be loaded.

This class represents an interface used to manage projections configuration of the Syncker.

Projections Class


void setEnabled ( bool enabled ) #

Sets a value indicating if projections on this host are to be modified by the Synker. You can disable this option, when using Syncker only for synchronization of node transformations (and/or transfer data) and modification of projections is unnecessary.


  • bool enabled - true to enable modification of projections on this host by the Syncker; false - to disable it.

bool isEnabled ( ) #

Returns the current value indicating if projections on this host are to be modified by the Synker. You can disable this option, when using Syncker only for synchronization of node transformations (and/or transfer data) and modification of projections is unnecessary.

Return value

true if modification of projections on this host by the Syncker is enabled; otherwise, false.

void setConfiguratorEnabled ( bool enabled ) #

Sets a value indicating if Syncker’s Projection Configurator window is shown.


  • bool enabled - true to show Syncker’s Projection Configurator window; false - to hide it.

bool isConfiguratorEnabled ( ) #

Returns the current value indicating if Syncker’s Projection Configurator window is shown.

Return value

true if modification of projections on this host by the Syncker is enabled; otherwise, false.

void saveProjections ( const char * file_name, bool binary = false ) #

Saves the current projections configuration to the specified file. You can use this method to migrate old binary files to the new XML format.


  • const char * file_name - Name of the file to which the current projections configuration shall be saved.
  • bool binary - Binary flag. Set true to save configuration in binary format; false - to save in XML format.

void loadProjections ( const char * file_name, bool binary = false ) #

Loads projections configuration from the specified file. You can use this method to migrate old binary files to the new XML format.


  • const char * file_name - Name of the file with projections configuration to be loaded.
  • bool binary - Binary flag. Set true to load configuration from a binary file; false - to load configuration from an XML file.

int getNumDisplays ( ) #

Returns the total number of displays in the current configuration.

Return value

Current number of displays.

int addDisplay ( const char * name ) #

Adds a new display to the current configuration.


  • const char * name - Name of the new display to be added.

Return value

Number of the new added display.

void removeDisplay ( int num ) #

Removes the display with the specified number from the current configuration.


void setDisplayEnabled ( int num, bool enabled ) #

Sets a value indicating if the specified display is enabled.


  • int num - Number of the display in the range from 0 to the total number of displays.
  • bool enabled - true to enable the specified display; false - to disable it.

bool isDisplayEnabled ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the specified display is enabled.


Return value

true if the specified display is enabled; otherwise, false.

void setDisplayName ( int num, const char * name ) #

Sets a new name for the display with the specified number.


  • int num - Number of the display in the range from 0 to the total number of displays.
  • const char * name - New name to be set for the specified display.

const char * getDisplayName ( int num ) #

Returns the name of the display with the specified number.


Return value

Name of the specified display.

void setDisplayTransform ( int num, const Math::Mat4 & transform ) #

Sets a new transformation for the display with the specified number.


  • int num - Number of the display in the range from 0 to the total number of displays.
  • const Math::Mat4 & transform - New transformation to be set for the specified display.

Math::Mat4 getDisplayTransform ( int num ) #

Returns the current transformation of the display with the specified number.


Return value

Current transformation of the specified display.

int getNumProjectors ( ) #

Returns the total number of projectors in the current configuration.

Return value

Current number of projectors.

int addProjector ( const char * name ) #

Adds a new projector to the current configuration.


  • const char * name - Name of the new projector to be added.

Return value

Number of the new added projector.

void removeProjector ( int num ) #

Removes the projector with the specified number from the current configuration.


void setProjectorEnabled ( int num, bool enabled ) #

Sets a value indicating if the specified projector is enabled.


  • int num - Number of the projector in the range from 0 to the total number of projectors.
  • bool enabled - true to enable the specified projector; false - to disable it.

bool isProjectorEnabled ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the specified projector is enabled.


Return value

true if the specified projector is enabled; otherwise, false.

void setProjectorName ( int num, const char * name ) #

Sets a new name for the projector with the specified number.


  • int num - Number of the projector in the range from 0 to the total number of projectors.
  • const char * name - New name to be set for the specified projector.

const char * getProjectorName ( int num ) #

Returns the name of the projector with the specified number.


Return value

Name of the specified projector.

void setProjectorTransform ( int num, const Math::Mat4 & transform ) #

Sets a new transformation for the projector with the specified number.


  • int num - Number of the projector in the range from 0 to the total number of projectors.
  • const Math::Mat4 & transform - New transformation to be set for the specified projector. The transformation includes position (relative to the viewer), rotation, and size (width and height).

Math::Mat4 getProjectorTransform ( int num ) #

Returns the current transformation of the projector with the specified number.


Return value

Current transformation of the specified projector.

void setProjectorAspectRatio ( int num, float aspect ) #

Sets a new aspect ratio (width to height) for the projector with the specified number.


  • int num - Number of the projector in the range from 0 to the total number of projectors.
  • float aspect - New aspect ratio to be set for the specified projector.

float getProjectorAspectRatio ( int num ) #

Returns the current aspect ratio (width to height) of the projector with the specified number.


Return value

Current aspect ratio of the specified projector.

void setProjectorVFOV ( int num, float vfov ) #

Sets a new vertical FOV (field of view) of the projector with the specified number.


  • int num - Number of the projector in the range from 0 to the total number of projectors.
  • float vfov - New vertical field of view to be set for the specified projector, in degrees.

float getProjectorVFOV ( int num ) #

Returns the current vertical FOV (field of view) of the projector with the specified number.


Return value

Current vertical field of view of the specified projector, in degrees.

void setProjectorHorizontalOffset ( int num, float hoffset ) #

Sets a new horizontal offset of the viewport of the projector with the specified number. The offset measures the position of the image relative to the centerline of the lens.


  • int num - Number of the projector in the range from 0 to the total number of projectors.
  • float hoffset - New horizontal offset to be set for the viewport of the specified projector, in meters.

float getProjectorHorizontalOffset ( int num ) #

Returns the current horizontal offset of the viewport of the projector with the specified number. The offset measures the position of the image relative to the centerline of the lens.


Return value

Current horizontal offset of the viewport of the specified projector, in meters.

void setProjectorVerticalOffset ( int num, float voffset ) #

Sets a new vertical offset of the viewport of the projector with the specified number. The offset measures the position of the image relative to the centerline of the lens.


  • int num - Number of the projector in the range from 0 to the total number of projectors.
  • float voffset - New vertical offset to be set for the viewport of the specified projector, in meters.

float getProjectorVerticalOffset ( int num ) #

Returns the current vertical offset of the viewport of the projector with the specified number. The offset measures the position of the image relative to the centerline of the lens.


Return value

Current vertical offset of the viewport of the specified projector, in meters.
Last update: 13.12.2021
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