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CigiSymbolControl Class

Header: #include <plugins/UnigineCIGIConnector.h>
Inherits from: CigiHostPacket

CigiSymbolControl Class


int getSymbolID ( ) const#

Returns the Symbol ID specified in the packet. Determines the symbol to which this packet shall be applied.

Return value

Symbol ID.

int getParentID ( ) const#

Returns the Parent Symbol ID specified in the packet. Determines the parent to which the IG shall attach the symbol.

Return value

Parent ID.

int getSurfaceID ( ) const#

Returns the Surface ID specified in the packet. Determines the symbol surface on which the IG shall draw the symbol.

Return value

Surface ID.

int getSymbolState ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Symbol State parameter specified in the packet. Determines whether the symbol is hidden, visible, or destroyed.

Return value

Symbol State parameter. The following values are supported:
  • 0 - Hidden.
  • 1 - Visible.
  • 2 - Destroyed.

int getAttachState ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Attach State parameter specified in the packet. Determines whether the symbol will be attached as a child to a parent symbol.

Return value

Attach State parameter value: 1 if the symbol is to be attached to a parent; otherwise, 0.

int getFlashControl ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Flash Control parameter specified in the packet. Determines whether the IG shall continue the symbol’s flash cycle from its present state or restart it from the beginning.

Return value

Flash Control parameter value. One of the following values:
  • 0 - continue
  • 1 - restart

int getInheritColor ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Inherit Color parameter specified in the packet. Determines whether the symbol inherits its color from the symbol to which it is attached.

Return value

Inherit Color parameter value: 1 if the color is inherited; otherwise, 0.

int getLayer ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Layer parameter specified in the packet. Determines the layer to which the symbol shall be assigned.

Return value

Layer parameter value in the [0 - 255] range.

int getFlashDuty ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Flash Duty Cycle Percentage parameter specified in the packet. Determines the duty cycle for a flashing symbol, measured as a percentage of the flash period.

Return value

Flash Duty parameter value in the [0 - 100] range.

float getFlashPeriod ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Flash Period parameter specified in the packet. This parameter specifies the duration of a single flash cycle. The IG makes the symbol visible for the duration of the duty cycle period and invisible for the remainder of the flash period.

Return value

Flash Period parameter value.

float getRotation ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Rotation parameter specified in the packet. Determines the contrast of the sensor display.

Return value

Rotation parameter value in the [0.0; 1.0] range.

Math::vec3 getPosition ( ) const#

Returns the UV position of the symbol as a three-component vector combining Position U and Position V parameters specified in the packet.

Return value

UV position of the symbol. The first two components specify the coordinates position of the symbol along U and V axes. The third component shall be ignored.

For top-level (non-child) symbols, the IG defines position of the symbol with respect to the symbol surface’s 2D coordinate system.

For child symbols - with respect to the parent symbol’s local coordinate system.

Math::vec3 getScale ( ) const#

Returns the scale vector of the symbol as a three-component vector combining Scale U and Scale V parameters specified in the packet.

Return value

Scale vector for the symbol. The first two components specify scaling factors of the symbol along its local U and V axes. The third component shall be ignored.

Math::vec4 getColor ( ) const#

Returns the color of the symbol as a four-component vector combining Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha parameters specified in the packet.

Return value

Four-component vector representing symbol color (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
Last update: 13.12.2021
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