Creating Routes
Unigine has a built-in pathfinding system that includes navigation areas, obstacles and functions of the PathRoute class that are used to calculate the optimal routes among obstacles within navigation areas.
Via UnigineEditor, you can only add a navigation area (a sector or a mesh) to the scene and place obstacles. The 2D or 3D route that is calculated within the navigation area should be created from the code.
Creating a Route within Navigation Area
To create a route within a navigation area, in which no obstacles are placed, you can use the following:
You can affect route calculation via UnigineEditor by adjusting parameters of the navigation sector or mesh.
Creating a Route within Navigation Area with Obstacles
Creating the route within a navigation area with obstacles is similar to creating the route within an empty navigation area. Moreover, the route will be recalculated if the obstacle changes its transformation.
If the obstacle is connected with a dynamically changing node that should be bypassed, this node should be set as a parent node for the obstacle. This will enable simultaneous changing transformation of the node and the obstacle. For example:
// AppWorldLogic.cs
using Unigine;
using Vec3 = Unigine.dvec3;
using Vec4 = Unigine.dvec4;
using Mat4 = Unigine.dmat4;
using Vec3 = Unigine.vec3;
using Vec4 = Unigine.vec4;
using Mat4 = Unigine.mat4;
namespace UnigineApp
class AppWorldLogic : WorldLogic
// declare the required variables
ObstacleBox box;
ObjectMeshStatic mesh;
PathRoute route;
// declare points between which a route should be calculated
Vec3 p0 = new Vec3(-60.0f, -60.0f, 5.0f);
Vec3 p1 = new Vec3(60.0f, 60.0f, 5.0f);
public override int init()
// enable the engine visualizer
// create a navigation sector within which pathfinding will be performed
NavigationSector navigation = new NavigationSector(new vec3(128.0f, 128.0f, 8.0f));
// remove the script ownership and add the node to UnigineEditor
navigation.setWorldTransform(MathLib.translate(new Vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 5.0f)));
// create a mesh by adding a box surface to it
Mesh mesh_0 = new Mesh();
mesh_0.addBoxSurface("box_surface", new vec3(1.0f));
// create the ObjectMeshStatic that should be bypassed
mesh = new ObjectMeshStatic(mesh_0);
// release script ownership and add the node UnigineEditor
mesh.setMaterial("mesh_base", "*");
mesh.setPosition(new Vec3(2.0f, 2.2f, 1.5f));
mesh.setScale(new vec3(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f));
// create an obstacle
box = new ObstacleBox(new vec3(1.2f, 1.2f, 1.2f));
// remove the script ownership and add the node to UnigineEditor
box.setPosition(new Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
// add the obstacle as the child node to the mesh in order to change their transformation simultaneously
// create a new route
route = new PathRoute();
// set a radius for the point which will move along the route
return 1;
public override int update()
// get the frame duration
float ifps = Game.get().getIFps();
// and define the angle of the object's rotation
float angle = ifps * 90.0f;
// change transformation of the mesh
mesh.setTransform(mesh.getTransform() * new Mat4(MathLib.rotateZ(angle)));
// render the bounding box of the obstacle
// recalculate the route in the current frame and render its visualizer
route.create2D(p0, p1);
route.renderVisualizer(new vec4(1.0f));
return 1;
In the result, you will have a simple navigation sector, in which the dynamically changing obstacle box is placed.