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Settings and Preferences
Working With Projects
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
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Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
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Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
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Material Class

UnigineScript is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please consider using C#/C++ instead, as these APIs are the preferred ones. Availability of new Engine features in UnigineScipt is not guaranteed, as the current level of support assumes only fixing critical issues.

This class is used to create materials, which are assigned to each node (or each surface of the object) and define how they look like. They implement the shaders and control what options, states, parameters of different types and textures are used to render the node during the rendering passes.

The concepts of a path and a name of the material should be distinguished:

  • The path specifies where the material is stored on the disk. The path includes a material file name.
  • The name specifies how the material will be displayed in Materials Editor (the materials hierarchy, the nodes surface editor). The name can also be used to reference material from the code.
By default, the material name and the material file name coincide.

Usage Examples#

Changing Textures#

The first example describes how to inherit a material from a base one, change material's texture and set texture flags for it. We inherit a new material named material_ball_0 from the material_ball material, assign it to the default material ball object, change its albedo texture and set the FILTER_POINT flag for it.

Add the following code to the world script file.

Source code (UnigineScript)
// your_world_name.usc

/* .. */

int init() {

	/* .. */
	// inherit a new material from the material_ball
	Material m = engine.materials.findMaterial("material_ball").inherit("material_ball_0");

	// getting the material_ball object and assigning the material_ball_0 material to it
	ObjectMeshStatic material_ball = node_cast("material_ball"));
	material_ball.setMaterial("material_ball_0", "*");

	// get the number of the albedo texture of the material_ball_0 material
	int num = m.findTexture("albedo");
	// check if our material is editable and perform modifications
	if (m.isEditable()){
		log.message("Material (%s) is editable.\n", m.getName());

		// change albedo texture of the material to core/textures/common/
		Image image = new Image("core/textures/common/");
		m.setTextureImage(num, image);

		// get current flags, check if point filtering is enabled and display the result in the console
		int flags = m.getTextureFlags(num);
		log.message("Flags for %s texture (%d):%d \n", m.getTextureName(num), num, flags);
		log.message("FILTER_POINT %s\n", (flags & TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT)? "enabled": "disabled");

		// set the FILTER_POINT flag
		m.setTextureFlags(num, TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT);

		// get the flags, check if point filtering is enabled and display the result in the console
		int flagsSet = m.getTextureFlags(num);
		log.message("Flags for %s texture (%d):%d \n", m.getTextureName(num), num, flagsSet);
		log.message("FILTER_POINT %s\n", (flagsSet & TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT) ? "enabled" : "disabled");
	return 1;

/* .. */

As a result you'll see, that albedo texture of the material ball object has changed and the following result is displayed in the console:

Material (material_ball_0) is editable.
Flags for albedo texture (1):2048000
Flags for albedo texture (1):4096

Changing States and Parameters#

The second example illustrates how to inherit a material from the mesh_base, enable the planar reflection state and change two parameters affecting the look of dynamic reflections.

Add the following code to the world script file.

Source code (UnigineScript)
// your_world_name.usc

/* .. */

int init() {

	/* .. */
	// find the mesh_base material
	Material mesh_base = engine.materials.findMaterial("mesh_base");
	// inherit a new material from it and assign the path to asset to be created on save() call:
	// planar_reflector.mat in the data project folder
	Material reflector_material = mesh_base.inherit("planar_reflector", "planar_reflector.mat");

	// enable planar reflections for the mirror material
	reflector_material.setState("planar_reflection", 1);

	// set metallness and roughness parameters to make the surface look like a mirror
	// by the name of the parameter
	reflector_material.setParameter("metalness", 1.0f);
	// or by its id, which is the same
	reflector_material.setParameter(reflector_material.findParameter("roughness"), 0.0f);

	// save the material asset to the path specified earlier;
	// assign the mesh_base material to the material ball by its name
	ObjectMeshStatic material_ball = node_cast("material_ball"));

	// assign new mirror material to the ground object
	ObjectMeshDynamic ground = node_cast("ground"));
	ground.setMaterial(reflector_material, 0);
	// enable planar reflections rendering using the corresponding console command (render_reflection_dynamic)
	return 1;

/* .. */

Material Class


static Material ( ) #

Constructor. Creates a new material instance.

int isAlphaTest ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the material has an alpha test option enabled.

Return value

1 if the material has alpha test option enabled; otherwise, 0.

int isBrush ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the material is used for brushes (*.brush or *.basebrush file extension).

Return value

1 if the material is used for brushes; otherwise, 0.

int getBlendDestFunc ( ) #

Returns the destination blending function.

Return value

One of the MATERIAL_BLEND_* variables, which specify ways of calculating the blend factor.

void setBlendFunc ( int src, int dest ) #

Sets the source and destination blending functions.


  • int src - Blend mode (one of the MATERIAL_BLEND_* variables) for the source color.
  • int dest - Blend mode (one of the MATERIAL_BLEND_* variables) for the destination color.

int getBlendSrcFunc ( ) #

Returns the source blending function.

Return value

One of the MATERIAL_BLEND_* variables, which specify ways of calculating the blend factor.

void setCastShadow ( int shadow ) #

Enables or disables the cast shadow option for an object with the material applied.


  • int shadow - 1 to enable casting of shadows, 0 to disable it.

int getCastShadow ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if an object with the material applied casts shadows.

Return value

1 if casting of shadows is enabled; otherwise, 0.

void setCastWorldShadow ( int shadow ) #

Enables or disables casting of shadows from the world light for an object with the material applied.


  • int shadow - 1 to enable casting of shadows from the world light, 0 to disable it.

int getCastWorldShadow ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if an object with the material applied casts shadows from the world light.

Return value

1 if casting of shadows from the world light is enabled; otherwise, 0.

Material getChild ( int num ) #

Returns a child material with a given number.


  • int num - Child material number.

Return value

Child material.

int isDeferred ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the material is rendered in the deferred pass.

Return value

1 if the material is rendered in the deferred pass (non-transparent); otherwise, 0.

void setDepthMask ( int mask ) #

Sets a value indicating if the material uses a depth mask.


  • int mask - 1 to use the depth mask, 0 not to use.

int getDepthMask ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the material uses a depth mask.

Return value

Positive number if the depth mask is used; otherwise, 0.

void setDepthTest ( int test ) #

Enables or disables the depth testing option for the material. This option can be used to render certain objects, that are behind other ones.


  • int test - 1 to enable depth testing for the material, 0 to disable it.

int getDepthTest ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if depth testing is enabled for the material. This option can be used to render certain objects, that are behind other ones.

Return value

1 if depth testing is enabled for the material; otherwise, 0.

int isEditable ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the material can be edited.

Return value

1 if the material is editable; otherwise, 0.

int isFilter ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the material has filter texture.

Return value

1 if the material has a filter texture; otherwise, 0.

int isForward ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the material is rendered in the forward pass.

Return value

1 if the material is rendered in the forward pass (transparent with blending func); otherwise, 0.

int isHidden ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the material is hidden.

Return value

1 if the material is hidden; otherwise, 0.

void setImageTextureProcedural ( int num, Material procedural, int procedural_num ) #

Assigns the procedural texture of the given procedural material to the specified texture of the current material.


  • int num - Number of the texture, to which the procedural texture will be assigned.
  • Material procedural - Procedural material.
  • int procedural_num - Procedural texture number.

void setShadowMask ( int mask ) #

Sets a shadow mask for the material.

For the shadow to be rendered for a light source from an object's surface having this material assigned, this mask must match the following ones (one bit, at least):

The surface with the assigned material lit by a light source casts shadow if the shadow mask of the light source matches the corresponding masks of the surface and its material.


  • int mask - Integer value, each bit of which is a mask.

int getShadowMask ( ) #

Returns a shadow mask of the material.

For the shadow to be rendered for a light source from an object's surface having this material assigned, this mask must match the following ones (one bit, at least):

Return value

Integer value, each bit of which is a mask.

string getName ( ) #

Returns the current material name.

Return value

Material name.

int getNumChildren ( ) #

Returns the number of child materials.

Return value

Number of child materials.

int getNumParameters ( ) #

Returns the number of material's parameters.

Return value

Number of material's parameters.

int getNumStates ( ) #

Returns the number of material's states.

Return value

Number of material's states.

int getNumTextures ( ) #

Returns the number of textures used by the material.

Return value

Number of used textures.

void setOffset ( int offset ) #

Sets the rendering polygon offset for the material. Polygon offset is useful to prevent a Z-fighting effect.


  • int offset - Rendering polygon offset in levels. Available values: 0 - 1024 (powers of 2).

int getOffset ( ) #

Returns the rendering polygon offset used for the material.

Return value

Rendering polygon offset in levels.

void setOrder ( int order ) #

Sets the rendering order of material. The higher the rendering order, the lower the rendering priority (the material with the -128 order will be rendered first).


  • int order - Rendering order, in the range from -128 to 127.

int getOrder ( ) #

Returns the rendering order of materials.

Return value

Rendering order, in the range from -128 to 127.

void setOverlap ( int overlap ) #

Enables or disables the overlap option for the material. This option enables rendering the material over the final image and can be used for UI elements.


  • int overlap - 1 to enable the overlap option for the material, 0 to disable it.

int getOverlap ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the overlap option is enabled for the material. This option enables rendering the material over the final image and can be used for UI elements.

Return value

1 if the overlap option is enabled for the material; otherwise, 0.

int isParameterExpressionEnabled ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the value of the specified material parameter is represented by an expression in UnigineScript. Values of certain parameters can be calculated by an arbitrary expression, written in UnigineScript. .


Return value

1 if the value of the specified material parameter is represented by an expression in UnigineScript; otherwise, 0.

void setParameterExpressionEnabled ( int num, int enabled ) #

Sets a value indicating if the value of the specified material parameter is represented by an expression in UnigineScript. Values of certain parameters can be calculated by an arbitrary expression, written in UnigineScript. .


  • int num - Parameter number in the range from 0 to the total number of parameters.
  • int enabled - 1 to enable setting the values of the specified material parameter by an expression in UnigineScript; 0 - to disable.

int isParameterOverridden ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if a given parameter is overridden.


Return value

1 if the given parameter is overridden; otherwise, 0.

void setParameter ( int num, Variable arg2 ) #

Sets a material's parameter value.


void setParameter ( string name, Variable arg2 ) #

Sets the specified value to the parameter with the given name.


  • string name - Parameter name.
  • Variable arg2 - Parameter value to set.

Variable getParameter ( string name ) #

Returns a value of the parameter with the given name.


  • string name - Parameter name.

Return value

Parameter value.

Variable getParameter ( int num ) #

Returns a value of the parameter with the given number.


Return value

Parameter value.

int isParameterInt ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the parameter with the specified number is an integer-type parameter.


Return value

0 if the parameter with the specified number is an integer-type parameter; otherwise, 1.

int isParameterFloat ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the parameter with the specified number is a float-type parameter.


Return value

0 if the parameter with the specified number is an float-type parameter; otherwise, 1.

int getParameterMinExpand ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the minimum value of the parameter with the specified number can be decreased.


Return value

1 if the minimum value can be changed; otherwise, 0.

int getParameterMaxExpand ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the maximum value of the parameter with the specified number can be increased.


Return value

1 if the maximum value can be changed; otherwise, 0.

float getParameterMinValue ( int num ) #

Returns the minimum allowed value for the parameter with the specified number.


Return value

Minimum parameter value.

float getParameterMaxValue ( int num ) #

Returns the maximum allowed value for the parameter with the specified number.


Return value

Maximum parameter value.

int getParameterArraySize ( int num ) #

Returns the number of elements in the array parameter with the specified number.


Return value

Number of elements of the specified array parameter.

int isParameterArray ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the parameter with the specified number is an array-type parameter, i.e., one of the following:


Return value

1 if the parameter is an array-type parameter; otherwise, 0.

void getParameterArray ( int num ) #

Returns a value of the array parameter (type: PARAMETER_ARRAY_FLOAT4) with the specified number and puts it to the specified buffer array.


void setParameterArray ( int num ) #

Sets a value of the array parameter (type: PARAMETER_ARRAY_FLOAT4) with the specified number using the specified array.


void setParameterArray ( Variable param, int values ) #

Sets a value of the array parameter (type: PARAMETER_ARRAY_FLOAT4) with the specified number using the specified array.


  • Variable param - Material parameter identifier. Can be of the following:
  • int values - ID of the array of values to be set.

void getParameterArray ( Variable param, int values ) #

Returns a value of the array parameter with the specified number and puts it to the specified buffer array.


  • Variable param - Material parameter identifier. Can be of the following:
  • int values - ID of the buffer array to store parameter values.

int setParameterExpression ( int num, string expression ) #

Sets the expression used as a parameter value.


Return value

1 if the expression is set successfully; otherwise, 0.

string getParameterExpression ( int num ) #

Returns an expression used as a parameter value.


Return value

Parameter expression, if it exists; otherwise, NULL (0).

string getParameterGroup ( int num ) #

Returns the group of the material parameter.


Return value

The group of the material parameter.

int isParameterHidden ( int num ) #

Returns a value indicating if a given parameter is hidden.


Return value

1 if the parameter is hidden; otherwise, 0.

string getParameterName ( int num ) #

Returns the name of a given parameter.


Return value

Parameter name.

string getParameterTitle ( int num ) #

Returns the title of the material parameter.


Return value

Material parameter title.

string getParameterTooltip ( int num ) #

Returns the tooltip of the material parameter.


Return value

The tooltip text of the material parameter.

int getParameterType ( int num ) #

Returns the type of a given parameter.


Return value

One of the MATERIAL_PARAMETER_* pre-defined variables or -1, if an error has occurred.

int getParameterWidgetIndex ( int num ) #

Returns the index of the widget used to display the specified material parameter in UI.


Return value

Index of the widget used for the specified material parameter.

string getParameterWidget ( int num ) #

Returns the name of the widget used to display the specified material parameter in UI.


Return value

Widget name for the specified material parameter.

Material getParent ( ) #

Returns the parent material.

Return value

Parent material or NULL (0), if the current material has no parent.

int isParent ( string name ) #

Returns a value indicating if the material with the given name is a parent of the current material.


  • string name - Material name.

Return value

1 if the material is the parent, otherwise - 0.

bool isParent ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the material with the given GUID is a parent of the current material.


    Return value

    1 if the material is the parent; otherwise, 0.

    int isProcedural ( ) #

    Returns a value indicating if the material has procedural texture.

    Return value

    1 if the material has a procedural texture; otherwise, 0.

    void setProceduralTexture ( int num, Texture texture ) #

    Replaces a procedural texture having the specified number with the specified Texture. Procedural textures are calculated at run-time on GPU, using custom shaders. For example, this function allows to set the initial value for such texture.


    • int num - Texture number. In materials, such texture should be declared with type="procedural" attribute.
    • Texture texture - Texture to be set.

    int setProceduralTextureImage ( int num, Image image ) #

    Replaces a given procedural texture with an Image instance. Procedural textures are calculated at run-time on GPU, using custom shaders. For example, this function allows to set the initial value for such texture.


    • int num - Texture number. In materials, such texture should be declared with type="procedural" attribute.
    • Image image - An image to set.

    Return value

    1 if the texture is replaced successfully; otherwise, 0.

    int getProceduralTextureImage ( int num, Image image ) #

    Reads a given procedural texture into an Image instance. Procedural textures are calculated in run-time on GPU, using custom shaders. For example, this function allows to read the value of such texture at any moment.


    • int num - Texture number. In materials, such texture should be declared with type="procedural" attribute.
    • Image image - Image into which texture is read.

    Return value

    1 if the texture is read successfully; otherwise, 0.

    int isReflection2D ( ) #

    Returns a value indicating if the material has a 2d reflection texture.

    Return value

    1 if the material has a 2d reflection texture; otherwise, 0.

    int checkShaderCache ( ) #

    Returns a value indicating if shader combination for current material states and options is already in cache.

    Return value

    1 if shader combination for current material states and options is already in cache; otherwise, 0.

    int checkShaderCache ( int pass, int node_type ) #

    Returns a value indicating if shader combination for the given rendering pass and node type is already in cache.


    • int pass - Rendering pass number in range [0;NUM_PASSES) (one of the PASS_* variables).
    • int node_type - Node type.

    Return value

    1 if shader combination for the given rendering pass and node type is already in cache; otherwise, 0.

    int compileShader ( int pass, int node_type ) #

    Compiles shader combination for the given rendering pass and node type.


    • int pass - Rendering pass number in range [0;NUM_PASSES) (one of the PASS_* variables).
    • int node_type - Node type.

    Return value

    1 if shader combination for the given rendering pass and node type was compiled successfully; otherwise, 0.

    int isStateOverridden ( int num ) #

    Returns a value indicating if a given state is overridden.


    • int num - State number.

    Return value

    1 if the given state is overridden; otherwise, 0.

    void setState ( int num, int value ) #

    Sets the state value.


    • int num - State number.
    • int value - State value to be set.

    void setState ( int value ) #

    Sets the value of the given state.


    • int value - State value.

    int getState ( int num ) #

    Returns the state value.


    • int num - State number.

    Return value

    State value.

    int getState ( ) #

    Returns the value of the given state.


      Return value

      State value.

      string getStateGroup ( int num ) #

      Returns the group of the material state.


      • int num - State number.

      Return value

      The group of the material state.

      int isStateHidden ( int num ) #

      Returns a value indicating if a given state is hidden.


      • int num - State number.

      Return value

      1 is the state is hidden; otherwise, 0.

      string getStateName ( int num ) #

      Returns the name of a given state.


      • int num - State number.

      Return value

      State name.

      string getStateSwitchGroup ( int num ) #

      Returns the switch group name for a given state.


      • int num - State number.

      Return value

      State switch group name.

      string getStateSwitchItem ( int num, int item ) #

      Returns the switch item name for a given state.


      • int num - State number.
      • int item - Item number.

      Return value

      Switch item name or NULL (0), if an error has occurred.

      int getStateSwitchNumItems ( int num ) #

      Returns the number of switch items for a given state.


      • int num - State number.

      Return value

      Number of switch items.

      string getStateTitle ( int num ) #

      Returns the title of the material state.


      • int num - State number.

      Return value

      The title of the material state.

      string getStateTooltip ( int num ) #

      Returns the tooltip of the material state.


      • int num - State number.

      Return value

      The tooltip text of the material state.

      int getStateWidgetIndex ( int num ) #

      Returns the index of the widget used to display the specified material state in UI.


      Return value

      Index of the widget used for the specified material state.

      int getStateType ( int num ) #

      Returns the type of a given state.


      • int num - State number.

      Return value

      One of the MATERIAL_STATE_* pre-defined variables or -1, if an error occurred.

      string getTextureGroup ( int num ) #

      Returns the group of the material texture.


      • int num - State number.

      Return value

      The group of the material texture.

      int isTextureHidden ( int num ) #

      Returns a value indicating if the texture is hidden.


      • int num - Texture number.

      Return value

      1 if the texture is hidden; otherwise, 0.

      int isTextureOverridden ( int num ) #

      Returns a value indicating if a given texture is overridden.


      • int num - Texture number.

      Return value

      1 if the given texture is overridden; otherwise, 0.

      string getTextureName ( int num ) #

      Returns the name of a given texture.


      • int num - Texture number.

      Return value

      Texture name.

      string getTextureTitle ( int num ) #

      Returns the title of the material texture.


      • int num - Texture number.

      Return value

      Title of the material texture.

      string getTextureTooltip ( int num ) #

      Returns the tooltip of the material texture.


      • int num - Texture number.

      Return value

      Tooltip text of the material texture.

      int getTextureWidgetIndex ( int num ) #

      Returns the index of the widget used to display the specified material texture in UI.


      Return value

      Index of the widget used for the specified material texture.

      int getTextureType ( int num ) #

      Returns the type of a given texture.


      • int num - Texture number.

      Return value

      One of the MATERIAL_TEXTURE_* pre-defined variables or -1, if an error occurred.

      void setTransparent ( int transparent ) #

      Sets a value indicating the transparency type of the material. If the transparent option is set to TRANSPARENT_NONE or TRANSPARENT_DEFERRED, the blending function won't be used.


      • int transparent - The transparency option (one of the TRANSPARENT_* variables).

      int getTransparent ( ) #

      Returns a value indicating the transparency type of the material.

      Return value

      One of the TRANSPARENT_* variables.

      void setTwoSided ( int sided ) #

      Enables or disables the two sided option for the material.


      • int sided - 1 to make the material two-sided, 0 to make it one-sided.

      int getTwoSided ( ) #

      Returns a value indicating if the material is two-sided.

      Return value

      1 if the material is two-sided; otherwise, 0.

      void setViewportMask ( int mask ) #

      Sets a bit mask for rendering into the viewport. The material is rendered, if its mask matches the player's one.


      • int mask - Integer, each bit of which is a mask.

      int getViewportMask ( ) #

      Returns the current bit mask for rendering into the viewport. The material is rendered, if its mask matches the player's one.

      Return value

      Integer, each bit of which is a mask.

      int isWater ( ) #

      Returns a value indicating if the material is rendered in the water pass.

      Return value

      1 if the material is rendered in the water pass; otherwise, 0.

      Material clone ( string name ) #

      Clones the material and assigns the given name to it.
      A base material cannot be cloned: if you try to clone the base material, the new material will be inherited from the base one.


      • string name - Cloned material name.

      Return value

      Cloned material.

      Material clone ( string name, string path, UGUID guid ) #

      Clones the material and assigns the given name, GUID and path to the cloned material. The cloned material will be saved to the specified path on saveMaterials() call. This method may be used, for example, to create a material missed during project's migration.
      A base material cannot be cloned: if you try to clone the base material, a new material will be inherited from the base one.


      • string name - CLoned material name.
      • string path - Path to the cloned material.
      • UGUID guid - Cloned material GUID.

      Return value

      The cloned material.

      Material clone ( string name, string path ) #

      Clones the material and assigns the given name and path to the cloned material. The cloned material will be saved to the specified path on saveMaterials() call.
      A base material cannot be cloned: if you try to clone the base material, the new material will be inherited from the base one.


      • string name - Cloned material name.
      • string path - Path to save the cloned material

      Return value

      Cloned material.

      Material clone ( ) #

      Clones the material. The cloned material will be empty: it won't have a name, path, textures and won't be displayed in the materials hierarchy.

      Return value

      Cloned material.

      int fetchParameter ( string name, int fast_id ) #

      Searches for a parameter by a given name among all parameters of the material.


      • string name - Parameter name.
      • int fast_id - Parameter number in users auxiliary parameters cache. The value must be in the range [0; 512]

      Return value

      Parameter number, if it is found; otherwise, -1.

      int fetchState ( string name, int fast_id ) #

      Searches for a state by a given name among all states of the current material.


      • string name - State name.
      • int fast_id - State number in users auxiliary states cache. The value must be in the range [0; 512]

      Return value

      State number, if it is found; otherwise, -1.

      int fetchTexture ( string name, int fast_id ) #

      Searches for a texture by a given name among all textures used by the current material.


      • string name - Texture name.
      • int fast_id - Texture number in users auxiliary textures cache. The value must be in the range [0; 512]

      Return value

      Texture number, if it is found; otherwise, -1.

      int findParameter ( string name ) #

      Searches for a parameter by a given name among all parameters of the current material.


      • string name - Parameter name.

      Return value

      Parameter number, if it is found; otherwise, -1.

      int findState ( string name ) #

      Searches for a state by a given name among all states of the current material.


      • string name - State name.

      Return value

      State number, if it is found; otherwise, -1.

      int findTexture ( string name ) #

      Searches for a texture by a given name among all textures used by the current material.


      • string name - Texture name.

      Return value

      Texture number, if it is found; otherwise, -1.

      Material inherit ( string name ) #

      Inherits a material from the current one and assigns the specified name to it.


      • string name - Inherited material name.

      Return value

      Inherited material.

      Material inherit ( string name, string path ) #

      Inherits a material from the current one and assigns the specified name and path to it. The inherited material will be saved to the specified path on saveMaterials() call.


      • string name - Inherited material name.
      • string path - Path to the inherited material.

      Return value

      Inherited material.

      Material inherit ( string name, string path, UGUID guid ) #

      Inherits a material from the current one and assigns the specified name, GUID and path to it. The inherited material will be saved to the specified path on saveMaterials() call.


      • string name - Inherited material name.
      • string path - Path to the inherited material.
      • UGUID guid - Inherited material GUID.

      Return value

      Inherited material.

      Material inherit ( ) #

      Inherits the material. The inherited material will be empty: it won't have a name, path, texture and won't be displayed in materials hierarchy.

      Return value

      Inherited material.

      int restoreState ( Stream stream, int forced = 0 ) #

      Restores the state of a given material (all of its options, states and parameters) from a binary stream.
      This function is deprecated and will be removed in the next release.


      • Stream stream - The stream with saved material data.
      • int forced - Forced restoring of material settings.

      Return value

      1 if the material settings are restored successfully; otherwise, 0.

      int saveState ( Stream stream, int forced = 0 ) #

      Saves the settings of a given material (all of its options, states and parameters) into a binary stream.
      This function is deprecated and will be removed in the next release.


      • Stream stream - The stream to save material state data.
      • int forced - Forced saving of material settings.

      Return value

      1 if the material settings are saved successfully; otherwise, 0.

      int canRenderNode ( ) #

      Returns a value indicating if the marial can be rendered for at least one type of nodes.

      Return value

      1 if the material is rendered for at least one type of nodes; otherwise, 0.

      void resetState ( int num ) #

      Resets the overridden value of the given state to the parent one.


      • int num - State number.

      void setTexturePath ( int num ) #

      Sets a new path to the texture with the given number.


      • int num - Texture number.

      void setTexturePath ( ) #

      Sets a new path to the texture with the given name.


        void setName ( string name ) #

        Sets a given name for the current material.
        The method isn't available for the manual and base materials.


        • string name - Material name.

        void resetTexture ( int num ) #

        Resets the overridden value of the given texture to the parent one.


        • int num - Texture number.

        getTexturePath ( int num ) #

        Returns a path to the texture with the specified number.


        • int num - Texture number.

        Return value

        A path to the texture.

        getTexturePath ( ) #

        Returns a path to the texture with the specified name.


          Return value

          A path to the texture.

          void setPath ( string path ) #

          Sets a new path for the material.


          • string path - New path to the material file.

          void setFileGUID ( UGUID fileguid ) #

          Sets a new GUID for the material file.


          • UGUID fileguid - New GUID for the material file.

          UGUID getFileGUID ( ) #

          Returns the current GUID of the material file.

          Return value

          GUID of the material file.

          int isNodeTypeSupported ( int type ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the given type of nodes is supported by the material.


          Return value

          1 if the node type is supported; otherwise, 0.

          int setParent ( Material material, int save_all_values = 1 ) #

          Sets the given material as the parent for this material and saves the material's properties values (if the corresponding flag is set).
          The method isn't available for the manual and base materials.


          • Material material - Material to be set as the parent for this material.
          • int save_all_values - Flag indicating if the material's properties will be saved after reparenting.

          Return value

          1 if the material's parent is changed; otherwise, 0.

          int checkTextureConditions ( int num ) #

          Checks if conditions set for the given texture are met.


          • int num - Texture number.

          Return value

          1 if conditions are met; otherwise, 0.

          int isInternal ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the current material is internal.

          Return value

          1 if the material is internal; otherwise, 0.

          int getTextureFlags ( int num ) #

          Returns the flags set on the given texture.


          • int num - Texture number.

          Return value

          Texture flags bit mask.

          void reloadShaders ( ) #

          Reloads shaders of the current material.

          int loadXml ( Xml xml ) #

          Loads material settings from the Xml.


          • Xml xml - An Xml node containing material settings.

          Return value

          1 if the material settings are loaded successfully; otherwise, 0.

          int hasOverrides ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the material has at least one overridden property.

          Return value

          1 if the material has at least one overridden property; otherwise, 0.

          int canSave ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the material can be saved. For example, this function will return 0 for a base or manual material.

          Return value

          1 if the material can be saved; otherwise, 0.

          int checkStateConditions ( int num ) #

          Checks if conditions set for the given state are met.


          • int num - State number.

          Return value

          1 if conditions are met; otherwise, 0.

          int isManual ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the current material is manual.

          Return value

          1 if the material is manual; otherwise, 0.

          int isAutoSave ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the material can be saved automatically to the path specified via setPath() (automatic material saving is performed, for example, on world's saving). The function will return 0 in the following cases:
          • The canSave() function returns 0 for the material.
          • The material is non-editable.
          • The path isn't specified for the material.

          Return value

          1 if the material can be saved automatically; otherwise, 0.

          int isLegacy ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the material is a legacy one. A legacy material is a non-ULON base material described in an XML file.

          Return value

          1 if the material is a legacy one; otherwise, 0.

          int isOptionsHidden ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if Common material options (such as Transparency Preset, Material Mask, Polygon Offset, etc.) are not available for the material. This method is used for custom materials (e.g., landscape terrain brushes).

          Return value

          1 if Common material options are not available for the material; otherwise, 0.

          int isPreviewHidden ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if preview in the UnigineEditor is disabled for the material. This method is used for custom materials (e.g., landscape terrain brushes).

          Return value

          1 if preview in the UnigineEditor is disabled for the material; otherwise, 0.

          int checkParameterConditions ( int num ) #

          Checks if conditions set for the given parameter are met.


          • int num - Parameter name.

          Return value

          1 if conditions are met; othersiwe, 0.

          int save ( ) #

          Save the material to the current path used for this material.
          The method isn't available for the manual and base materials.

          Return value

          1 if the material is saved successfully; otherwise, 0.

          int save ( string path ) #

          Save the material to the specified path.


          • string path - A path to save the material

          Return value

          1 if the material is saved successfully; otherwise, 0.

          int load ( ) #

          Loads the material from the file specified by the setPath() function. The function can be used to load materials created during application execution or stored outside the data directory.

          Return value

          1 if the material is loaded successfully; otherwise, 0.

          int load ( string path ) #

          Loads a material from the given file. The function can be used to load materials created during application execution or stored outside the data directory.


          • string path - A path to the material file.

          Return value

          1 if the material is loaded successfully; otherwise, 0.

          int saveXml ( Xml xml ) #

          Saves the material into the given Xml.
          The method isn't available for the manual and base materials.


          • Xml xml - An Xml node.

          Return value

          1 if the material is saved successfully; otherwise, 0.

          int isBase ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the material is the base one.

          Return value

          1 if the material is the base one; otherwise, 0.

          int isNodeSupported ( Node node ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the material can be applied to the given node.


          • Node node - A node.

          Return value

          1 if the given node is supported; otherwise, 0.

          int setTextureImage ( int num, Image image ) #

          Set a given image to a given texture.


          • int num - Texture number.
          • Image image - An image to set.

          Return value

          1 if the image is set successfully; otherwise, 0.

          Material getBaseMaterial ( ) #

          Returns the base material of the current material.

          Return value

          A base material.

          void setTextureFlags ( int num, int flags ) #

          Sets the specified texture flags to the given texture.


          void setTexture ( int num, Texture texture ) #

          Sets the given texture to the texture with the specified number.


          • int num - Texture number.
          • Texture texture - Texture to be set.

          Texture getTexture ( int num ) #

          Returns a texture set for the current material.


          • int num - Texture number.

          Return value

          A texture.

          string getPath ( ) #

          Returns a path to the current material.

          Return value

          Path to the material.

          void resetParameter ( int num ) #

          Resets the overridden value of the given parameter to the parent one.


          int reload ( ) #

          Reloads the material and all its children.

          Return value

          1 if the material is reloaded successfully; otherwise, 0.

          int getTextureImage ( int num, Image image ) #

          Reads a given texture into a given image.


          • int num - Texture number.
          • Image image - An image.

          Return value

          1 if the texture is read successfully; otherwise, 0.

          UGUID getGUID ( ) #

          Returns the GUID of the material.

          Return value

          GUID of the material.

          int isEngine ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the current material is engine-related (i.e. required for engine operation). Such materials are stored in the core, editor and editor2 folders.

          Return value

          1 if the material is engine-related; otherwise, 0.

          void destroyShaders ( ) #

          Deletes all shaders used for the current material and its children and clears shaders cache.

          void createShaders ( int recursive = 0 ) #

          Creates all shaders for the current material and its children (if specified).


          • int recursive - 1 to create shaders for child materials of the current material; otherwise, 0.

          void destroyTextures ( ) #

          Deletes all textures used by the current material and its children.

          int isEmpty ( ) #

          Returns a value indicating if an empty shader is used as a vertex shader in the current material.

          Return value

          1 if an empty vertex shader is used; otherwise, 0.

          void reloadShader ( long num ) #

          Reloads the shader with the given number.


          • long num - Shader number.

          void updateShadersHash ( ) #

          Updates fast identifiers of shaders (hashes of names) of the material. The function is available only for base materials.

          int getRenderPass ( string pass_name ) #

          Returns the type of the rendering pass by its name (including custom passes).


          • string pass_name - Name of the rendering pass.

          Return value

          Rendering pass number in the range from 0 to 18 + custom_passes_number, if it exists; otherwise -1.

          string getRenderPassName ( int type ) #

          Returns the name of the rendering pass by its number (including custom passes).


          • int type - Rendering pass number in range [0;NUM_PASSES) (one of the PASS_* variables).

          Return value

          Rendering pass name if it exists; otherwise NULL.

          int runExpression ( string name, int w, int h, int d = 1 ) #

          Runs the material's expression with the specified name. An expression is a reference to a file containing code in UnigineScript, that can generate various elements used in the material (e.g., textures, texture arrays, unstructured buffers, etc.) or contain other logic. Expressions can be defined in the *.basemat file as follows:
          Source code (XML)
          <expression name="expr_name" path="expression.usc"/>

          An example of expression.usc code:

          Source code (UnigineScript)
          // typical most frequently used parameters passed to the expression automatically, when it is called.
          int in_width;
          int in_height;
          int in_depth;
          Material in_material;
          // If you need extra parameters, you should set them via Material::setParameter*("param_name", value) before calling Material::runExpression()
          // then you can access them in the expression via in_material.getParameter*("param_name")
          // ...
          // get a temporary texture
          Texture texture = engine.render.getTemporaryTexture(in_width, in_height);
          //get the value of the material parameter named "my_extra_param"
          float my_param = in_material.getParameter("my_extra_param");
          // modify the temporary texture using the my_param parameter somehow...
          // set the modified texture as albedo texture of the material
          in_material->setTexture("albedo", texture);

          To execute this expression the following code can be used:

          Source code (C++)
          // ...
          // setting the value of extra parameter
          material->setParameterFloat("my_extra_param", 2.5f);
          // running the expression 
          material->runExpression("expr_name, 512, 512, 1);
          // ...
          Expressions can be executed only for base materials.


          • string name - Expression name. Expression with this name must be defined in the material declaration (*.basemat file).
          • int w - Width, e.g. if a texture or a structured buffer is generated by the expression.
          • int h - Height, e.g. if a texture or a structured buffer is generated by the expression.
          • int d - Depth, e.g. if a 3D Texture, 2D array or a structured buffer is generated by the expression.

          Return value

          1 if the specified expression is executed successfully; otherwise, 0.

          int renderScreen ( string pass_name ) #

          Renders the screen-space material. The material must have a shader for the specified pass associated with it.


          • string pass_name - Name of the rendering pass.

          Return value

          0 if the specified pass was not found; otherwise, 1.

          int renderCompute ( string pass_name, int group_threads_x = 1, int group_threads_y = 1, int group_threads_z = 1 ) #

          Renders the material using a compute shader. The material must have a compute shader for the specified pass associated with it.


          • string pass_name - Name of the rendering pass.
          • int group_threads_x - Local X work-group size of the compute shader.
          • int group_threads_y - Local Y work-group size of the compute shader.
          • int group_threads_z - Local Z work-group size of the compute shader.

          Return value

          0 if the specified pass was not found; otherwise, 1.

          string getOptionTitle ( int option ) #

          Returns the title of the specified material option.


          • int option - Material option: one of the OPTION_* values.

          Return value

          Material option title.

          string getOptionTooltip ( int option ) #

          Returns the tooltip of the specified material option.


          • int option - Material option: one of the OPTION_* values.

          Return value

          Tooltip text of the material's option.

          string getOptionGroup ( int option ) #

          Returns the group to which the specified material option belongs.


          • int option - Material option: one of the OPTION_* values.

          Return value

          The group of the material option.

          int getOptionWidgetIndex ( int option ) #

          Returns the index of the widget used to display the specified material option in UI.


          • int option - Material option: one of the OPTION_* values.

          Return value

          Index of the widget used for the specified material option.

          int isOptionHidden ( int option ) #

          Returns a value indicating if the specified material option is hidden.


          • int option - Material option: one of the OPTION_* values.

          Return value

          1 if the option is hidden; otherwise, 0.
          Last update: 2020-04-10
          Build: ()