WorldBoundFrustum Class
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WorldBoundFrustum Class
static WorldBoundFrustum ( ) #
Default constructor.WorldBoundFrustum ( mat4 projection, dmat4 modelview ) #
Constructor. Initializes the bounding frustum by given matrices.Arguments
- mat4 projection - A projection matrix.
- dmat4 modelview - A modelview matrix.
WorldBoundFrustum ( WorldBoundFrustum bf ) #
Constructor. Initializes by given bounding frustum.Arguments
- WorldBoundFrustum bf - The bounding frustum.
WorldBoundFrustum ( BoundFrustum bf, dmat4 itransform ) #
Constructor. Initializes by given bounding frustum and transformation matrix.Arguments
- BoundFrustum bf - The bounding frustum.
- dmat4 itransform - The inverse transformation matrix.
WorldBoundFrustum ( WorldBoundFrustum bf, dmat4 transform ) #
Constructor. Initializes by given bounding frustum and transformation matrix.Arguments
- WorldBoundFrustum bf - The bounding frustum.
- dmat4 transform - The transformation matrix.
void clear ( ) #
Clears the bounding frustum.void set ( mat4 projection, dmat4 modelview ) #
Sets the bounding frustum by given matrices.Arguments
- mat4 projection - A projection matrix.
- dmat4 modelview - A modelview matrix.
void set ( WorldBoundFrustum bf ) #
Sets the bounding frustum by given bounding frustum.Arguments
- WorldBoundFrustum bf - The bounding frustum.
void set ( BoundFrustum bf, dmat4 itransform ) #
Sets the bounding frustum by given bounding frustum and transformation matrix.Arguments
- BoundFrustum bf - The bounding frustum.
- dmat4 itransform - The inverse transformation matrix.
void set ( WorldBoundFrustum bf, dmat4 itransform ) #
Sets the bounding frustum by given bounding frustum and transformation matrix.Arguments
- WorldBoundFrustum bf - The bounding frustum.
- dmat4 itransform - The inverse transformation matrix.
int inside ( dvec3 point ) #
Checks if the point is inside the bounding frustum.Arguments
- dvec3 point - The coordinates of the point.
Return value
1 if the point is inside the bounding frustum; otherwise, inside ( dvec3 point, double radius ) #
Checks if the sphere is inside the bounding frustum.Arguments
- dvec3 point - The coordinates of the center of the sphere.
- double radius - The sphere radius.
Return value
1 if the sphere is inside the bounding frustum; otherwise, inside ( dvec3 min, dvec3 max ) #
Checks if the box is inside the bounding frustum.Arguments
- dvec3 min - The box minimum coordinate.
- dvec3 max - The box maximum coordinate.
Return value
1 if the box is inside the bounding frustum; otherwise, inside ( dvec3[] points ) #
Checks if a set of points is inside the bounding frustum.Arguments
- dvec3[] points - Array of points.
Return value
1 if the points are inside the bounding frustum; otherwise, inside ( WorldBoundBox bb ) #
Checks if the bounding box is inside the bounding frustum.Arguments
- WorldBoundBox bb - The bounding box.
Return value
1 if the bounding box is inside the bounding frustum; otherwise, inside ( WorldBoundSphere bs ) #
Checks if the bounding sphere is inside the bounding frustum.Arguments
- WorldBoundSphere bs - The bounding sphere.
Return value
1 if the bounding sphere is inside the bounding frustum; otherwise, insideAll ( WorldBoundBox bb ) #
Checks if the whole given bounding box is inside the current bounding frustum.Arguments
- WorldBoundBox bb - The bounding box.
Return value
1 if the whole box is inside the bounding frustum; otherwise, insideAll ( WorldBoundSphere bs ) #
Checks if the whole given bounding sphere is inside the current bounding frustum.Arguments
- WorldBoundSphere bs - The bounding sphere.
Return value
1 if the whole sphere is inside the bounding frustum; otherwise, insideShadowValid ( WorldBoundSphere object, dvec3 direction ) #
Checks if the given bounding sphere is inside the shadow of the current bounding frustum.Notice
The method doesn't check the status of the current bounding frustum.
- WorldBoundSphere object - Bounding sphere.
- dvec3 direction - The direction vector.
Return value
1 if the given bounding sphere is inside the shadow; otherwise, 0.bool isValid ( ) #
Checks the bounding frustum status.Return value
true if the bounding frustum is valid, otherwise false.dvec3 getCamera ( ) #
Returns the position of the camera.Return value
Camera position.dvec4[] getPlanes ( ) #
Returns the bounding frustum cliping planes array.Return value
The bounding frustum cliping planes array.Last update:
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