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Plugins for Softimage

Manual Installation

If Unigine plugins were not installed automatically, do the following:

  1. Choose the plugins/Softimage/Softimage2010/x86/unigine.xsiaddon file.
  2. Drag and drop the add-on file to a Softimage viewport.

There is another way to install Unigine plugin:

  1. Choose File -> Add-On -> Install.
  2. In the dialog window select plugins/Softimage/Softimage2010/x86/unigine.xsiaddon file in the File name field and click Install.
Installing with the Plug-in Manager is also available.

Export Into Mesh, Skinned Mesh or Skinned Mesh Animation

To export static geometry (into .mesh file), skinned mesh (into .smesh file) or animation for the skinned mesh as a separate file (into .sanim file):

  1. Select models to be exported.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Choose Unigine -> Export.
    • Choose File -> Export -> Unigine Export.
  3. Set up export options.

Export into skinned mesh from Softimage

Mesh, skinned mesh and skinned mesh animation export options

Export Options

The following options are available for export customization:

  • Output:
    • Filename — name of the exported file.
    • Path — folder path to the file.
    • Type — format geometry will be exported into:
      • Static mesh (.mesh file)
      • Skinned mesh (.smesh file)
      • Animation frames (.sanim file)
      • Spline (.spline file)
  • Export:
    • Align — a point that will be used as the origin of coordinates:
      • World — use the world origin of coordinates.
      • Local — use the local origin of coordinates.
      • Center — use the center of the object's bounding sphere.
      • Bottom — use the bottom of the object's bounding sphere.
      • Top — use the top of the object's bounding sphere.
    • Scale — scaling ratio.
    • Precision — required precision. Number of digits after a decimal point to keep.
    • Use vertex optimization — optimization that reorders an indexed triangle list for improved vertex cache utilisation.
  • UV data:
    • Channel 1 — UV channel that should be copied into the first channel of an exported file. If None is chosen, the channel will be left empty.
    • Channel 2 — UV channel that should be copied into the second channel channel of an exported file. If None is chosen, the channel will be left empty.
  • Animation (available only if Skinned mesh or Skinned mesh animation types are selected):
    • Start — the first frame of the exported animation.
    • Stop — the last frame of the exported animation.
    • Invert - reverse the animation. In this case the exported animation will be played from the Stop frame to the Start one.
Last update: 03.07.2017
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