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This article describes the data/samples/objects/gui_04.cpp sample.

The gui_04 sample demonstrates how to play a Flash video (*.swf) on a GUI mesh, namely:

  • Create a non-flat GUI mesh
  • Assign an instance of the WidgetFlash class to the created mesh
  • Display an information on the operating system and CPU, video card and driver versions and also an application FPS counter by calling the corresponding engine functions from the ActionScript code.
Flash is no longer under development, please use other solutions for in-app GUIs.

Flash video on the GUI mesh

Each of 3 displays is a surface of the GUI mesh. So, the Flash video is rendered on each of them.

Texture coordinates of both the left and right surfaces (displays) are two times larger than the texture coordinates of the central surface (display), so the video is rendered four times on each of them.

See Also

Last update: 03.07.2017
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