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Common Parameters and Children

Many widgets have specific parameters, however, they all share a set of common parameters.

Besides, all widgets can have the following children.


Sets a tooltip text for the widget.


  • translate
    • 0 or no
      The tooltip should always have the same text.
    • 1 or yes
      The tooltip text should be translated according to the selected language.
For example:
Source code (XML)
	<tooltip>Button <br/>to press</tooltip>
	<text size="20">Press</text>
For the tooltip tag rich text formatting is always enabled.


Attaches the widget to another one.


  • format
    This parameter takes a format string.
  • multiplier
    An integer value.
  • flags
    • log10
      Logarithmic slider.
    • expand
      The value can be expanded by writing a lower or greater value into the associated editline.
    • min_expand
      The value can be expanded by writing a lower value into the associated editline.
    • max_expand
      The value can be expanded by writing greater value into the associated editline.
Source code (XML)
<editline name="editline"/>
<hslider min="0" max="3000">
	<attach multiplier="1000" flags="log10,max_expand">editline</attach>


Sets a callback for the widget. Contains a name of the callback function.


  • type
  • widget
    The widget parameter sets a widget reference to be passed as an argument to the callback function. Any existing widget name is allowed.
  • string
    The string parameter sets a string argument for the callback function. Any valid string is acceptable. This parameter can also be used to pass any other data types.
  • variable
    The variable parameter sets an argument of any variable type for the callback function. You can also pass vectors and maps.
  • accel_key
    The accel_key parameter sets a hotkey for a given callback. For example, to run the user-defined esc_clicked() callback by pressing the ESC button, use the following:
    Source code (XML)
    	<callback type="clicked" accel_key="esc">esc_clicked</callback>
    The following keys can be set as the hotkey:
    • ascii symbol
      Any button, which has a corresponding ASCII code.
    • esc
    • tab
    • backspace
    • return
    • delete
    • insert
    • home
    • end
    • pgup
      PAGE UP.
    • pgdown
      PAGE DOWN.
    • left
    • right
    • up
      ARROW UP.
    • down
    • f1–f12
      Any of twelve functional buttons.
  • accel_ctrl
    Whether the CTRL button is pressed or not.
    • 0 or no
      CTRL button isn't pressed.
    • 1 or yes
      CTRL button is pressed.
  • accel_alt
    Whether the ALT button is pressed or not.
    • 0 or no
      ALT button isn't pressed.
    • 1 or yes
      ALT button is pressed.
  • accel_shift
    Whether the SHIFT button is pressed or not.
    • 0 or no
      SHIFT button isn't pressed.
    • 1 or yes
      SHIFT button is pressed.

It is possible to set a hotkey as a combination of keys by combining the accel_key, accel_ctrl, accel_alt and accel_shift parameters. For example, to assign the CTRL+N hotkey to the ctrl_n_clicked() callback function, define the following:

Source code (XML)
	<callback type="clicked" accel_key="n" accel_ctrl="1">ctrl_n_clicked</callback>


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetButton class.

button widget


  • background
    Whether to render button background or not. The default is 1 (boolean).
  • toggleable
    Whether the widget is a toggle button or an ordinary one. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • toggled
    Whether the toggle button is pressed by default or not. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • texture
    Path to a button image texture.


  • text
    Text displayed on the button. Acceptable parameters:
    • align with values center, left, right.

Source code (XML)
<button name="Test::button" export="1">
<button name="Test::toggle_button" export="1" toggleable="1" toggled="1">
	<text>Toggle button</text>

To add a button without background, set the background parameter to 0:

Source code (XML)
<button name="Test::button1" export="1" texture="button_texture.png">
<button name="Test::button2" export="1" background="0">
The second button is the same as the first, but it has no background and image:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetCanvas class.

canvas widget with polygons

After a canvas widget was created, it can be used to draw polygons (either textured or not), lines and text in the script. The canvas can be used to create different trackers, charts, tables, etc.


  • texture
    Background texture to be drawn across the canvas

Source code (XML)
<canvas name="Test::canvas" export="1" texture="canvas/canvas.png"/>

To create a simple canvas, define the canvas tag in your UI file as follows:

Source code (XML)
<window name="Test::window" export="1" width="350" height="270" sizeable="1" enabled="1">
	<text>Window Title</text>
	<label><text size="15">This is a simple canvas example:</text></label>
	<canvas name="Test::canvas" export="1" align="center" width="250" height="180"/>
Then create the corresponding objects for each widget and describe the required geometry in the script:
Source code (UnigineScript)
class Test {

	WidgetWindow window;
	WidgetCanvas canvas;
	Test() {
		ui = engine.gui.addUserInterface(engine.getGui(),"canvas.ui");	
	int show(int x,int y)() {
		Gui gui = engine.getGui();
		// add the window widget and its children to the GUI
		// draw polygons
		int id = canvas.addPolygon();
		forloop(int i = 0; 7) {
			float angle = PI2 * i / 6;
			canvas.addPolygonPoint(id,vec3(sin(angle),cos(angle),0.0f) * 64.0f);
		// draw lines
		id = canvas.addLine();
		forloop(int i = 0; 6) {
			float angle = PI2 * i * 1 / 3;
			canvas.addLinePoint(id,vec3(sin(angle),cos(angle),0.0f) * 48.0f);

int init(){
	Window window_0 = new Window();,150);
	return 1;
The described canvas is shown as follows:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetCheckBox class.

checkbox widget


  • checked
    Whether the checkbox is selected by default or not. The default is 0 (boolean).


  • text
    Text label.
  • attach
    First checkbox widget of a radio button group.

Source code (XML)
<checkbox name="Test::checkbox0" export="1">
	<text>Checkbox 0</text>
<checkbox name="Test::checkbox1" export="1" checked="1">
	<text>Checkbox 1</text>

radiobutton widget

To create a radio button group, use the attach child:

Source code (XML)
<checkbox name="Test::radiobutton0" export="1" checked="1">
	<text>Variant 0</text>
<checkbox name="Test::radiobutton1" export="1">
	<text>Variant 1</text>


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetComboBox class.

combobox widget


  • texture
    Path to a texture with mini-icons. This texture is a strip of N pixels in width and N*M pixels in height.


  • text
    Text of a list item. Multiple items are supported, the default item is the first one. Acceptable parameters:
    • texture, which sets the ID of a mini-icon to be used for the item starting from zero.

Source code (XML)
<combobox name="Test::combobox" export="1">
	<text>item 0</text>
	<text>item 1</text>
	<text>item 2</text>
	<text>item 3</text>

To set a mini-icon for each item, use the texture parameter as follows:

Source code (XML)
<combobox name="Test::combobox" export="1" texture="combobox_icons.png">
	<text texture="0">item 0</text>
	<text texture="1">item 1</text>
	<text texture="2">item 2</text>
	<text texture="3">item 3</text>
The result is a list of items with icons:

The combobox_icons.png image is a vertical strip of square (16×16 pixels) mini-icons that have a transparent background:

16×64 strip of mini-icons

See the article on Skin Layout for more details.


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetEditLine class.

editline widget


  • editable
    Whether to allow modifying the text or not. The default is 1 (boolean).
  • password
    Whether the text should be displayed as dots. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • background
    Whether the widget has a background or not. The default is 1 (boolean).
  • capacity
    Maximum number of characters that can be entered (integer).
  • validator
    Value validator, acceptable types are any, int, uint, float or ascii.
  • color
    Text color. Changes the text color only if the text tag is not specified as a child. If the child tag is specified, this parameter won't affect the text color.


If there is no the text child, all of the text parameters can be defined as parameters of editline.

Source code (XML)
<editline name="Test::editline" export="1" width="100" capacity="10">

The following example shows possible ways of using the editline widget:

Source code (XML)
<hbox align="expand">
	<editline align="expand" validator="int"/>
	<button width="30">
<hbox align="expand">
	<editline align="expand" password="1"/>
	<button width="30">
<hbox align="expand">
	<editline align="expand" validator="any" background="0" color="#3300CC"/>
	<button width="30">
The first editline allows user to input the integer values only. The other symbols are not allowed to be typed. The text in the second editline is displayed as dots, because the password parameter is set to 1. The last editline has no background, and the text color is defined directly in the editline tag by using the color parameter.


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetEditText class.

edittext widget


  • editable
    Whether to allow modifying the text or not. The default is 1 (boolean).
  • background
    Whether the widget has a background or not. The default is 1 (boolean).
  • color
    Text color. Changes the text color only if the text tag is not specified as a child. If the child tag is specified, this parameter won't affect the text color.


If there is no the text child, all of the text parameters can be defined as parameters of edittext.

Source code (XML)
<edittext name="Test::edittext" export="1" width="100" height="100">

The edittext widget can be used, for example, to input some source code:

Source code (XML)
<hbox align="expand">
	<label align="left,top">Source:</label>
	<edittext name="Test::edittext" export="1" align="expand"/>
The result is the following:

If the text scrolling is required, define the edittext widget inside the scrollbox container:

Source code (XML)
<scrollbox name="Test::scrollbox" align="expand">
	<edittext name="Test::edittext" export="1" align="expand"/>
If you type the long text, the following result is shown:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetScroll class.

hscroll widget


  • object
    Width of the area to scroll (in pixels). The default is 100.
  • frame
    Width of the visible frame (in pixels). The default is 10.
  • step
    Number of pixels to scroll, when the user clicks one of the arrows. The default is 1.
  • value
    Initial position of the scroller. Cannot exceed object-frame pixels.

Source code (XML)
<hscroll name="Test::hscroll" export="1" width="100"/>


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetSlider class.

hslider widget


  • min
    Minimum value (integer).
  • max
    Maximum value (integer).
  • value
    Initial value (integer).
  • button_width
    Width of the handle.


  • attach
    Widget name, which will display the current value. Acceptable parameters: format (takes a format string), multiplier (int), and flags (string). Note that multiplier divides the current value.

Source code (XML)
<hslider name="Test::hslider" export="1" align="expand" min="500" max="3500" value="1000" width="100" button_width="30">
	<attach format=" %.1f" multiplier="1000">hslider_label</attach>
<label name="hslider_label" width="28"/>

It is possible to combine several horizontal sliders by using one of the containers. For example:

Source code (XML)
<hbox space_x="10">
	<vbox space_y="20">
		<hslider name="Test::hslider_1" export="1" min="0" max="10" value="0" width="100" button_width="30">
			<attach format="%.1f" multiplier="10">hslider_option_1</attach>
		<hslider name="Test::hslider_2" export="1" min="0" max="10" value="0" width="100" button_width="30">
			<attach format="%.1f" multiplier="10">hslider_option_2</attach>
		<hslider name="Test::hslider_3" export="1" min="0" max="10" value="0" width="100" button_width="30">
			<attach format="%.1f" multiplier="10">hslider_option_3</attach>
	<vbox space_y="20">
		<label name="hslider_option_1"/>
		<label name="hslider_option_2"/>
		<label name="hslider_option_3"/>
The example produces the following:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetSpacer class.

hspacer widget


  • Width
    Separator width.

Source code (XML)
<hspacer width="50"/>

The hspacer widget can be used to group the other widgets. For example:

Source code (XML)
	<gridbox name="Test::gridbox_1" space="10">
		<label><text>Label 0</text></label>
		<label><text>Label 1</text></label>
		<label><text>Label 2</text></label>
		<label><text>Label 3</text></label>
	<hspacer width="50"/>
	<gridbox name="Test::gridbox_2" space="10">
		<label><text>Label 0</text></label>
		<label><text>Label 1</text></label>
		<label><text>Label 2</text></label>
		<label><text>Label 3</text></label>
The result is the following:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetIcon class.

It is a square image, whose size is divisible by 2. For example, 16×16, 32×32, 64×64. Each icon has 4 states. For more details, see the article on Skin Layout.

icon widget


  • toggleable
    Whether the widget is a toggle button or an ordinary one. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • toggled
    Whether the icon serving as a toggle button is pressed by default or not. The default is 0 (boolean).
  • texture
    Path to an icon image.


  • text
    The icon capture. The acceptable values are left, right, center.

Source code (XML)
<icon name="Test::icon_1" export="1" texture="icons/icon_1.png" toggleable="1"/>
<icon name="Test::icon_2" export="1" texture="icons/icon_2.png"/>
<icon name="Test::icon_3" export="1" texture="icons/icon_3.png" toggleable="1" toggled="1"/>
<icon name="Test::icon_4" export="1" texture="icons/icon_4.png" toggleable="1"/>

To add an image caption, use the text tag with the required set of parameters:

Source code (XML)
<icon name="Test::icon_1" export="1" texture="icon.png">
	<text voffset="25" size="15">Icon Caption</text>

The following example demonstrates icons of different size and sets of parameters:

Source code (XML)
<gridbox name="Test::gridbox" space_y="10">
		<text>16×16 icons:</text>
	<hbox name="Test::hbox_1">
		<icon name="Test::icon_1" export="1" texture="icon_1.png" toggleable="1"/>
		<icon name="Test::icon_2" export="1" texture="icon_2.png"/>
		<text>32×32 icons:</text>
	<hbox name="Test::hbox_2">
		<icon name="Test::icon_3" export="1" texture="icon_3.png"/>
		<icon name="Test::icon_4" export="1" texture="icon_4.png" toggleable="1" toggled="1"/>
The example shows the following:

Each icon represented by the image that includes 4 states of the icon. For example:

4 states of the 16×16 square icon
4 states of the 32×32 square icon


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetLabel class.

label widget

The label widget can have any of the common parameters.


Source code (XML)

It is possible to change the width and height of the label, its alignment or position. The label text can be changed by using the text parameters. For example:

Source code (XML)
<label align="left">
	<text color="#3300CC">Label 0</text>
<label align="right">
	<text size="15">Label 1</text>
<label pos_x="30" pos_y="80" align="overlap">
	<text size="20">Label 2</text>
	<text size="25" color="#FF6600">Label 3</text>


If the text formatting is not required, the text tag can be omitted:

Source code (XML)


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetListBox class.

listbox widget


  • multi_selection
    Whether to allow picking more than one item or not. CTRL and SHIFT modifiers are used for multiple selection.
  • texture
    Path to a listbox texture of mini-icons. This texture is a bar of N pixels in width and N*M pixels in height.


  • text
    Text of a list item. Multiple items are supported. Acceptable parameters:
    • texture
      Sets the ID of a mini-icon to be used for the item starting from zero.

Source code (XML)
<listbox multi_selection="1">
	<text>item 0</text>
	<text>item 1</text>
	<text>item 2</text>
	<text>item 3</text>
	<text>item 4</text>
	<text>item 5</text>

To add an icon for each list item, use the texture parameter as follows:

Source code (XML)
<listbox texture="menu_icons.png">
	<text texture="0">item 0</text>
	<text texture="1">item 1</text>
	<text texture="2">item 2</text>
	<text>item 3</text>
The result is:

The menu_icons.png image is a vertical strip of square mini-icons, each the size of 16×16 pixels, that has a transparent background:

16×64 strip of mini-icons

See the article on Skin Layout for more details.


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetMenuBar class.

menubar widget


  • menu
    A single menu.
    May contain the following children describing a menu:
    • text
      Menu title. Acceptable parameters:
      • translate
        Whether the text can be translated (boolean).
      You can use the text tag only with the translate parameter. The other parameters described for text are not accepted.
    • menubox
      Menu itself.

Source code (XML)
<hbox background="1" space="5">
	<menubar align="expand">
			<menubox name="Test::file_mb">
			<menubox name="Test::edit_mb">
			<menubox name="Test::help_mb">

All of the common parameters can be be used for the menubar. For example:

Source code (XML)
<menubar name="Test::menubar" align="right">
		<menubox name="Test::file" texture="menubox_icons.png" align="left">
			<text separator="1">Menu Item 0</text>
			<text enabled="0" texture="0">Menu Item 1</text>
			<text texture="1">Menu Item 2</text>
			<text texture="2">Menu Item 3</text>
			<text texture="3">Menu Item 4</text>
	<menu enabled="0">
		<menubox name="Test::edit">
			<text>Menu Item 0</text>
The example shows the following:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetMenuBox class.

menubox widget


  • texture
    Path to a menubox texture of mini-icons. This texture is a strip of N pixels in width and N*M pixels in height.
  • space
    Overall spacing (pixels).
  • space_x
    Horizontal spacing (pixels).
  • space_y
    Vertical spacing (pixels).


  • text
    Text of a menu item. Multiple items are supported. Acceptable parameters:
    • texture
      Sets the ID of a mini-icon to be used for the item starting from zero.
    • separator (boolean)
      Specifies whether the item is followed by a separator.
    • enabled (boolean)
      Specifies whether the item can be selected.

Source code (XML)
<menubox space="8">
	<text separator="1">Menu Item 0</text>
	<text enabled="0">Menu Item 1</text>
	<text>Menu Item 2</text>

To add icon for each item, use the texture parameter as follows:

Source code (XML)
<menubox space="8" texture="menu_icons.png">
	<text separator="1">Menu Item 0</text>
	<text enabled="0" texture="0">Menu Item 1</text>
	<text texture="1">Menu Item 2</text>
	<text texture="2">Menu Item 3</text>
	<text texture="3">Menu Item 4</text>
The result is the following:

The menu_icons.png image is a vertical strip of square mini-icons, each the size of 16×16 pixels, that has a transparent background:

16×64 strip of mini-icons

See the article on Skin Layout for more details.


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetSpinBox class.

spinbox widget


  • min
    Minimum value (integer).
  • max
    Maximum value (integer).
  • value
    Initial value (integer).


  • attach
    Widget name, which will display the current value. Acceptable parameters:
    • format (takes a format string)
    • multiplier (float)
    • flags (string)

A spinbox automatically aligns with a text field it is attached to, if both of them are children of the same immediate parent, and if the spinbox has the overlap alignment flag.

Source code (XML)
	<editline name="editline">
	<spinbox max="100" min="10" value="11" align="overlap">

All of the common parameters are acceptable. For example, you can enable the spinbox:

Source code (XML)
<spinbox max="100" min="10" value="11" align="overlap" enabled="0">


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetSprite class.

Sprite is an image composed of several layers that can be assigned textures, scaled, translated and colored.

sprite widget


  • color
    Modulation color of the first layer.
  • texture
    Path to a texture of the first layer.
  • scale
    Scale factor for the first layer.
  • scale_x
    Scale factor for the first layer (by x).
  • scale_y
    Scale factor for the first layer (by y).
  • translate
    Offset for the first layer.
  • translate_x
    Offset for the first layer (by x).
  • translate_y
    Offset for the first layer (by y).
  • texcoord_x
    The X coordinate of the upper left corner of the texture for the first (bottom) layer of the sprite.
  • texcoord_y
    The Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the texture for the first (bottom) layer of the sprite.
  • texcoord_z
    The X coordinate of the lower right corner of the texture for the first (bottom) layer of the sprite.
  • texcoord_w
    The Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the texture for the first (bottom) layer of the sprite.


  • layer
    A 2D layer, additional to the default (first) layer. Multiple layers are supported. Acceptable parameters:
    • color
      Modulation color.
    • texture
      Path to the texture of the layer.
    • scale
      Overall scale factor (float).
    • scale_x
      Horizontal scale factor (float).
    • scale_y
      Vertical scale factor (float).
    • translate
      Overall layer offset (float).
    • translate_x
      Horizontal layer offset (float).
    • translate_y
      Vertical layer offset float).

Source code (XML)
<sprite name="Test::sprite" export="1" color="#ff0000" texture="sprites/layer0.png" scale="0.5">
	<layer color="#00ff00" texture="sprites/layer1.png" scale_x="0.8"/>


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetTreeBox class.

treebox widget


  • editable
    Whether to allow modifying the hierarchy of items or not. The hierarchy can be modified by dragging items with ALT pressed.
  • multi_selection
    Whether to allow picking more than one item or not. CTRL and SHIFT modifiers are used for multiple selection.
  • texture
    Path to a treebox texture of mini-icons. This texture is a bar of N pixels in width and N*M pixels in height.


  • text
    Text of a list item. Multiple items are supported. Acceptable parameters:
    • texture
      Sets the ID of a mini-icon to be used for the item starting from zero.

Source code (XML)
<treebox name="Test::treebox" editable="1" multi_selection="1" texture="menu_icons.png">
	<text texture="0">item 0</text>
	<text texture="1">item 1</text>
	<text texture="2">item 2</text>
	<text texture="3">item 3</text>
	<text>item 4</text>
	<text>item 5</text>
	<text>item 6</text>

The menu_icons.png image is a vertical strip of square mini-icons, each the size of 16×16 pixels, that has a transparent background:

16×64 strip of mini-icons

See the article on Skin Layout for more details.


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetScroll class.

vscroll widget


  • object
    Height of the area to scroll (in pixels). The default is 100.
  • frame
    Height of the visible frame (in pixels). The default is 10.
  • step
    Number of pixels to scroll, when the user clicks one of the arrows. The default is 1.
  • value
    Initial position of the scroller. Cannot exceed object-frame pixels.

Source code (XML)
<vscroll name="Test::vscroll" export="1" height="100"/>


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetSlider class.

vslider widget


  • min
    Minimum value (integer).
  • max
    Maximum value (integer).
  • value
    Initial value (integer).
  • button_height
    Height of the handle.


  • attach
    Widget name, which will display the current value. Acceptable parameters:
    • format (takes a format string)
    • multiplier (int). It divides the current value
    • flags (string)

Source code (XML)
<vslider name="Test::vslider" export="1" align="expand" min="0" max="1000" value="500" height="100" button_height="30">
	<attach format="Value: %.1f" multiplier="1000">vslider_label</attach>
<label name="vslider_label" width="70"/>

The vslider widget can be used, for example, to select the option value:

Source code (XML)
<hbox space_x="30">
	<vslider name="Test::vslider_1" export="1" min="0" max="10" value="0" height="100" button_height="30">
		<attach format="%.1f" multiplier="10">vslider_option_1</attach>
	<vslider name="Test::vslider_2" export="1" min="0" max="10" value="0" height="100" button_height="30">
		<attach format="%.1f" multiplier="10">vslider_option_2</attach>
	<vslider name="Test::vslider_3" export="1" min="0" max="10" value="0" height="100" button_height="30">
		<attach format="%.1f" multiplier="10">vslider_option_3</attach>
<hbox space_x="20">
	<label name="vslider_option_1"/>
	<label name="vslider_option_2"/>
	<label name="vslider_option_3"/>
The result is a set of vertical sliders representing 3 options:


Corresponds to an object of the WidgetSpacer class.

vspacer widget


  • height
    Separator height.

Source code (XML)
<vspacer height="50"/>

For example, you can visually group several icons by using the vspacer widget:

Source code (XML)
<hbox name="Test::hbox">
	<icon name="Test::icon_1" export="1" texture="icon.png"></icon>
	<icon name="Test::icon_2" export="1" texture="icon_3.png"></icon>
	<vspacer height="30"/>
	<icon name="Test::icon_3" export="1" texture="icon_4.png" toggleable="1"></icon>
The example shows the following:

Last update: 03.07.2017
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