Tools Panel
This panel contains miscellaneous settings and helper tools and can be invoked by pressing the T key (see Controls and Navigation ). The panel has a set of tabs given below.
The tab provides options that enable/disable display of additional information.
System mouse | Show system mouse cursor. If the mouse is processed as GUI element, it will be FPS dependent. |
Hide panel | Hide the interface panel and show only when pointing the mouse at the upper part of the window. |
Node info | Show information about nodes (node, material and surface names, triangles number, distance from the camera etc). The default hotkey is I. |
Dynamic info | Display information about the objects pointed at with the mouse. |
Object wireframe | Show mesh wireframe. The default hotkey is 2. |
Particles physics | Show point forces (attractors and repellers) and deflectors for particles. |
Selection | For most of numerical parameters, automatically select parameter value after it has been entered (instead of selecting it manually in order to change it). This option allows for quick resetting of values until the right one is found. |
Always update | Update Unigine application window even when it is not in focus. |
New node reparenting | Create a new node as a child of the currently selected node. |
Object bounds | Show axis-aligned bounding box for the object. The default hotkey is 8. |
Mesh bones | Show skinned mesh bones. The default hotkey is 7. |
Keep backups | Save backups when reference nodes are edited. This option allows for safe editing of reference nodes (even if the crash occurs, their data will not be lost). |
Game camera |
Step | The step for performing position change (in units) or rotation (in degrees). |
Handle size | The size of the object handler. |
New node naming | Generate a name for a new node. When the new node is added, automatically assign the file name as the node name (for example, when my_mesh.mesh is added, a node will have a name my_mesh_0). This option is available for meshes, skinned meshes, reference nodes and layer nodes. |
Node clone confirmation |
The tab allows adjusting camera settings.
Viewport mask | A viewport bit mask for the camera that allows to selectively display objects, decals and lights in the player viewport. If at least one bit matches, the object, decal or light will be rendered. (See the detailed info). |
Reflection mask | A reflection bit mask for the camera that allows to selectively display reflections from objects. (See the detailed info). |
Source mask | A source mask for the camera that determines what sound source can be heard. If at least one bit matches the sound source mask, the sound can be heard. Each bit of the source mask specifies a sound channel. |
Reverb mask | A reverb mask for the camera determines what reverberation zones can be heard. At least one bit of this mask should match the reverb mask of the sound source and the reverb mask of the reverberation zone. |
Field of view | Camera field of view in degrees. It is the area that can be seen in the viewport (how many degrees the camera covers). |
Near clipping | Distance to camera near clipping plane:
Far clipping | Distance to camera far clipping plane. It directly affects light scattering results and sky color.
Ortho | Orthographic camera mode. When the option is checked, two additional parameters Width and Height appear.
This parameters define width and height of the viewing volume, which is represented in the form of a box.
If the Ortho option is checked, the Field of View parameter is disabled. |
Min velocity | Minimal camera velocity (units per second). |
Max velocity | Maximal camera velocity (units per second). |
Acceleration | Camera acceleration (units per second squared). |
Camera damping | Camera deceleration. |
Position | Camera position coordinates. |
Direction | The camera direction coordinates. |
Up | The coordinates of the up vector for the camera. |
The tab contains settings for the embedded flash light. Please note, that enabling this option will create an additional light source.
Enabled | Enabling the flash-light attached to the camera. It can be used when there is no lighting in the world or it is disabled. The default hotkey is l. |
Color | The color of the flash-light. |
Multiplier | The power of the flash-light. |
Attenuation | The attenuation factor for flash-light beam. |
Radius | Radius of the flash-light beam. |
Field of view | Flash-light field of view. |
The tab allows grabbing of the rendered image into a 2D texture, cube map, light map or impostor.
This tab is for lightmap creation (see all details here).
The tab contains options for custom editor plugins (see more details here).
Add | Add an editor plugin (a *.cpp file). Multiple plugins can be loaded. |
Unload | Unload a selected editor plugin. |
Reload | Reload a selected editor plugin. It allows for fast iterations when developing an editor plugin. |
Core | Load a plugin from the core package. |
The tab contains options that enable/disable visualization of different world elements and other helper objects.
FPS counter | Show FPS counter. The default hotkey is 0. |
Profiler | Show profiler. The default hotkey is 1. |
Messages | Show engine messages. The default hotkey is 9. |
Visualizer | Show visualizer. The default hotkey is F2. |
World handlers | Show handlers for some invisible nodes. Handlers are shown for light and sound sources, particle systems and world-managing nodes (sectors, portals, triggers, expressions, etc.) After that, they can clicked on and selected. |
World sectors | Show visualizer for all world sectors. |
World occluders | Show visualizer for all world occluders. |
World triggers | Show all world triggers. |
World physicals | Show all physicals. |
World obstacles | Show obstacles for pathfinding. |
World spatial | Show dynamic world spatial partitioning. |
World portals | Show all world portals. |
World transforms | Show all WorldTransform nodes. |
World lights | Show visualizer for all light sources. |
World navigations | Show all navigation areas. |
World sounds | Show all sound sources. |
World fields | Show all fields. |
World players | Show all players. |
Render mipmaps | Show calculated mipmap levels for textures. The original texture is rendered in red color; green, blue, yellow etc. are used to render the next following texture mipmap levels. The default hotkey is 3.
This option shows only the possible mipmap levels calculated by the engine based on assigned texture coordinates and distance to the camera. If a DDS image does not contain mipmaps, they will not be used. |
Render triangles | Enable rendering triangles. |
Render impostors | Enable rendering impostors. |
Render scissors | Enable rendering scissoring planes. |
Render occluder | Enable rendering an occluder buffer onto the screen. |
Render lights | Enable rendering lights. |
Render normals | Enable rendering in normal map mode (when enabled, diffuse textures are switched off). The default hotkey is 4. |
Render decals | Enable rendering decals. |
Render textures | Enable rendering textures. |
Render queries | Enable rendering occlusion queries. |
Render splits | Enable rendering shadow splits for world lights. |
Render penumbra | Enable rendering penumbra. |
Render occlusion | Enable rendering occlusion. |
Physics shapes | Enable physics shapes. |
Physics contacts | Enable physics contacts. |
Physics joints | Enable physics joints. |
The tab allows suppressing some of the render passes and techniques, which can be useful for debugging.
Use queries | Use occlusion queries. |
Use RGB10A2 | Allow to use RGB10A2 texture format for the screen buffer (provides more color gradations). If disabled, RGBA8 will be used instead. |
Use srgb | Use sRGB color space for rendering. |
Use environment | Use color correction according to the environment texture. |
Use normalization | Use tangent basis normalization. This option allows to correctly light scaled meshes.
If any meshes in the world are scaled, this option should be kept enabled; otherwise, there will be lighting artifacts. |
Use scissors | Use light scissors optimization. That is, calculate the bounding rectangle in screen space for a light according to its position and radius. It saves undesired computation in the fragment shader, as those pixels that do not receive light are not processed. |
Use phong-rim | Use Phong rim shading instead of the simple Phong shading. |
Use vertex float | Use full-precision floating point vertex format for static meshes. If disabled (by default), only half precision is used for Z-axis coordinates of meshes, which allows for lesser load. Full precision is available only with in OpenGL, DirectX 9, DirectX 10 and DirectX 11. |
Use dual quat | Use dual quaternions. This option can be also enabled with render_use_dual_quaternions console command. |
Use directional lightmaps | Use dual quaternions. Use directional lightmaps that account for surface normal map and thus provide higher detailed results. If enabled, one lightmap contains 2×2 tiles. If the lightmap is exported from an external lightmapping tool, disable this option (in this case, a lightmap will be a simple one-tile texture). |
Use shadow kernel | Render high-quality shadows. |
Use filmic | Use a non-linear filmic HDR correction to provide better image quality. |
Force deferred | Force all light sources to be rendered as simplified deferred lighting. |
Force no shadows | Do not render shadows. |
Skip reflection | Skip rendering reflections. |
Skip opacity ambient | Skip ambient pass for opaque objects. |
Skip deferred | Skip deferred pass. |
Skip scattering | Skip light scattering. |
Skip transparent ambient | Skip ambient pass for transparent objects. |
Skip decal ambient | Skip ambient pass for decals. |
Skip occlusion | Skip occlusion and indirect illumination pass. |
Skip refraction | Skip refraction pass. |
Skip opacity light | Skip light pass for opaque objects. |
Skip transparent light | Skip light pass for transparent objects. |
Skip decal light | Skip light pass for decals. |
Skip auxiliary | Skip the pass to render objects into auxiliary buffer. |
Skip motion blur | Skip motion blur. |
Skip post materials | Skip rendering of all post postprocess materials applied after other postprocesses, such as HDR, DOF, refraction, motion blur, etc. |
Skip render materials | Skip rendering of postprocess materials applied before all other Unigine postprocesses (such as HDR, DOF, etc.) are rendered. |
Skip light prob | Skip rendering of global illumination created with the prob light. |
This tab contains options for batch node processing.
Hierarchical | Apply to all children. |
Light mask | A light mask to be applied to the selected object surfaces. |
Decal mask | A decal mask to be applied to the selected object surfaces. |
Viewport mask | A viewport mask to be applied to the selected object surfaces. |
Intersection mask | An intersection mask to be applied to the selected object surfaces. |
Collision mask | A collision mask to be applied to the selected object surfaces. |
Grab LightProb | Grab the selected prob lights. |
Generate decals | Generate the selected decals. |
Frames | Number of frames. |
Run samples | Run all scenes from the data/samples directory. |