LevelData Class
Provides an access to data of the game level.
The LevelData class implementation can be found in the data/framework/game/game_data.h file.
LevelData Class
LevelData (GameData game_data, string name)
Constructor. Creates a new LevelData class instance.Arguments
- GameData game_data - Instance of the GameData class, to which the level belongs to.
- string name - Level name.
int loadData (Xml xml)
Reads level data from the Xml class instance.Arguments
- Xml xml - Level data.
Return value
1 if data is loaded successfully; otherwise 0.void saveData (Xml xml)
Writes level data to the Xml class instance.Arguments
- Xml xml - Instance of the Xml class to write data.
string getName ()
Returns a level name.Return value
Level name.int setName (string name)
Sets a level name.Arguments
- string name - Level name.
Return value
1 if the new name is set successfully; otherwise 0.string getLevelFile (int is_absolute = false)
Returns a path to the *.level file relative to data_path.Arguments
- int is_absolute = false - Flag indicating if an absolute file path is returned. 1 to return an absolute file path; otherwise 0.
Return value
Path to the *.level file.void setLevelFile (string path)
Sets a relative path to the level file.Arguments
- string path - Relative path to the level file.
string getWorldFile (int is_absolute = false)
Returns a path to the *.world file relative to data_path.Arguments
- int is_absolute = false - Flag indicating if an absolute file path is returned. 1 to return an absolute file path; otherwise 0.
Return value
Path to the *.world file.void setWorldFile (string path)
Sets a relative path to the *.world file.Arguments
- string path - Relative path to the *.world file.
string getLogicFile (int is_absolute = false)
Returns a path to the logic file of the level, which is relative to data_path.Arguments
- int is_absolute = false - Flag indicating if an absolute file path is returned. 1 to return an absolute file path; otherwise 0.
Return value
Path to the *.h file.void setLogicFile (string path)
Sets a relative path to the logic file of the level.Arguments
- string path - Relative path to the *.h file.
string getLogicClass ()
Returns a name of the level logic class.Return value
Name of the level logic class.void setLogicClass (string name)
Sets a name of the level logic class.Arguments
- string name - Name of the logic class.
string getDescription ()
Returns a level description.Return value
Level description.void setDescription (string description)
Sets a level description.Arguments
- string description - Level description.
GameData getGameData ()
Returns an instance of the GameData class, to which a level belongs to.Return value
GameData class instance.Last update: 03.07.2017
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