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InterfaceWindow Class

InterfaceWindow is an external window container for the Gui class. Functions of this class can be used when the Interface plugin is loaded.

InterfaceWindow Class


InterfaceWindow (int flags, string name)

Creates an interface window with the specified parameters.


int getHeight ()

Returns a height of the interface window.

Return value

Window height.

int getMouseX ()

Returns the mouse position along X axis.

Return value

Mouse X-coordinate position.

int getMouseY ()

Returns the mouse position along Y axis.

Return value

Mouse Y-coordinate position.

int getPositionX ()

Returns the window position along X axis.

Return value

Window X-coordinate position.

int getPositionY ()

Returns the window position along Y axis.

Return value

Window Y-coordinate position.

string getTitle ()

Returns the title of an interface window.

Return value


int getWidth ()

Returns a width of the interface window.

Return value

Window width.

int isFocused ()

Returns a value, indicating if the interface window is in focus.

Return value

1 if the window is in focus, otherwise - 0.

int isHidden ()

Returns a value, indicating if the interface window is hidden.

Return value

1 if the window is hidden, otherwise - 0.

void removeFocus ()

Removes the focus from the interface window.

void setCenterPosition ()

Sets the interface window in the center of the screen.

void setFocus ()

Sets the interface window in focus.

void setHeight (int height)

Sets the window height.


  • int height - Window height.

void setHidden (int hidden)

Sets the interface window as hidden.


  • int hidden - Hidden flag.

void setMouse (int x, int y)

Sets the mouse position.


  • int x - Mouse X-coordinate position.
  • int y - Mouse Y-coordinate position.

void setPermanentFocus ()

Sets the permanent focus on the interface window.

void setPosition (int x, int y)

Sets the window position.


  • int x - Window X-coordinate position.
  • int y - Window Y-coordinate position.

void setTitle (string title)

Sets the title for the interface window.


  • string title - Title.

void setWidget (Unigine::Ptr<Unigine::Widget> w)

Synchronizes the size and position of the interface window with a given widget.


  • Unigine::Ptr<Unigine::Widget> w - Pointer to the widget.

void setWidth (int width)

Sets the window width.


  • int width - Window width.
Last update: 03.07.2017
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