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Setting Up Development Environment
High-Level Systems
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine and Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
Rendering-Related Classes
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Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Parameters Tracks

Here you can find what parameters are available in Tracker and how to animate them depending on their type (for example, how to move nodes, change material parameters, etc.).

Node-Related Tracks

Node-related tracks (for example, that enables the node, or changes its position) need to be bound to some specific node in the world:

  • Select node dialog allows to choose a node to be animated by the track.
  • After that, you can change the node bound to the track in the Node field.

Common Node Parameters

enabled Enables or disables the node.
position Moves the node along X, Y or Z axes. Position of key frame points can be changed directly in the world by dragging manipulators.
Enable both the track graph (    ) and editor Visualizer (Tools -> Show -> Visualizer) in order to see the created track path in the world.
  • Inconst velocity stands for inconstant velocity of the node when it moves along the spline (as curves are passed faster).
  • Const velocity stands for constant velocity of the node. It will move at uniform speed throughout the whole spline.
  • Follow X, Y or Z indicates that the node always oriented along one of its axes when moving along the spline.
    For players, always set Follow Z mode, as all cameras face in the negative Z direction by default.
    Follow X Follow Y Follow Z
    Follow X axis
    Follow Y axis
    Follow Z axis
  • Offset is measured in tracker time units. It specifies how far along the spline is the point by which the node is oriented.
    • By the default value of 0.01, the node faces the current spline point.
    • By higher values, the node is oriented as if it has already moved further forward the spline.
    • Do not set 0 for Offset, as the node will always be oriented along the specified axis instead of facing it along the spline.
    Offset = 0.01 (facing the current spline point) Offset = 0.5 (facing the point further forward the spline)
    Offset = 0.01 (facing the current spline point)
    Offset = 0.5 (facing the point further forward the spline)
Tip: if you want to control the orientation of the node (without having to reexport the mesh, for example) you can use a dummy node:
  1. Create a dummy node.
  2. Add your node as its child.
  3. Orient and position it relative the dummy however necessary.
rotation Rotates the node along X, Y or Z axes:
  • Inconst velocity stands for inconstant velocity of the node when it rotates (with acceleration).
  • Const velocity stands for constant velocity of the node. It will rotate at uniform speed.
  • Order stands for order of rotations about the axes. For example, if rotating the sun (a world light source), the order should be ZYX.
scale Scales the node along X, Y or Z axes.

Light Sources Tracks

These tracks control parameters of light sources:

Objects Tracks

Common Objects Parameters

enabled Enables or disables a surface of the object.
  • Surface allows for choosing an object surface from the list.
material Allows for changing a material assigned to a surface.
property Allows for changing a property assigned to a surface.

Skinned Mesh Parameters

play Toggles playback of the skinned mesh animation.
animation Sets animation (from *.smesh file) for the skinned mesh.

Particle System Parameters

These tracks control parameters of particles (and their emitters).

Player Tracks

These tracks are used to set up cameras used for cutscenes. Two types of cameras can be used:

  • Dummy player — a simple free-flying camera
  • Persecutor player — camera that follows a node
For more details on creating cutscenes, see game-related tracks.
fov Field of view of the player.
znear Distance to the camera near clipping plane.
zfar Distance to the camera far clipping plane.

Persecutor Parameters

Persecutor position can be controlled in one of two ways:

  • By setting node position (node enabled track).
  • By changing phi and theta angles for the persecutor. (This variant is also used to rotate a persecutor.)
target Selects a node that persecutor follows. When the track is added, first select a persecutor player and then click on the track to add a target node.
anchor Offset (in units) relative to the node's origin of coordinates. The player will look at this offset point instead of node's center.
distance Distance to follow the node on. It cannot be out of Min-Max distance range set for the persecutor (in the editor or via script); otherwise, it will be ignored.
phiAngle Rotates the player horizontally.
thetaAngle Tilts the player vertically.

Sound Source Tracks

These tracks control parameters of sound sources. For common sound parameters, see sound.

Material-Related Tracks

Material-related tracks (that change some material setting over time) are added in the following way:

  1. Select material dialog allows to choose a material to be animated by the track. (After that, you can change the material bound to the track in the Name field.)
  2. Choose a setting:
  3. In the latter case, select the setting in the drop-down list: State, Parameter or Texture.

stateToggle Material state with a check box.
stateSwitch Material state with a drop-down list:
  • To set the 1st state from the drop-down list in Materials settings, set 0 as track Value.
  • Track Value of 1 means the 2nd state in the drop-down list.
  • Track Value of 2 means the 3rd state in the drop-down list, etc.
textureImage Texture for the material.
parameterColor Color multiplier (in Parameters) for the material.
parameterSlider Material parameter with a slider.

Property-Related Tracks

Property-related tracks (that change some property setting over time) are added in the following way:

  1. Select property dialog allows to choose a property to be animated by the track. (After that, you can change the property bound to the track in the Name field.)
  2. Choose the parameter:
  3. In case of a custom setting, select it in the drop-down list State or Parameter.

stateToggle Property state with a check box.
stateSwitch Property state with a drop-down list:
  • To set the 1st state from the drop-down list in Properties editor, set 0 as track Value.
  • Track Value of 1 means the 2nd state in the drop-down list.
  • Track Value of 2 means the 3rd state in the drop-down list, etc.
parameterFloat Property parameter with floating-point value.
parameterToggle Property parameter with a check box.
parameterSwitch Property parameter with a drop-down list:
  • To set the 1st parameter from the drop-down list in Properties editor, set 0 as track Value.
  • Track Value of 1 means the 2nd parameter in the drop-down list.
  • Track Value of 2 means the 3rd parameter in the drop-down list, etc.
parameterString Property parameter with a text string.
parameterColor Color parameter for the property.

Render-Related Tracks

These tracks control render settings:

Render settings are applied to the screen image (i.e. all cameras both in the editor and in the game).

enabled Enables or disabled rendering of the world into a screen buffer.
renderMaterials Sets render postprocess materials for the screen.
postMaterials Sets post postprocess materials for the screen.
fadeColor Solid color to paint the screen over. It can be used to create smooth fade-in and fade-out effects.

Sound-Related Tracks

These tracks control common sound settings. For individual sound sources, see sound source nodes.

enabled Enables or disables sounds.
scale Time scale for the played sounds.
  • The default is 1 (no scaling).
  • Higher scale sped up the playback; lower scale slows it down.
volume Volume for all sounds.
  • The value can be in range [0;1].
  • The higher the value (up to the maximum 1), the louder the sounds.
doppler Doppler effect intensity. The default is 1.
adaptation When the sound source is occluded (an obstacle appears between it and the player), Adaptation controls the speed of change between the clearly heard sound and the muffled one.
  • By the minimum value of 0, the sound changes from clear to muffled one (and vice versa) instantly.
  • By the maximum value of 1, the sound changes gradually over time.
volume0 - volume7 Volume for the specified sound channel. To what channel the sound (either a positional sound source or an ambient source) belongs is set in the Source mask per source.

Game-Related Tracks

These tracks can be used to create and edit cutscenes: switching between cameras, adding and changing postprocess effects. See tips how to create a cutscene.

enabled Enables or disables the camera used in-game (when the editor is unloaded). When disabled, the played would not be updated.

Game Player Tracks

These tracks control the camera used in-game.

node Allows to choose a player used to render the screen image.
fov Field of view of the current in-game player.
znear Distance to the near clipping plane (in units) of the current in-game player.
zfar Distance to the camera far clipping plane (in units) of the current in-game player.
postMaterials Post postprocess materials for the current in-game player.

Track-Based Track

These track allows for convenient mixing between different complex tracks (i.e. saved *.track files with a number of tracks inside).
For example, if there are saved tracks files that control day-night shift and tracks that contain weather conditions (windy, cloudy and rainy weather, loading them as track tracks allows to set the day time, while controlling the amount of wind, rain and cloudiness.

track Loads the track file (with tracks inside).
  • Time controls the time of contained tracks playback.
    • For example, 0 time value means the start time for contained tracks (of course, if the time scale for them starts at 0).
    • Time can also be used to slow down or speed up playback of tracks.
  • Weight controls the weight of mixing tracks. It can be any value, because for calculating the final weight proportion is used.
    • For example, to disable one track completely and enable another, simply set the weight of the first track to 0 and the second one to 1 (or any other positive value).
    • Tracks with weights 1, 5 and 10, will be mixed in the following proportion: 1/16, 5/16 and 10/16.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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