Export Area
Export Area is an arbitrary area that defines which part of the terrain is going to be generated. This area is visualized as blue bounds on the preview map.
Setting Export Area#
To set Export Area, select the corresponding item either in the Output panel. Then do either of the following:
- Hold the ALT key and click the left mouse button on the preview map, a point will appear. At least three points are required to create Export Area.
- Click the
icon on the Parameters panel — the part of the map visible in the Preview will be enclosed into the bounds as Export Area.
Configuring Export Area#
You can rearrange the points forming Export Area: click and drag a point on the map or change its coordinates in the Parameters panel.
To add a point, hold the ALT key and click the left mouse button on the preview map.
You can relocate Export Area — right-click somewhere on the map and select Place Export Area Here in the context menu. Export Area will be moved there, and the clicked point will become the bound polygon center.
To delete a point, right-click on it and select Remove.
In the Parameters panel, the following is available:
Area Size | Displays the size of the selected area in square kilometers. | ||||
Calculate Origin Automatically | If enabled, the origin is calculated automatically based on the data provided. If Export Area is changed and the terrain is regenerated, the origin would be updated automatically. | ||||
Origin | If Auto Calculate Origin is disabled, the origin latitude and longitude can be edited here, and they will not be recalculated automatically if the Export Area is changed and the terrain is regenerated. | ||||
Block Export Area to Changes | If enabled, the selected Export Area cannot be modified. This option is useful, if you want to move around the map without occasionally shifting or modifying Export Area. | ||||
Bounds |
Point 0, Point 1, etc. | Coordinates of the points that define Export Area. |