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Assets Workflow
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Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
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Extending Editor Functionality
Built-in Node Types
Light Sources
World Objects
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
Setting Up Development Environment
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UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
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GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
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Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
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Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Unigine::Plugins::AppVarjo Class

Header: #include <plugins/UnigineAppVarjo.h>

This set of functions is available when the AppVarjo plugin is loaded.

AppVarjo plugin cannot be used in a Qt-based application.

If AppVarjo plugin is loaded together with the engine, the HAS_APP_VARJO definition is set. This definition can be used, for example, to avoid errors if the plugin is not loaded; the code in which the plugin functions are executed can be wrapped around as follows:

Source code (UnigineScript)
	// AppVarjo functions

AppVarjo Class



EYE_STATUS_INVALID = 0Eye is not tracked and not visible (for example, eye is shut).
EYE_STATUS_VISIBLE = 1Eye is visible but not reliably tracked (for example, saccade or blink).
EYE_STATUS_COMPENSATED = 2Eye is tracked but quality compromised (for example, headset has moved after calibration).
EYE_STATUS_TRACKED = 3Eye is tracked.


EYETRACKING_STATUS_INVALID = 0Data is not available, user is not wearing the device or eyes cannot be found.
EYETRACKING_STATUS_ADJUST = 1User is wearing the device, but gaze tracking is being calibrated.


CONTROLLER_ROLE_INVALID = 0Invalid value for controller type.
CONTROLLER_ROLE_LEFT_HAND = 1Tracked device is associated with the left hand.
CONTROLLER_ROLE_RIGHT_HAND = 2Tracked device is associated with the right hand.
CONTROLLER_ROLE_OPT_OUT = 3Tracked device is opting out of left/right hand.
CONTROLLER_ROLE_TREADMILL = 4Tracked device is a treadmill.
CONTROLLER_ROLE_MAX = 5Indicates the maximum number of controller roles.


BUTTON_SYSTEM = 0The system button. These events are not visible to applications and are used internally to bring up the Steam Overlay or the Steam Client.
BUTTON_APPLICATIONMENU = 1The application menu button.
BUTTON_GRIP = 2The grip button.
BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT = 3The sensor panel left button.
BUTTON_DPAD_UP = 4The sensor panel up button.
BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT = 5The sensor panel right button.
BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN = 6The sensor panel down button.
BUTTON_A = 7The button reserved for manual controllers.
BUTTON_AXIS0 = 32The axis reserved for manual controllers.
BUTTON_AXIS1 = 33The axis reserved for manual controllers.
BUTTON_AXIS2 = 34The axis reserved for manual controllers.
BUTTON_AXIS3 = 35The axis reserved for manual controllers.
BUTTON_AXIS4 = 36The axis reserved for manual controllers.
BUTTON_STEAMVR_TOUCHPAD = 32The touchpad on the SteamVR controller. It is the same as BUTTON_AXIS0.
BUTTON_STEAMVR_TRIGGER = 33The trigger on the SteamVR controller. It is the same as BUTTON_AXIS1.
BUTTON_DASHBOARD_BACK = 2The back to dashboard button.
BUTTON_MAX = 64This is not an actual button. It just indicates the maximum number of buttons in the system.


AXIS_NONE = 0No axis is identified on the controller.
AXIS_TRACKPAD = 1An axis of a trackpad type.
AXIS_JOYSTICK = 2An axis of a joystick type.
AXIS_TRIGGER = 3An axis of a trigger type.


DEVICE_INVALID = 0A tracked device with an invalid index.
DEVICE_HMD = 1A tracked head-mounted display.
DEVICE_CONTROLLER = 2A tracked controller.
DEVICE_GENERIC_TRACKER = 3A tracked tracker device.
DEVICE_TRACKING = 4A tracked camera and base stations that serve as tracking reference points.


VIEWPORT_BLACK_SCREEN = 0No image (black screen).
VIEWPORT_MONO = 1Mono image.
VIEWPORT_STEREO = 2Stereo image (left and right eye).


void setViewportMode ( AppVarjo::VIEWPORT mode ) #

Sets the viewport mode, that determines the type of image to be displayed in the viewport.


AppVarjo::VIEWPORT getViewportMode ( ) #

Returns a value indicating the current viewport mode, that determines the type of image to be displayed in the viewport.

Return value

Current viewport mode. One of the VIEWPORT variables.

void setHeadPositionLock ( bool lock ) #

Locks the head position.


  • bool lock - true to lock the head position.

void setHeadRotationLock ( bool lock ) #

Locks the head rotation.


  • bool lock - true to lock the head rotation.

bool isHeadPositionLocked ( ) #

Returns the value indicating if the head position is locked.

Return value

true if the head position is locked; otherwise - false.

bool isHeadRotationLocked ( ) #

Returns the value indicating if the head rotation is locked.

Return value

true if the head rotation is locked; otherwise - false.

int getMaxTrackedDeviceCount ( ) #

Returns the maximum value of tracked devices.

Return value

The maximum value of tracked devices.

int getControllerStateAxisCount ( ) #

Returns a number of axes.

Return value

Number of axes.

Math::mat4 getDevicePose ( int device_num ) #

Returns a single pose for a tracked device.


  • int device_num - Device ID.

Return value

Identity matrix.

Math::vec3 getDeviceVelocity ( int device_num ) #

Returns a device velocity in tracker space, in meters per second.


  • int device_num - Device ID.

Return value


Math::vec3 getDeviceAngularVelocity ( int device_num ) #

Returns a device angular velocity, in radians per second.


  • int device_num - Device ID.

Return value

Angular velocity.

bool isDeviceConnected ( int device_num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the device connected to the slot.


  • int device_num - Device ID.

Return value

true - connected; false - not connected.

bool isPoseValid ( int device_num ) #

Returns a value indicating if the device pose is valid.


  • int device_num - Device ID.

Return value

true - valid; false - invalid.

int getTrackingResult ( int device_num ) #

Returns the value indicating the tracking result:
  • Uninitialized
  • Calibrating in progress
  • Calibrating out of range
  • Running correctly
  • Running out of range


  • int device_num - Device ID.

Return value

Tracking result.

AppVarjo::DEVICE getDeviceType ( int device_num ) #

Returns the device type.


  • int device_num - Device ID.

Return value

Device type, one of the DEVICE variables.

AppVarjo::AXIS getDeviceAxisType ( int device_num, int axis_num ) #

Returns the value that identifies what type of axis is on the indicated controller.


  • int device_num - Device ID.
  • int axis_num - Axis number.

Return value

Axis of a corresponding type. One of the AXIS variables.

int getControllerPacketNum ( int device_num ) #

Returns the number of the controller packet.


  • int device_num - Device ID.

Return value

Number of the controller packet.

bool getControllerButtonPressed ( int device_num, AppVarjo::BUTTON button ) #

Returns the value indicating if the specified button is pressed.


Return value

true if the button is pressed; otherwise - false.

bool getControllerButtonTouched ( int device_num, AppVarjo::BUTTON button ) #

Returns the value indicating if the specified button is touched.


Return value

true if the button is pressed; otherwise - false.

Math::vec2 getControllerAxis ( int device_num, int axis_num ) #

Returns the coordinates of the specified controller axis along the X and Y axes.


  • int device_num - Device ID.
  • int axis_num - Axis number.

Return value

X and Y in the range of [-1;1] ([0;1] for a trigger).

void setControllerVibration ( int device_num, unsigned short duration ) #

Sets the vibration of the given duration and amplitude.


  • int device_num - Device ID.
  • unsigned short duration - Duration of the vibration.

bool isEyeTrackingValid ( ) #

Returns the value indicating if eye tracking is valid.

Return value

true if eye tracking is valid; otherwise - false.

Math::Vec3 getFocusWorldPosition ( ) #

Returns the position of the eye focus point in world coordinates.

Return value

World position of the eye focus point.

void requestCalibration ( ) #

Triggers the gaze calibration sequence, if gaze tracking has been enabled in Varjo settings and the Varjo system is in a state where it can bring up the calibration UI.

Math::Vec3 getLeftEyeWorldPosition ( ) #

Returns the position of the left eye in world coordinates.

Return value

World position of the left eye.

Math::Vec3 getLeftEyeWorldDirection ( ) #

Returns the direction vector of the left eye in world coordinates.

Return value

Direction vector of the left eye.

Math::Vec3 getRightEyeWorldPosition ( ) #

Returns the position of the right eye in world coordinates.

Return value

World position of the right eye.

Math::Vec3 getRightEyeWorldDirection ( ) #

Returns the direction vector of the right eye in world coordinates.

Return value

Direction vector of the right eye.

Math::Vec3 getGazeWorldDirection ( ) #

Returns the gaze direction vector, which is a combined value for both eyes, in world coordinates.

Return value

Direction vector for both eyes.

double getLeftEyePupilSize ( ) #

Returns the size of the left eye pupil, the value between 0 and 1 calculated according to the pupil size range detected by the Varjo headset.

Return value

The size of the left eye pupil, the value between 0 and 1.

double getRightEyePupilSize ( ) #

Returns the size of the right eye pupil, the value between 0 and 1 calculated according to the pupil size range detected by the Varjo headset.

Return value

The size of the right eye pupil, the value between 0 and 1.

long long getCaptureTime ( ) #

Returns the timestamp of when the data was recorded, in nanoseconds.

Return value

Timestamp of when the data was recorded, in nanoseconds.

double getFocusDistance ( ) #

Returns the distance between the eye and the focus point. It is a value between 0 and 2 meters.

Return value

The distance between the eye and the focus point.

double getStability ( ) #

Returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying the stability of the user’s focus. 0.0 means not stable and 1.0 means stable.

Return value

A value between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying the stability of the user’s focus. 0.0 means not stable and 1.0 means stable.

AppVarjo::EYETRACKING_STATUS getEyeTrackingStatus ( ) #

Returns a value representing the status of eye tracking in the Varjo headsets.

Return value

Value representing the status of eye tracking in the Varjo headsets, one of the EYETRACKING_STATUS variables.

AppVarjo::EYE_STATUS getLeftEyeStatus ( ) #

Returns a value representing the tracking status for the left eye.

Return value

Value representing the tracking status for the left eye, one of the EYE_STATUS variables.

AppVarjo::EYE_STATUS getRightEyeStatus ( ) #

Returns a value representing the tracking status for the right eye.

Return value

Value representing the tracking status for the right eye, one of the EYE_STATUS variables.

long long getFrameNum ( ) #

Returns a unique identifier of the frame when the data was recorded.

Return value

Unique identifier of the frame when the data was recorded.

void setVisualizerEnabled ( bool enabled ) #

Toggles visualizer.


  • bool enabled - true to enable visualizer; false to disable it.

bool isVisualizerEnabled ( ) #

Returns the value indicating if visualizer is enabled.

Return value

true if visualizer is enabled; otherwise - false.

AppVarjo::CONTROLLER_ROLE getControllerRole ( int device_num ) #

Returns a specific role associated with a tracked device.


  • int device_num - Device ID.

Return value

Role associated with a tracked device. One of the CONTROLLER_ROLE variables.
Last update: 2021-04-29
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