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Warning! This version of documentation is OUTDATED, as it describes an older SDK version! Please switch to the documentation for the latest SDK version.
Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Importing Nodes

The Import option allows you to import node references and FBX files.

See Also

  • Functions of the AutodeskImport class that can be used when the Autodesk FBX import plugin is loaded

FBX Files Import

The FBX file can be imported directly via UnigineEditor and converted to ObjectMeshStatic. The following components are imported along with the file:

  • Polygonal geometry
  • Full elements hierarchy
  • Materials
  • Animations
  • Lights
  • Cameras
  • Tangent space

To import the file, do the following:

  1. Copy FBX assets under <UnigineSDK>/data folder. This step is recommended if you want to save the Unigine world with converted meshes and textures.
  2. Click Import -> FBX File in the Menu bar.
  3. Specify the path to the *.fbx file.
  4. Specify import options and click Ok.
  5. If materials are imported, specify the path to the existing Unigine material library file (*.mat) or create the new one.


Info Displays information on the loaded file:
  • File name
  • Version of the FBX file
  • Creator for the name and version of the application in which FBX file was created
  • Meter for the used unit of unit of measurement
  • Up axis (up vector) used to orient the asset
  • Front axis (forward vector) used to orient the asset
  • Orientation for right or left-handed coordinate system
Merge static meshes Merges all of the children static meshes in one (names it after the parent mesh). All of the meshes surfaces will be copied and shown in the Surfaces tab.
Optimize vertex cache Performs vertex cache optimization. This option reorders an indexed triangle list to improve vertex cache utilization in run time. It can be turned off for a quicker saving; however, it should always be turned on if saving the final version.
Import joints Imports the hierarchy of the joints (bones) for animated FBX assets. Joints are imported as a hierarchy of Dummy nodes. If this option is disabled, imported animations for a mesh still work.
Import lights Imports light sources from a FBX scene into Unigine:
  • Directional lights are converted into world light sources.
  • Point lights are converted into omni light sources.
  • Spot lights are converted into projected light sources.

The following parameters of lights are automatically imported into Unigine, so there is no need to set them up twice:
  • Light color
  • Light radius and attenuation
  • Light source position and orientation
Import cameras Imports cameras from a FBX scene. They are converted into PlayerDummy (cameras without physical properties). Both types of projection are supported in Unigine:
  • Orthographic (with Z near and far clipping planes support)
  • Perspective (with FOV support)

To view the scene through the imported camera:
  1. Click Camera icon on the Unigine editor panel, and
  2. Choose its name in the drop-down list in the top left corner.
Import materials Creates materials for the imported scene. They include the following textures:
  • Diffuse texture
  • Normal map or bump map (need to be converted into RG channel for Unigine)
  • Specular texture
  • Light map
Material parameters are also imported:
  • Diffuse color
  • Specular color and power
  • Emission color

If Import textures option is unchecked (by default it is enabled), source textures are used, without automatic compression and conversion. In this case, make sure that you convert a normal map into a 2-channel format (RG), since usage of RGB normal maps results in incorrect lighting of the model.
Select workflow Provides an interface to choose a workflow for the imported physically based materials (if any):

Available options:
  • Specular workflow - use the old standard of textures that was used in mesh_base material (diffuse, specular, gloss).
  • Metalness workflow - use the new standard of textures (albedo, metalness, roughness).
Import textures Converts textures into Unigine-ready DDS format and saves them into the textures folder. This option requires Import materials option also to be checked. For missing textures, the default textures from data/core.ung will be used.
Compress textures Compresses textures and creates mipmaps, if necessary. This option requires Import textures option to be checked as well.
Import animations Imports animation for animated FBX assets. Skinned animations are saved into separate *.anim files.

To control the animation for the last loaded asset, choose the animation in the Anim drop-down list and drag the slider at the bottom of the plugin window.
Import tangent space Imports built-in tangent space data instead of recalculating it for ObjectMeshStatic.
If the option is checked, but an FBX asset has no tangent space, it will be calculated with orientation for the right-handed coordinate system.
Verbose operations Displays a dialog if meshes or textures need to be rewritten (when a FBX asset is added into the Unigine world for the second time or more).

Mesh prefix Adds a prefix to the name of created meshes. For example, with a prefix my_, a mesh MeshName will be imported as my_MeshName.
Material prefix Adds a prefix to the name of created materials. For example, with a prefix prefix_, an imported material will be named as prefix_MeshName.
Texture prefix Adds a prefix to the name of created textures. For example, with a prefix prefix_, an imported texture will be named as prefix_TextureName.

Scale Scales the imported asset.
Animation FPS Sets FPS for the animation if it is imported.

Node File Reference Import

This option allows importing a node reference into the world: after clicking Import -> Node File Reference, choose the required .node file in the file dialog window and click Ok.

Node File Contents Import

This option allows importing a node into the world.

Last update: 2017-07-03
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