Objects-Related Classes
The following class has been removed:
- ObjectBillboard
New classes in this section:
- ObjectIntersection Class
- ObjectIntersectionNormal Class
- ObjectIntersectionTexCoord Class
- ObjectMeshStatic Class (former ObjectMesh Class)
Object Class
vec3 getBoundMax (int surface) vec3 getBoundMin (int surface) | BoundBox getBoundBox (int surface) See remarks below. |
vec3 getBoundCenter (int surface) float getBoundRadius (int surface) | BoundSphere getBoundSphere (int surface) See remarks below. |
int getIntersection(vec3 p0, vec3 p1, int surface) | - |
int getIntersection (vec3 p0, vec3 p1, int surface, int ret[]) | int getIntersection (vec3 p0, vec3 p1, variable v, int surface) See remarks below. |
int getMaxShadowSplit(int surface) | The max shadow split parameter has been removed from Object surfaces. |
void setMaxShadowSplit(int split, int surface) | The max shadow split parameter has been removed from Object surfaces. |
vec3 getWorldBoundMax(int surface) vec3 getWorldBoundMin(int surface) | BoundBox getWorldBoundBox(int surface) See remarks below. |
vec3 getWorldBoundCenter(int surface) float getWorldBoundRadius(int surface) | BoundSphere getWorldBoundSphere(int surface) See remarks below. |
void setReceiveShadow(int mode, int surface) | Removed |
int getReceiveShadow(int surface) | Removed |
void setReceiveWorldShadow(int mode, int surface) | Removed |
int getReceiveWorldShadow(int surface) | Removed |
void setDecal(int mode, int surface) | Removed |
int getDecal(int surface) | Removed |
void setDecalMask(int mask, int surface) | Removed |
int getDecalMask(int surface) | Removed |
int getNumObjectDecals(int surface) | Removed |
void removeObjectDecals(int surface) | Removed |
- The BoundBox class has been added to the UnigineScript library, so now you can get an instance of this class instead of bounding box minimum and maximum.
- The BoundSphere class has been added to the UnigineScript library, so now you can get an instance of this class instead of bounding sphere center and radius.
- The result of the intersection is saved into the node instead of the return array. Depending on the variable passed as the third argument, the result can be presented as the ObjectIntersection, ObjectIntersectionNormal or ObjectIntersectionTexCoord node.
- The BoundBox class has been added to the UnigineScript library, so now you can get a world bounding box as an instance of this class instead of getting world bounding box minimum and maximum.
- The BoundSphere class has been added to the UnigineScript library, so now you can get a world bounding sphere as an instance of this class instead of getting world bounding sphere center and radius.
New Functions and Variables
The following new flags that are used to create a dynamic object or a dynamic mesh. We placed them in the Object class, because they are used in both the ObjectMeshDynamic and ObjectDynamic classes.
ObjectGrass Class
void setSpawnRate(int spawn) | Removed |
int getSpawnRate() | Removed |
ObjectGuiMesh Class
See also the chapter on Changes in Mesh-Related Classes.
ObjectGuiMesh(string mesh, string name) | ObjectGuiMesh(variable v, string name = 0, int dynamic = 0) See remarks below. |
- Now the constructor receives the instance of the Mesh class or the path to the *.mesh file.
New Functions
ObjectMeshCluster Class
See also the chapter on Changes in Mesh-Related Classes.
New Functions
- int findSurfaceTarget(string name, int surface)
- int getNumSurfaceTargets(int surface)
- string getSurfaceTargetName(int surface, int target)
- void setMeshName(string name)
- int createMesh(string name, int dynamic = 0)
- void flushMesh()
- int getMesh(Mesh mesh)
- int loadMesh(string name)
- int saveMesh(string name)
- int setMesh(Mesh mesh)
ObjectMeshClutter Class
See also the chapter on Changes in Mesh-Related Classes.
void setSpawnRate(int spawn) | Removed |
int getSpawnRate() | Removed |
New Functions
- int findSurfaceTarget(string name, int surface)
- int getNumSurfaceTargets(int surface)
- string getSurfaceTargetName(int surface, int target)
- void setMeshName(string name)
- int createMesh(string name, int dynamic = 0)
- int loadMesh(string name)
- int saveMesh(string name)
- void flushMesh()
- int getMesh(Mesh mesh)
- int setMesh(Mesh mesh)
ObjectMesh Class
See also the chapter on Changes in Mesh-Related Classes.
The ObjectMesh class has been renamed into the ObjectMeshStatic.
- Now the constructor receives the instance of the Mesh class or the path to the *.mesh file.
- You can pass an instance of the Mesh class as a 2nd argument. Also you should pass the number of the surface morph target as the mesh surface now can have a variable number of morph targets.
- The number of arguments has been increased. Also you can use the related vec4 getTangent (int num, int surface, int target) function. The tangent basis is stored in the quaternion.
- Now each vertex has indices of 2 types: coordinate and triangle indices.
- Now the tangent basis is stored as a quaternion.
New Functions
- int addSurfaceTarget (int surface, string name)
- int createMesh(string name, int dynamic = 0)
- int findSurfaceTarget (string name, int surface)
- int getMeshSurface (Mesh mesh, int surface, int target
- int getMesh (Mesh mesh)
- int getNumSurfaceTargets (int surface)
- int loadMesh (string name)
- int saveMesh (string name)
- int setMesh (Mesh mesh)
- void updateSurfaceBounds (int surface)
- void setNumTexCoords0(int num, int surface)
- void setNumTexCoords1(int num, int surface)
ObjectMeshSkinned Class
The updated ObjectMeshSkinned class provides the following features:
- Up to 7 active morph targets per surface with arbitrary weights available for any kind of animations. The overall number of morph targets is not limited.
- Animation layers with all of the animation buffers functionality.
NoticeAnimation buffers have been removed.
- Unified vertex format with the ObjectMeshStatic class.
See also the chapter on Changes in Mesh-Related Classes.
ObjectMeshSkinned(string name, int dynamic = 0) | ObjectMeshSkinned(variable v,int dynamic = 0) See remarks below. |
int addBone(string name, int parent) | int addBone(string name = 0, int parent = -1) |
int addBuffer() | int addLayer() |
void addFrame(int frame) | Removed |
int addMeshFrame(ObjectMeshSkinned mesh, int frame) | Removed |
void addMeshSurface(variable variable, ObjectMeshSkinned mesh, int surface) | int addMeshSurface(variable v, Mesh mesh, int surface, int target = -1 |
void clearBuffer(int num) | void clearLayer(int layer) |
void clearFrame () | Removed |
void copyBuffer(int dst, int src) | void copyLayer(int layer, int layer_0) |
int getAnimationID() | int getAnimationID(int num) |
string getAnimation() | int getAnimation(int layer) |
ivec4 getBones(int num, int surface) | Removed |
mat4 getBufferBoneTransform(int buffer, int bone) | mat4 getLayerBoneTransform(int layer, int bone) |
void getBuffer(int buffer, int layer) | Removed |
getCoordinateIndex(int num, int surface) | int getCIndex(int num, int surface) |
vec3 getCoordinateVertex(int num, int surface) | Removed |
mat4 getFrameBoneTransform(int bone) | Removed |
int getFrameFrom() | int getFrameFrom (int layer) |
float getFrameTime () | float getFrame(int layer) |
int getFrameTo() | int getFrameTo(int layer) |
void getFrame() | Removed |
int getIndex int num, int surface) | int getCIndex(int num, int surface) int getTIndex (int num, int surface) See remarks below. |
int getLayer() | Removed |
vec3 getNormal(int num, int surface) | vec3 getNormal(int num, int surface, int target = 0) See remarks below. |
int getNumAnimations() | int getNumAnimations() function of the Mesh class. |
int getNumBuffers() | int getNumLayers() |
getNumCoordinateVertex() | int getNumCVertex(int surface) |
getNumFrames() | getNumFrames(int layer) |
int getNumIndices() |
int getNumCIndices(int surface) int getNumTIndices(int surface) See remarks below. |
int getNumWeights() | getNumWeights(int surface) function of the Mesh class. |
int getOffsetTransform() | Removed |
vec4 getTangent() | quat getTangent(int num , int surface, int target = 0) |
vec4 getTexCoord() | vec2 getTexCoord0 (int num, int surface) vec2 getTexCoord1 (int num, int surface) |
vec3 getVertex (int num, int surface) | vec3 getVertex(int num, int surface, int target) |
float getWeight() | float getLayerWeight(int layer) |
vec4 getWeights(int num, int surface) | Removed |
void inverseBuffer(int dst, int src) | See void inverseLayer(int layer, int layer_0) |
int isBufferBoneTransform(int buffer, int bone) | int isLayerBoneTransform(int layer, int bone) |
int isFrameBoneTransform(int bone) | int isLayerBoneTransform(int layer, int bone) |
void lerpBuffer(int dst, int src0, int src1, float weight) | void lerpLayer(int layer, int layer_0, int layer_1, float weight) |
void mulBuffer (int dst, int src0, int src1, float weight) | void mulLayer(int layer, int layer_0, int layer_1, float weight = 1.0f) |
void removeBuffer (int num) | removeLayer(int num) |
int save (string name) | int saveMesh(string name) |
int setAnimation(string filename) | int addAnimation(variable v, string animation = 0) |
void setAnimationID(int id) | void setAnimation(int layer, variable v) |
void setBones(int num, ivec4 bones, int surface) | Removed |
void setBufferBoneTransformEnabled(int buffer, int bone, int enable) | void setLayerBoneTransformEnabled(int layer, int bone, int enable) |
void setBufferBoneTransform(int buffer, int bone, mat4 transform) | void setLayerBoneTransform(int layer, int bone, mat4 transform) |
void setBuffer(int buffer, int layer) | void setLayer(int layer, int enable, float weight) |
void setFrameBoneTransformEnabled(int bone, int enabled) | Removed |
void setFrameBoneTransform(int bone, mat4 transform) | Removed |
float setFrame(float time, int from, int to) | float setFrame(int layer, float time, int from = -1, int to = -1) |
void setIndex(int num, int index, int surface) |
void setCIndex(int num, int index, int surface) void setTIndex(int num, int index, int surface) See remarks below. |
void setLayer(int layer) | void setLayer(int layer, int enable, float weight) |
void setNormal(int num, vec3 normal, int surface) | void setTangent(int num, quat tangent, int surface, int target = 0) |
void setNumBuffers(int num) | void setNumLayers(int layers) |
void setNumWeights(int num, int num_weights, int surface) | Removed |
void setSurfaceTransform(mat4 transform, int surface) | void setSurfaceTransform(mat4 transform, int surface, int target = -1) |
void setTangent(int num, vec4 tangent, int surface) | void setTangent(int num = , quat tangent = , int surface = , int target = 0) |
void setTexCoord(int num, vec4 texcoord, int surface) |
void setTexCoord0(int num, vec2 texcoord, int surface) void setTexCoord1(int num, vec2 texcoord, int surface) |
void setVertex(int num, vec3 xyz, int surface) | void setVertex(int num, vec3 vertex, int surface, int target) |
void setWeight(float weight) | void setLayerWeight(int layer, float weight) |
void setWeights(int num, vec4 weights, int surface) | Removed |
void updateSurfaces() | void updateSurfaceBounds(int surface) |
- An ObjectMeshSkinned constructor. You can specify either a mesh instance or a path to it.
- Now each vertex has indices of 2 types: coordinate and triangle indices.
- Expanded with morph targets. Also you can use quat getTangent(int num, int surface, int target = 0).
New Functions
- int addAnimation(variable v, string animation = 0)
- int addSurfaceTarget(int surface, string name)
- void clearLayer(int layer)
- void copyLayer(int layer, int layer_0)
- int createMesh(string name, int = 0)
- int findAnimation(string name)
- int findSurfaceTarget string name, int surface)
- void flushMesh()
- string getAnimName()
- string getAnimationName (int animation)
- mat4 getBoneBindTransform(int bone)
- mat4 getIBoneBindTransform(int bone)
- mat4 getIBoneTransform(int bone)
- mat4 getLayerBoneTransform(int layer, int bone)
- float getLayerWeight(int layer)
- int getMeshSurface(Mesh mesh, int surface, int target)
- int getMesh(Mesh mesh)
- int getNumAnimationBones(int animation)
- int getNumAnimationFrames(int animation)
- int getNumSurfaceTargets(int surface)
- int getNumTIndices(int surface)
- int getNumTangents(int surface)
- int getNumTexCoords0(int surface)
- int getNumTexCoords1(int surface)
- vec3 getSkinnedNormal(int num, int index, int surface)
- quat getSkinnedTangent(int num, int index, int surface)
- vec3 getSkinnedVertex(int num, int surface)
- string getSurfaceTargetName(int surface, int target)
- int getTIndex(int num, int surface)
- vec2 getTexCoord0(int num, int surface)
- vec2 getTexCoord1(int num, int surface)
- int isLayerBoneTransform(int layer, int bone)
- int isLayerEnabled(int layer)
- isQuaternion()
- void lerpLayer(int layer, int layer_0, int layer_1, float weight)
- int loadMesh(string name)
- void mulLayer(int layer, int layer_0, int layer_1, float weight = 1.0f)
- void removeAnimation(int animation)
- void setAnimName(string name)
- void setAnimation(int layer, variable v) (don't confuse with int addAnimation(variable v, string animation = 0))
- void setCIndex(int num, int index, int surface)
- void setLayerBoneTransformEnabled(int layer, int bone, int enable)
- void setLayerBoneTransform(int layer, int bone, mat4 transform)
- void setLayerEnabled(int layer, int enable)
- void setLayerWeight(int layer, float weight)
- void setMeshName(string name)
- int setMesh(Mesh mesh)
- void setNumLayers(int layers)
- void setQuaternion(int quaternion)
- void setTIndex(int num, int index, int surface)
- int addTarget(int surface)
- int getNumTargets(int surface)
- int getTargetIndex(int target, int surface)
- float getTargetWeight(int target, int surface)
- int isTargetEnabled(int target, int surface)
- void removeTarget(int target, int surface)
- void setNumTargets(int num, int surface)
- void setNumTexCoords0(int num, int surface)
- void setNumTexCoords1(int num, int surface)
- void setTargetEnabled(int target, int enable, int surface)
- void setTargetIndex(int target, int index, int surface)
- void setTargetWeight(int target, float weight, int surface)
- void setTarget(int target, int enable, int index, float weight, int surface)
ObjectMeshDynamic Class
See also the chapter on Changes in Mesh-Related Classes.
ObjectMeshDynamic(variable arg) | ObjectMeshDynamic(variable v = 0, int flags = 0) See remarks below. |
void addLineStrip(int num_vertex) | Removed |
void addMeshSurface(ObjectMeshDynamic mesh, int surface) | Removed. See remarks below. |
void addNormal(vec3 normal) | void addTangent(quat tangent) |
void addPoints(int num_points) | Removed |
void addQuads(int quads) | void addTriangleQuads(int num_quads) |
void addTangent(vec4 tangent) | void addTangent(quat tangent) |
void flush() |
void flushIndices() void flushVertex() |
vec4 getTangent(int vertex) | quat getTangent(int num) |
int load(string name) | int loadMesh(string name) |
int save(string name) | int saveMesh(string name) |
void setBoundBox(vec3 min, vec3 max, int surface) | void setBoundBox(BoundBox bb, int surface) See remarks below. |
void setBoundBox(vec3 min, vec3 max) | void setBoundBox(BoundBox bb) See remarks below. |
void setNormal(int vertex, vec3 normal) | void setTangent (int num, quat tangent) |
void setTangent(int vertex, vec4 tangent) | void setTangent(int num, quat tangent) |
void updateNormals(float angle) void updateNormals() | Removed. See remarks below. |
- Added the second argument that receives one of the dynamic flags.
- You can add a surface to a mesh by using functions of the Mesh class.
- Get a mesh (instance of the Mesh class) from the destination dynamic mesh to which the surface should be added. Use the int getMesh(Mesh mesh).
- Get a mesh (instance of the Mesh class) from the source dynamic mesh, from which the surface should be copied. Use the int getMesh(Mesh mesh).
- Add the mesh surface using the int addMeshSurface(variable v, Mesh mesh, int surface, int target = -1) function.
- Set the changed mesh with the added surface to the dynamic mesh via int setMesh(Mesh mesh).
- The BoundBox class has been added to the UnigineScript library, so now you can get or set an instance of this class instead of bounding box minimum and maximum.
- Now you should place only the int updateBounds() and int updateTangents() to calculate bounds and tangents if a vertex is added or updated.
New Functions
- void addColor(vec4 color)
- vec4 getColor(int num)
- string getMeshName()
- void setColor(int num, vec4 color)
- void setMeshName(string name)
- void setNumIndices(int num)
- void setNumVertex(int num)
- void removeIndices(int num, int size)
- void removeVertex(int num, int size, int indices)
- void setSurfaceName(string name, int surface)
ObjectDynamic Class
void addQuads(int quads) | void addTriangleQuads(int num_quads) |
void flush() |
void flushIndices() void flushVertex() |
void setBoundBox(vec3 min, vec3 max, int surface) | void setBoundBox(BoundBox bb, int surface) See remarks below. |
void setBoundBox(vec3 min, vec3 max) | void setBoundBox(BoundBox bb) See remarks below. |
- The BoundBox class has been added to the UnigineScript library, so now you can get or set an instance of this class instead of bounding box minimum and maximum.
New Functions
- void addVertexDouble(int attribute, double[] value, int size)
- void addVertexUShort(int attribute, int value, int size)
- void setNumIndices(int num)
- void setNumVertex(int num)
- void removeIndices(int num, int size)
- void removeVertex(int num, int size, int indices)
- void setSurfaceName(string name, int surface)
- void setVertexDouble(int attribute, double[] value, int size)
- void setVertexUShort(int attribute, int value, int size)
ObjectTerrain Class
Methods related to materials has been switch to terrain layers.
int addSurfaceMaterial(int x, int y, int num) | Removed |
void clearMaterials() | Removed |
void clearSurfaceMaterials(int x, int y) | Removed |
int create(Image image, float step, float height) |
int create(variable a0, variable a1, variable a2) int create(Image image, float step) |
int create(int size_x, int size_y, float step, float height) | int create(variable a0, variable a1, variable a2) |
int getFlatnessThreshold() | Removed |
float getHeight() | Removed |
int getHeights(int x, int y, int width, int height, Image image) | int getHeights(int x, int y, int width, int height, Image image, int format, float scale = 1.0f) |
int getIntersection(vec3 point_0, vec3 point_1, int surface, int holes, int ret_id) | int getIntersection(vec3 p0, vec3 p1, variable v, int surface, int holes) |
int getMaterialDetail(int num) | Removed |
float getMaterialOverlapThreshold(int num) | float getMaterialMaskThreshold(int num) |
float getMaterialOverlapValue(int num) | float getMaterialMaskValue(int num) |
int getNumSurfaceMaterials(int x, int y) | Removed |
vec3 getSurfaceBoundMax(int x, int y) vec3 getSurfaceBoundMin(int x, int y) |
BoundBox getSurfaceBoundBox(int x, int y) See remarks below. |
vec3 getSurfaceBoundCenter(int x, int y) float getSurfaceBoundRadius(int x, int y) |
BoundSphere getSurfaceBoundSphere(int x, int y) See remarks below. |
int getSurfaceFlatnessThreshold(int x, int y) | float getSurfaceLodThreshold(int x, int y) |
int getSurfaceMaterial(int x, int y, int num) | Removed |
int isSurfaceTriplanar(int x, int y) | Removed |
int load(string name) | int loadTerrain(string name) |
void removeSurfaceMaterial(int x, int y, int num) | Removed |
int save(string name, int force) | int saveTerrain(string name, int force = 0) |
void setFlatnessThreshold(int threshold) | Removed |
int setHeights(int x, int y, Image image) | int setHeights(int x, int y, Image image, float scale = 1.0f) |
void setMaterialDetail(int num, int detail) | Removed |
void setMaterialOverlapThreshold(int num, float threshold) | void setMaterialMaskThreshold(int num, float threshold) |
void setMaterialOverlapValue(int num, float value) | void setMaterialMaskValue(int num, float value) |
void setSurfaceFlatnessThreshold(int x, int y, int threshold) | void setSurfaceLodThreshold (int x, int y, float threshold, int force = 0) |
void setSurfaceTriplanar(int x, int y, int triplanar) | Removed |
- The BoundBox class has been added to the UnigineScript library, so now you can get or set an instance of this class instead of bounding box minimum and maximum.
- The BoundSphere class has been added to the UnigineScript library, so now you can get or set an instance of this class instead of the bounding sphere center and radius.
New Functions
- int create(Image image, float step)
- int create(variable a0, variable a1, variable a2)
- string getDiffuseTextureArrayName()
- int getIndexTextureImage(Image image)
- string getIndexTextureName()
- ObjectTerrain getLodTerrainBottom()
- ObjectTerrain getLodTerrainLeft()
- ObjectTerrain getLodTerrainRight()
- ObjectTerrain getLodTerrainTop()
- float getLodThreshold()
- int getMaterialOverlap(int num)
- int getMaterialParent(int num)
- int getSurfaceIndexTextureImage(int x, int y, Image image)
- string getSurfaceIndexTextureName(int x, int y)
- float getSurfaceLodThreshold(int x, int y)
- void setLodTerrainBottom(ObjectTerrain terrain)
- void setLodTerrainLeft(ObjectTerrain terrain)
- void setLodTerrainRight(ObjectTerrain terrain)
- void setLodTerrainTop(ObjectTerrain terrain)
- void setLodThreshold(float threshold, int force = 0)
- void setMaterialOverlap(int num, int overlap)
- void setMaterialParent(int num, int parent)
- void setNormalTextureArrayName(string name)
- void setNumMaterials(int num)
- int setSurfaceIndexTextureImage(int x, int y, Image image)
- void setSurfaceIndexTextureName(int x, int y, string name)
- void setSurfaceLodThreshold(int x, int y, float threshold, int force = 0)
- int getMaterialMaskBase(int num)
- float getMaterialMaskWidth(int num)
- float getMaterialSpecularScale(int num)
- string getMaterialSpecularTextureName(int num)
- string getSpecularTextureArrayName()
- void setMaterialMaskBase(int num, int base)
- void setMaterialMaskWidth(int num, float width)
- void setMaterialSpecularScale (int num, float scale)
- void setMaterialSpecularTextureName (int num, string name)
- void setSpecularTextureArrayName(string name)
ObjectParticles Class
New Functions
- void setNumDeflectors(int num)
- void setNumForces(int num)
- void setNumNoises(int num)
- int isDeflectorEnabled(int deflector)
- int isForceEnabled(int force)
- int isNoiseEnabled(int num)
- void setDeflectorEnabled(int deflector, int enable)
- void setForceEnabled(int num, int enable)
- void setNoiseEnabled(int num, int enable)
ObjectWaterMesh Class
int getMesh(ObjectMesh mesh) | int getMesh(Mesh mesh) |
int load(string name) | int loadMesh(string name) |
int save(string name) | int saveMesh(string name) |
int setMesh(ObjectMesh mesh) | int setMesh(Mesh mesh) |