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C++ Plugins
Warning! This version of documentation is OUTDATED, as it describes an older SDK version! Please switch to the documentation for the latest SDK version.
Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Unigine::WidgetCanvas Class

-int type() Returns the WidgetCanvas type identifier.
void setTextPosition(int text, const vec3 & position)void setTextPosition(int text, const vec2 & position) Changed the type of the 2nd argument.
virtual vec3 getTextPosition(int text) const =0virtual vec2 getTextPosition(int text) const =0 Changed the type of the return value.
-void clearLineIndices(int line) Clears the array of indices set for points that form the given line.
-int getNumLineIndices(int line) Returns the total number of indices set for the points that form line segments.
-void removeLineIndex(int line, int num) Removes the index with the given number from the array of the line indices.
-int addLineIndex(int line, int index) Adds an index for the point of the line segment in the canvas widget.
-int getLineIndex(int line, int num) Returns the index of the point of the line segment by its number.
-void setPolygonTwoSided(int polygon, int enable) Sets the 2-sided flag for the given polygon.
-int getPolygonTwoSided(int polygon) Returns the value of the 2-sided flag set for the given polygon.
-void clearPolygonIndices(int polygon) Clears the array of indices set for points that form the given polygon.
-int getNumPolygonIndices(int polygon) Returns the total number of indices set for points of the specified polygon.
-void removePolygonIndex(int polygon, int num) Removes the index with the given number from the array of the polygon indices.
-int addPolygonIndex(int polygon, int index) Adds an index for the point of the polygon in the canvas widget.
-int getPolygonIndex(int polygon, int num) Returns the index of the point of the polygon by its number.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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