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注意! 这个版本的文档是过时的,因为它描述了一个较老的SDK版本!请切换到最新SDK版本的文档。
注意! 这个版本的文档描述了一个不再受支持的旧SDK版本!请升级到最新的SDK版本。

WidgetEditText Class

Interface for widget edittext handling. See also UnigineScript analog.

To use this class, include the UnigineWidgetEditText.h file.

WidgetEditText Class


WidgetEditText (const Ptr<Gui> & gui, const char * str = 0)

Constructor. Creates a multiline text field.


  • const Ptr<Gui> & gui - GUI, to which the text field will belong.
  • const char * str - Initial value. This is an optional parameter.

int addLine (const char * str = 0)

Adds a new line to the widget.


  • const char * str - Text to add. This is an optional argument.

Return value

Number of the added line.

void setText (const char * text)

Sets a text for the text field.


  • const char * text - Text for the text field.

void setTokenColor (const char * token, const Math::vec4 & color)

Sets a color for a given token. The token will be highlighted with the provided color.


  • const char * token - Token (i.e. keyword, identifier, etc).
  • const Math::vec4 & color - Color.

int getCursorLine ()

Returns a number of the current line.

Return value

Line number.

int getBackground ()

Returns a value indicating if a background texture is rendered for the text field. The default is 1.

Return value

Positive number if a background texture is rendered; otherwise, 0.

int getCursorPosition ()

Returns a cursor position in the current line.

Return value

Position number.

void removeLine (int line)

Deletes a given line.


  • int line - Line number.

void setCursor (int position, int line)

Sets the cursor to a given position in a given line.


  • int position - Position number.
  • int line - Line number.

Ptr<WidgetEditText> create (const Ptr<Widget> & widget)

WidgetEditText constructor.


  • const Ptr<Widget> & widget - Widget smart pointer.

Return value

int getSelectionLine ()

Returns a number of the line where selection starts.

Return value

Line number.

void setEditable (int editable)

Sets a value indicating if the contents of the text field can be edited.


  • int editable - Positive number to make the text field editable, 0 to make it read-only.

void setTokensColor (const char * tokens, const Math::vec4 & color)

Sets a color to given tokens. Each token will be highlighted with the provided color.


  • const char * tokens - Comma-separated list of tokens (i.e. keywords, identifiers, etc).
  • const Math::vec4 & color - Color.

String getSelectionText ()

Returns the currently selected text.

Return value

Currently selected text.

void setSelection (int position, int line)

Sets a line and a position, from which a new selection will start.


  • int position - Position number.
  • int line - Line number.

int getSelectionPosition ()

Returns a cursor position in the line where selection starts.

Return value

Position number.

const char * getText ()

Returns the current contents of the text field.

Return value

Text contained in the text field.

int getNumLines ()

Returns the number of lines in the text field.

Return value

Number of lines.

int type ()

WidgetEditText type.

Return value

WidgetEditText type identifier.

Math::vec4 getTokenColor (const char * token)

Returns a color, which is used to highlight a given token.


  • const char * token - Token (i.e. keyword, identifier, etc).

Return value

Color of the current token.

int isEditable ()

Returns a value indicating if the contents of the text field can be edited. The default is 1.

Return value

Positive number if the text field contents can be edited; otherwise, 0.

void clearSelectionText ()

Deletes the currently selected text.

void setBackground (int background)

Sets a value indicating if a background texture should be rendered for the text field.


  • int background - number to render a background texture, 0 not to render.

void setLineText (int line, const char * str)

Sets new contents for a given line.


  • int line - Line number.
  • const char * str - Text.

String getLineText (int line)

Returns the text contained in a given line.


  • int line - Line number.

Return value

Text contained in the line.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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