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engine.console Functions

Controls console-related parameters.

Adding Console Command with Several Arguments

The Console class can be used to create custom user console commands with a different number of arguments. This section provides an example of how to create a custom console command with several arguments.

Prior Knowledge
It is supposed that you have already created an empty UnigineScript project by using UNIGINE SDK Browser.

In the example below, we perform the following actions:

  • Define and implement methods for console commands.
  • Add a new command.
1. Implementing Callback Function

In this example, we define 2 functions in the unigine_project.cpp file: one as a callback for a console command with no arguments and one for a console command with 1 argument.

Source code (C#)
// unigine_project.cpp

// a script function to be executed for no arguments input
void console_action_callback() {
	log.message("first action! no arguments!\n");

// a script function to be executed for 1 argument input
void console_action_callback(string arg) {
	log.message("second action! the argument is: %s\n",arg);
2. Adding Custom Console Command

Add a custom command to the unigine_project.cpp file by using engine.console.addCommand() function. By adding this code into init() function, the engine adds a new console command on world initialization.

Source code (C++)
// unigine_project.cpp

/* ... */

int init() {
	// add a command
	engine.console.addCommand("console_action","my_command description","my_command_callback");
	return 1;

/* ... */
3. Running Sample

Run the project and open the console. Write recently created command to check the result:

#if you write "console_action"
first action! no arguments!

#if you write "console_action arg"
console action arg
second action! the argument is: arg

To remove the added console command, use removeCommand() method.

Console Class


void engine.console.setActivity(int activity)

Open or close the console. By default the console is closed.


  • int activity - Positive integer to make the console active (opened); otherwise, 0.

int engine.console.getActivity()

Returns a state of the console.

Return value

1 if the console is active (opened); otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.setBackgroundColor(vec4 color)

Sets a background color for the console.


  • vec4 color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

int engine.console.isCommand(string name)

Returns a value indicating if a command with a given name exists.


  • string name - The command name.

Return value

1 if the command exists; otherwise, 0.

string engine.console.getCommandDescription(string name)

Returns the description of the console command by its name. If the name isn't specified, an empty string will be returned.


  • string name - The command name.

Return value

The command description if it exists; otherwise, an empty string.

string engine.console.getCommandName(int num)

Returns the name of the console command by its number in the array of the existing commands.


  • int num - The command number.

Return value

The command name if it is found in the array of the existing commands; otherwise, an empty string.

void engine.console.setErrorColor(vec4 color)

Sets a color for error messages in the console.


  • vec4 color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

void engine.console.setFloat(string name, float value)

Sets a float value for a given variable.


  • string name - The variable name.
  • float value - Float value of the variable.

float engine.console.getFloat(string name)

Returns a float value of a given variable.


  • string name - The variable name.

Return value

Float value of the variable.

float engine.console.getFloatMax(string name)

Returns a maximum float value for a given variable.


  • string name - Variable name.

Return value

Maximum float value of the variable.

float engine.console.getFloatMin(string name)

Returns a minimum float value for a given variable.


  • string name - Variable name.

Return value

Minimum float value of the variable.

int engine.console.isFloat(string name)

Checks if the value set for the given console variable is of the float type.


  • string name - The variable name.

Return value

1 if the variable value is float; otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.setInt(string name, int value)

Sets an integer value for a given variable.


  • string name - Variable name.
  • int value - Value of the variable.

int engine.console.getInt(string name)

Returns an integer value of a given variable.


  • string name - Variable name.

Return value

Value of the variable.

int engine.console.getIntMax(string name)

Returns a maximum integer value for a given variable.


  • string name - Variable name.

Return value

Maximum integer value of the variable.

int engine.console.getIntMin(string name)

Returns a minimum integer value for a given variable.


  • string name - Variable name.

Return value

Minimum integer value of the variable.

int engine.console.isInt(string name)

Checks if the value of the given console variable is of the integer type.


  • string name - The variable name.

Return value

1 if the variable value is int; otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.setLock(int lock)

Disables or enables the console. By default the console is enabled.


  • int lock - Positive integer to disable the console; otherwise, 0.

int engine.console.getLock()

Checks if the console is disabled.

Return value

1 if the console is disabled; otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.setMessageColor(vec4 color)

Sets a color for ordinary messages in the console.


  • vec4 color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

int engine.console.getNumCommands()

Returns the number of all available console commands, including the custom ones.

Return value

The number of available console commands.

int engine.console.getNumVariables()

Returns the number of all available console variables.

Return value

The number of available console variables.

void engine.console.setPrompt(string str)

Updates the console prompt. The default prompt is Unigine~#.


  • string str - New console prompt.

void engine.console.setString(string name, string value)

Sets a string value for a given variable.


  • string name - The variable name.
  • string value - String value of the variable.

string engine.console.getString(string name)

Returns the string value of a given variable.


  • string name - The variable name.

Return value

String value of the variable.

int engine.console.isString(string name)

Checks if the value of the given console variable is of the string type.


  • string name - The variable name.

Return value

1 if the variable value is string; otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.setTextColor(vec4 color)

Sets a common font color for the console.


  • vec4 color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

int engine.console.isVariable(string name)

Returns a value indicating if a variable with a given name exists.


  • string name - The variable name.

Return value

1 if the variable exists; otherwise, 0.

string engine.console.getVariableDescription(string name)

Returns the description of the console variable by its name. If the name isn't specified, an empty string will be returned.


  • string name - The variable name.

Return value

The variable description if it exists; otherwise, an empty string.

string engine.console.getVariableName(int num)

Returns the name of the console variable by its number in the array of the existing variables.


  • int num - The variable number.

Return value

The variable name if it is found in the array of the existing variables; otherwise, an empty string.

void engine.console.setVec2(string name, vec2 value)

Sets a two component vector for the console variable.


  • string name - Name of the variable.
  • vec2 value - Value of the variable.

vec2 engine.console.getVec2(string name)

Returns the two component vector console variable.


  • string name - Name of the variable.

Return value

Value of the variable.

int engine.console.isVec2(string name)

Returns a value indicating if the console variable is a two component vector.


  • string name - Name of the variable.

Return value

1 if the variable is a two component vector; otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.setVec3(string name, vec3 value)

Sets a three component vector for the console variable.


  • string name - Name of the variable.
  • vec3 value - Value of the variable.

vec3 engine.console.getVec3(string name)

Returns the three component vector console variable.


  • string name - Name of the variable.

Return value

Value of the variable.

int engine.console.isVec3(string name)

Returns a value indicating if the console variable is a three component vector.


  • string name - Name of the variable.

Return value

1 if the variable is a three component vector; otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.setVec4(string name, vec4 value)

Sets a four component vector for the console variable.


  • string name - Name of the variable.
  • vec4 value - Value of the variable.

vec4 engine.console.getVec4(string name)

Returns the four component vector console variable.


  • string name - Name of the variable.

Return value

Value of the variable.

int engine.console.isVec4(string name)

Returns a value indicating if the console variable is a four component vector.


  • string name

Return value

1 if the variable is a three component vector; otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.setWarningColor(vec4 color)

Sets a color for warning messages in the console.


  • vec4 color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

int engine.console.addCommand(string name, string desc, string callback)

Adds a custom console command bound to a given callback function. The command can have up to 6 arguments, which will be passed to the script function.


  • string name - Name of the new console command.
  • string desc - Short description to be displayed in the console.
  • string callback - Name of the callback function that is run on command execution.

Return value

1 if the custom command is added successfully; otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.flush()

Forces to execute all queued console commands.

int engine.console.removeCommand(string name)

Removes a custom console command.


  • string name - Name of the custom console command.

Return value

1 if the custom command has been removed successfully; otherwise, 0.

void command)

Runs the specified console command.


  • string command - A console command with arguments.



An error message.



An ordinary message.



A warning.
Last update: 2018-08-10
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