engine.oculus Functions
This set of functions is available when the AppOculus plugin is loaded.
If the plugin is loaded together with the engine, the HAS_APP_OCULUS definition is set. This definition can be used, for example, to avoid errors if the plugin is not loaded: the code in which the plugin functions are executed can be wrapped around as follows:
Source code (UnigineScript)
// engine.oculus functions
For more detailed information on application development with the Oculus Rift support, check also the following:
- openvr File Reference
- The Oculus Best Practices document and the Oculus Developer Guide document that can be downloaded from the official web site.
Oclulus Class
int engine.oculus.getAvailableHmdCaps()
Returns HMD capability bits that the HMD currently supports.Return value
HMD capability bits.int engine.oculus.getAvailableTrackingCaps()
Returns tracking capability bits that the system currently supports.Return value
Tracking capability bits.vec3 engine.oculus.getControllerAxis(int device, int axis)
Returns the coordinates of the specified controller axis along the X and Y axes.Arguments
- int device - A device ID.
- int axis - One of the following predefined constants:
Return value
X and Y in the range of [-1;1] ([0;1] for a trigger); Z is always zero.int engine.oculus.getControllerButtonPressed(int device, int button)
Returns the value indicating if the specified button is pressed.Arguments
- int device - A device ID.
- int button - A button, one of the following predefined constants:
Return value
1 if the button is pressed; otherwise - 0.int engine.oculus.getControllerButtonTouched(int device, int button)
Returns the value indicating if the specified button is touched.Arguments
- int device - A device ID.
- int button - A button, one of the following predefined constants:
Return value
1 if the button is pressed; otherwise - 0.void engine.oculus.setControllerVibration(int device, unsigned short duration, float amplitude)
Sets the vibration of the given duration and amplitude.Arguments
- int device - ID if the device.
- unsigned short duration - Duration of the vibration.
- float amplitude - Amplitude of the vibration.
int engine.oculus.getDefaultHmdCaps()
Returns HMD capability bits that are default for the current HMD.Return value
Default HMD capability bits.int engine.oculus.getDefaultTrackingCaps()
Returns tracking capability bits that are default for the current system.Return value
Default tracking capability bits.vec3 engine.oculus.getDeviceAngularVelocity(int device)
Returns a device angular velocity, in radians per second.Arguments
- int device - A device ID.
Return value
Angular velocity.bool engine.oculus.isDeviceConnected(int device)
Returns a value indicating if the device connected to the slot.Arguments
- int device - A device ID.
Return value
true - connected; false - not connected.mat4 engine.oculus.getDevicePose(int device)
Returns a single pose for a tracked device.Arguments
- int device - A device ID.
Return value
Identity matrix.vec3 engine.oculus.getDeviceVelocity(int device)
Returns a device velocity in tracker space, in meters per second.Arguments
- int device - A device ID.
Return value
Velocity.void engine.oculus.setEnabled(int enabled)
Toggles the VR mode.Arguments
- int enabled - 1 to enable the VR mode; 0 to disable it.
int engine.oculus.isEnabled()
Returns the value indicating if the VR mode is enabled or not.Return value
1 if the VR mode is enabled; 0 if it is disabled.vec4 engine.oculus.getEyeFov(int num)
Returns the current field of view of the given eye.Arguments
- int num - Eye: 0 for the left eye, 1 for the right eye.
Return value
Eye field of view.vec3 engine.oculus.getEyePosition(int num)
Returns the current position of the given eye. The returned value was already multiplied by the current world scale.Arguments
- int num - Eye: 0 for the left eye, 1 for the right eye.
Return value
The eye position.quat engine.oculus.getEyeRotation(int num)
Returns the current orientation of the given eye.Arguments
- int num - Eye: 0 for the left eye, 1 for the right eye.
Return value
The eye orientation.vec3 engine.oculus.getHeadAngularAcceleration()
Returns the current angular acceleration of the head.Return value
Angular acceleration of the head in radians per second squared.vec3 engine.oculus.getHeadAngularVelocity()
Returns the current angular velocity of the head.Return value
Angular velocity of the head in radians per second.vec3 engine.oculus.getHeadLinearAcceleration()
Returns the current linear acceleration of the head.Return value
Linear acceleration of the head in meters per second squared.vec3 engine.oculus.getHeadLinearVelocity()
Returns the current linear velocity of the head.Return value
Linear velocity of the head in meters per second.vec3 engine.oculus.getHeadPosition()
Returns the current position of the head. The returned value was already multiplied by the current world scale.Return value
Position of the head.void engine.oculus.setHeadPositionLock(int lock)
Locks the head position.Arguments
- int lock - 1 to lock the head position.
int engine.oculus.isHeadPositionLocked()
Returns the value indicating if the head position is locked.Return value
1 if the head position is locked; otherwise - 0.quat engine.oculus.getHeadRotation()
Returns the current orientation of the head.Return value
Orientation of the head.void engine.oculus.setHeadRotationLock(int lock)
Locks the head rotation.Arguments
- int lock - 1 to lock the head rotation.
int engine.oculus.isHeadRotationLocked()
Returns the value indicating if the head rotation is locked.Return value
1 if the head rotation is locked; otherwise - 0.vec4 engine.oculus.getHmdDefaultFov(int num)
Returns the recommended optical field of view for the specified eye.Arguments
- int num - Eye: 0 for the left eye, 1 for the right eye.
Return value
Recommended field of view.int engine.oculus.getHmdFirmwareMajor()
Returns the major version of the HMD firmware.Return value
The major version of the HMD firmware.int engine.oculus.getHmdFirmwareMinor()
Returns the minor version of the HMD firmware.Return value
The minor version of the HMD firmware.int engine.oculus.getHmdHeight()
Returns the vertical resolution of the full HMD screen (both eyes) in pixels.Return value
Vertical resolution in pixels.string engine.oculus.getHmdManufacturer()
Returns the name of the HMD manufacturer (UTF-8 encoded identification string).Return value
The manufacturer name.vec4 engine.oculus.getHmdMaxFov(int num)
Returns the maximum optical field of view that can be practically rendered for the specified eye.Arguments
- int num - Eye: 0 for the left eye, 1 for the right eye.
Return value
Maximum field of view.int engine.oculus.getHmdProductID()
Returns the HID (USB) product identifier of the device.Return value
HID product identifier.string engine.oculus.getHmdProductName()
Returns the name of the device (UTF-8 encoded product identification string). For example: "Oculus Rift DK1".Return value
The device name.string engine.oculus.getHmdSerialNumber()
Returns the serial number of the HMD.Return value
HMD serial number.float engine.oculus.getHmdTrackerHFov()
Returns the horizontal FOV (if present) of the tracking sensor frustum in degrees.Return value
Horizontal FOV of the tracking sensor frustum in degrees.float engine.oculus.getHmdTrackerVFov()
Returns the vertical FOV (if present) of the tracking sensor frustum in degrees.Return value
Vertical FOV of the tracking sensor frustum in degrees.float engine.oculus.getHmdTrackerZFar()
Returns the distance from the tracking sensor to the tracking frustum far Z. The returned value was already multiplied by the current world scale.Return value
Distance from the tracking sensor to the tracking frustum far Z in meters.float engine.oculus.getHmdTrackerZNear()
Returns the distance from the tracking sensor to the tracking frustum near Z. The returned value was already multiplied by the current world scale.Return value
Distance from the tracking sensor to the tracking frustum near Z in meters.int engine.oculus.getHmdType()
Returns the type of the HMD: OCULUS_HMD_DK1, OCULUS_HMD_DKHD, OCULUS_HMD_DK2 or OCULUS_HMD_CB.Return value
The HMD type.int engine.oculus.getHmdVendorID()
Returns the HID (USB) vendor identifier of the device.Return value
Vendor ID.int engine.oculus.getHmdWidth()
Returns the horizontal resolution of the full HMD screen (both eyes) in pixels.Return value
Horizontal resolution in pixels.vec3 engine.oculus.getLeveledTrackerPosition()
Returns position of the leveled sensor (aligned with gravity) relative to the tracking origin.Return value
Position of the leveled sensor relative to the tracking origin.quat engine.oculus.getLeveledTrackerRotation()
Returns orientation (only sensor yaw, not roll and pitch) of the leveled sensor (aligned with gravity) relative to the tracking origin.Return value
Orientation (yaw) of the sensor relative to the tracking origin.bool engine.oculus.isPoseValid(int device)
Returns a value indicating if the device pose is valid.Arguments
- int device - A device ID.
Return value
true - valid; false - invalid.void engine.oculus.setPositionScale(float scale)
Sets a new scale for the world. When increasing the scale, the objects get smaller when they are farther away.Arguments
- float scale - World scale.
float engine.oculus.getPositionScale()
Returns the current world scale. When increasing the scale, the objects get smaller when they are farther away.Return value
World scale.vec3 engine.oculus.getTrackerPosition()
Returns the position of the sensor relative to the tracking origin. The returned value was already multiplied by the current world scale.Return value
Position of the sensor relative to the tracking origin.quat engine.oculus.getTrackerRotation()
Returns orientation (sensor roll and pitch) of the sensor relative to the tracking origin.Return value
Orientation (roll and pitch) of the sensor relative to the tracking origin.int engine.oculus.getTrackingStatus()
Returns the current status of the sensor tracking (OCULUS_STATUS_* variables).Return value
Status of the sensor tracking (OCULUS_STATUS_* variables).string engine.oculus.getVersion()
Returns the libOVRRT version.Return value
The libOVR version (a UTF-8 encoded null-terminated version string).int engine.oculus.isVisible()
Returns a value indicating if the process has VR focus and thus is visible in HMD.Return value
1 if the process is visible in the HMD; otherwise, 0.void engine.oculus.resetTracking()
Re-centers the sensor position and orientation: the (x,y,z) positional components and the yaw component of orientation. The roll and pitch components are always determined by gravity and cannot be redefined. See also ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin method in the OVR_CAPI.h file reference.int OCULUS_AXIS_HAND_TRIGGER
Left and right hand trigger values, in the range 0.0 to 1.0f. Hand trigger is often used to grab items. A value of 1.0 means that the trigger is fully depressed.int OCULUS_AXIS_HAND_TRIGGER_NO_DEADZONE
Left and right hand trigger values, in the range 0.0 to 1.0f, without a deadzone. Hand trigger is often used to grab items. A value of 1.0 means that the trigger is fully depressed.int OCULUS_AXIS_INDEX_TRIGGER
Left and right finger trigger values, in the range 0.0 to 1.0f. A value of 1.0 means that the trigger is fully depressed.int OCULUS_AXIS_INDEX_TRIGGER_NO_DEADZONE
Left and right finger trigger values, in the range 0.0 to 1.0f, without a deadzone. A value of 1.0 means that the trigger is fully depressed.int OCULUS_AXIS_THUMBSTICK
Horizontal and vertical thumbstick axis values, in the range -1.0f to 1.0f. The API automatically applies the deadzone, so developers don’t need to handle it explicitly.int OCULUS_AXIS_THUMBSTICK_NO_DEADZONE
Horizontal and vertical thumbstick axis values, in the range -1.0f to 1.0f, without a deadzone.int OCULUS_BUTTON_A
A button on the right Touch controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_B
B button on the right Touch controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_BACK
The Back button on the remote controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_DOWN
The Down button on the remote controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_ENTER
Enter button on the left Touch controller. This is equivalent to the Start button on the Xbox controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_HOME
The Home button on the remote controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_LEFT
The Left button on the remote controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_LSHOULDER
Shoulder button on the left Touch controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_LTHUMB
Thumb stick button on the left Touch controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_RIGHT
The Right button on the remote controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_RSHOULDER
Shoulder button on the right Touch controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_RTHUMB
Thumb stick button on the right Touch controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_UP
The Up button on the remote controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_VOLDOWN
The Voldown button on the remote controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_VOLUP
The Volup button on the remote controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_X
X button on the left Touch controller.int OCULUS_BUTTON_Y
Y button on the left Touch controller.int OCULUS_DEVICE_CONTROLLER_LEFT
Left controller.int OCULUS_DEVICE_HMD
Oculus head-mounted display.int OCULUS_HMD_CB
The type of the HMD is Crescent Bay prototype (Oculus Rift CV1). It corresponds to the value of 8.int OCULUS_HMD_DK1
The type of the HMD is Oculus Rift DK1. It corresponds to the value of 3.int OCULUS_HMD_DK2
The type of the HMD is Oculus Rift DK2. It corresponds to the value of 6.int OCULUS_HMD_DKDH
The type of the HMD is Oculus Rift HD prototype. It corresponds to the value of 4.int OCULUS_STATUS_POSITION_TRACKED
A bit flag indicating that the sensor position is currently tracked (false if out of range).int OCULUS_STATUS_ROTATION_TRACKED
A bit flag indicating that the sensor orientation is currently tracked (connected and in use).int OCULUS_TOUCH_A
User is touching A button on the right controller.int OCULUS_TOUCH_B
User is touching B button on the right controller.int OCULUS_TOUCH_LINDEX_POINTING
User's left index finger is pointing forward past the trigger.int OCULUS_TOUCH_LINDEX_TRIGGER
User is touching the index finger trigger on the left controller.int OCULUS_TOUCH_LTHUMB
User has a finger on the thumb stick of the left controller.int OCULUS_TOUCH_LTHUMB_REST
User has a finger on the textured thumb rest of the left controller.int OCULUS_TOUCH_LTHUMB_UP
User's left thumb is up and away from buttons on the controller, a gesture that can be interpreted as left thumbs up.int OCULUS_TOUCH_RINDEX_POINTING
User's right index finger is pointing forward past the trigger.int OCULUS_TOUCH_RINDEX_TRIGGER
User is touching the index finger trigger on the right controller.int OCULUS_TOUCH_RTHUMB
User has a finger on the thumb stick of the right controller.int OCULUS_TOUCH_RTHUMB_REST
User has a finger on the textured thumb rest of the right controller.int OCULUS_TOUCH_RTHUMB_UP
User's right thumb is up and away from buttons on the controller, a gesture that can be interpreted as right thumbs up.int OCULUS_TOUCH_X
User is touching X button on the left controller.int OCULUS_TOUCH_Y
User is touching Y button on the left controller.int OCULUS_TRACKING_CAP_MAG_YAW_CORRECTION
A bit flag indicating that yaw drift correction via a magnetometer or other means is supported. See also OVR_CAPI.h file reference.int OCULUS_TRACKING_CAP_POSITION
A bit flag indicating that positional tracking is supported. See also OVR_CAPI.h file reference.int OCULUS_TRACKING_CAP_ROTATION
A bit flag indicating that orientation tracking is supported. See also OVR_CAPI.h file reference.Last update: 2017-07-03
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