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Parallax Functions

This documentation article contains information functions of the UUSL. This information can be used as the reference document for writing shaders.

To start using common UUSL functionality, include the core/materials/shaders/api/parallax.h file.

#include <core/materials/shaders/api/parallax.h>

Parallax Structures#

struct ParallaxIn

Parallax occlusion mapping input structure containing vital information.


  • float3 view_ts - Normalized view direction in tangent space.
  • float2 uv - Texture UV coordinates.
  • float max_layers - Parallax occlusion maximum steps. Recommended value: [1, 64].
  • float min_layers - Parallax occlusion minimum steps. Recommended value: [1, 64].
  • float noise - Size of the noise used for parallax mapping. Recommended value: [0, 2].
  • float scale - Parallax height map offset scale. Recommended value: [0, 0.2].
  • float2 screen_coord - Screen-space coordinates.
  • float uv_aspect_ratio - Aspect ratio of UV transform.

struct Parallax

Parallax occlusion mapping output structure.


  • float2 uv - UV modified by parallax occlusion mapping.
  • float2 uv_offset - UV delta.
  • float height - Current pixel parallax occlusion mapping height.
  • float depth_offset - Current pixel depth modifier.

struct ParallaxShadowIn

Input data for the parallax occlusion shadowing.


  • float3 light_ts - Normalized light direction in tangent space.
  • float max_layers - Parallax occlusion maximum steps. Recommended value: [1, 64].
  • float min_layers - Parallax occlusion minimum steps. Recommended value: [1, 64].
  • float noise - Size of the noise used for parallax mapping. Recommended value: [0, 2].
  • float intensity - Shadow intensity. Recommended value: [0, inf).
  • float softness - Shadow softness. Recommended value: [0, inf).
  • float visible - Shadow visibility. Recommended value: [0, 1].
  • float angle_visible - Visibility angle.
  • float angle_visible_threshold - Visibility angle threshold.

Parallax Functions#

float4 parallaxCutoutUVTransform ( float4 parallax_uv_transform, float4 cutout_uv_transform ) #

Returns the UV transform for the cutout effect providing smooth edges between the opaque and transparent areas. The resulting UV transform is used as the cutout transform in the parallaxOcclusionMapping() function.


  • float4 parallax_uv_transform - Parallax texture coordinates transformation: (X,Y) — scale, (Z,W) — offset.
  • float4 cutout_uv_transform - UV transform: (X,Y) — scale, (Z,W) — offset.

Return value

Resulting UV transform: (X,Y) — scale, (Z,W) — offset.

Parallax parallaxOcclusionMapping ( ParallaxIn data, float4 cutout_transform, Texture2D TEX_HEIGHT ) #

Returns the calculated parallax occlusion mapping data.


Return value

Parallax occlusion mapping output data.

Parallax parallaxOcclusionMapping ( ParallaxIn data, Texture2D TEX_HEIGHT ) #

Returns the calculated parallax occlusion mapping data.


Return value

Parallax occlusion mapping output data.

float parallaxShadow ( ParallaxShadowIn data, ParallaxIn data_p, Parallax parallax, Texture2D TEX_HEIGHT ) #

Returns the calculated shadow value for the parallax occlusion mapping effect.


Return value

Shadow value.

Usage Examples#


Source code (Shader)
BaseMaterial <parent=Unigine::mesh>
	// optimization
	State static_shadow = true
	State vertex_velocity = false
	State custom_depth = 1
	Group "Base"
		Texture2D albedo = "core/textures/common/"
		Color albedo = [1 1 1 1]
		Slider specular = 0.5f
		Slider translucent = 0.0f
		Slider roughness = 1.0f
		Slider metalness = 0.0f
	Group "Parallax Occlusion Mapping"
		Texture2D height = "core/textures/"
		Slider parallax_height = 0.1 <min=0 max=0.2>
		Slider parallax_min_layers = 1 <min=1 max=64>
		Slider parallax_max_layers = 16 <min=1 max=64>
	Shader vertex_struct =
	Shader common =
		// Include builtin Parallax Occlusion Mapping functionality
		#include <core/materials/shaders/api/parallax.h>
	Shader fragment =
		const float3x3 rotate_tangent_to_view = matrix3Col(DATA_TANGENT, DATA_BINORMAL, DATA_NORMAL);
		float3 view = positionToViewDirection(DATA_POSITION);
		// Fill GBuffer
		OUT_FRAG_ALBEDO = var_albedo.rgb;
		OUT_FRAG_SPECULAR = var_specular;
		OUT_FRAG_TRANSLUCENT = var_translucent;
		OUT_FRAG_ROUGHNESS = var_roughness;
		OUT_FRAG_METALNESS = var_metalness;
		float2 base_uv = DATA_UV.xy;
		// Fill neccessary data for the Parallax Occlusion Mapping
		ParallaxIn data;
		data.uv_aspect_ratio = 1.0f;
		data.screen_coord = IN_POSITION.xy;
		data.min_layers = var_parallax_min_layers;
		data.max_layers = var_parallax_max_layers;
		data.view_ts = -normalize(mul3(view, rotate_tangent_to_view));
		data.noise = 1.0f;
		data.scale = var_parallax_height;
		data.uv = base_uv;
		// Compute parallax occlusion mapping
		Parallax pom = parallaxOcclusionMapping(data, TEXTURE_OUT(tex_height));
		// Update base texture UV
		base_uv -= pom.uv_offset;
		// Apply albedo texture
		OUT_FRAG_ALBEDO *= TEXTURE(tex_albedo, base_uv).rgb;


Source code (Shader)
BaseMaterial <parent=Unigine::mesh>
	// optimization
	State static_shadow = true
	State vertex_velocity = false
	State custom_depth = 1
	Group "Base"
		Texture2D albedo = "core/textures/common/"
		UV uv_transform = [1 1 0 0]
		Slider albedo_detail_visibility = 0.5
		Texture2D albedo_detail = "core/textures/"
		UV detail_uv_transform = [10 10 0 0]
		Color albedo = [1 1 1 1]
		Slider specular = 0.5f
		Slider translucent = 0.0f
		Slider roughness = 1.0f
		Slider metalness = 0.0f
	Group "Parallax Occlusion Mapping"
		Texture2D height = "core/textures/"
		Slider parallax_height = 0.1 <min=0 max=0.2>
		Slider parallax_min_layers = 1 <min=1 max=64>
		Slider parallax_max_layers = 16 <min=1 max=64>
		State parallax_cutout = false
		Group "Cutout" if [parallax_cutout] <toggle_state=parallax_cutout>
			UV parallax_uv_transform = [1 1 0 0]
		State parallax_depth_cutout = false
		State parallax_shadow = false
	Shader vertex_struct =
	Shader common =
		// Include builtin Parallax Occlusion Mapping functionality
		#include <core/materials/shaders/api/parallax.h>
	Shader fragment =
		const float3x3 rotate_tangent_to_view = matrix3Col(DATA_TANGENT, DATA_BINORMAL, DATA_NORMAL);
		float3 view = positionToViewDirection(DATA_POSITION);
		// Fill GBuffer
		OUT_FRAG_ALBEDO = var_albedo.rgb;
		OUT_FRAG_SPECULAR = var_specular;
		OUT_FRAG_TRANSLUCENT = var_translucent;
		OUT_FRAG_ROUGHNESS = var_roughness;
		OUT_FRAG_METALNESS = var_metalness;
		float2 detail_uv = uvTransform(DATA_UV.xy, var_detail_uv_transform);
		float2 base_uv = uvTransform(DATA_UV.xy, var_uv_transform);
		// Fill neccessary data for the Parallax Occlusion Mapping
		ParallaxIn data;
		data.uv_aspect_ratio = var_uv_transform.y / var_uv_transform.x;
		data.screen_coord = IN_POSITION.xy;
		data.min_layers = var_parallax_min_layers;
		data.max_layers = var_parallax_max_layers;
		data.view_ts = -normalize(mul3(view, rotate_tangent_to_view));
		data.noise = 1.0f;
		data.scale = var_parallax_height;
		data.uv = base_uv;
		// Compute POM data
			float4 cutout_transform = parallaxCutoutUVTransform(var_parallax_uv_transform, var_uv_transform);
			Parallax pom = parallaxOcclusionMapping(data, cutout_transform, TEXTURE_OUT(tex_height));
			if (pom.height < -EPSILON)
			Parallax pom = parallaxOcclusionMapping(data, TEXTURE_OUT(tex_height));
		// Apply shadow from POM
			ParallaxShadowIn data_shadow_in;
			data_shadow_in.max_layers = var_parallax_max_layers;
			data_shadow_in.min_layers = var_parallax_min_layers;
			data_shadow_in.noise = 1.0f;
			data_shadow_in.intensity = 0.5f;
			data_shadow_in.softness = 4.0f;
			data_shadow_in.visible = 1.0f;
			data_shadow_in.angle_visible = 0.5;
			data_shadow_in.angle_visible_threshold = 0.1;
			float3 light_dir_ws = mul3(s_scattering_sun_dir, s_imodelview);
			data_shadow_in.light_ts = normalize(mul(light_dir_ws, rotate_tangent_to_view));
			float shadow = parallaxShadow(data_shadow_in, data, pom, TEXTURE_OUT(tex_height));
			OUT_FRAG_ALBEDO *= shadow;
		// Change depth buffer with POM's depth offset
			OUT_FRAG_DELTA_DEPTH = pom.depth_offset;
		// Update base texture UV
		base_uv -= pom.uv_offset;
		// Update detail texture UV
		pom.uv_offset /= var_uv_transform.xy;
		detail_uv -= pom.uv_offset * var_detail_uv_transform.xy;
		// Apply albedo texture
		OUT_FRAG_ALBEDO *= TEXTURE(tex_albedo, base_uv).rgb;
		OUT_FRAG_ALBEDO += TEXTURE(tex_albedo_detail, detail_uv).rgb * var_albedo_detail_visibility;
Last update: 14.12.2022
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