API Migration
Major Changes#
- Added a new WidgetDragArea class.
- Added a new ImportNode class.
- Added a new ImportLight class.
- Added a new ImportCamera class.
- Added a new ImportAnimation class.
- Added a new ImportTexture class.
- Added a new ImportMaterial class.
- Added a new ImportSurface class.
- Added a new ImportGeometry class.
- Added a new ImportMesh class.
Breaking Changes#
CustomSystemProxy Class#
EngineWindow Class#
FileSystemAssets Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
getRuntimeAlias( const char * ) | Return value changed. |
getRuntimeAlias( const UGUID & ) | Return value changed. |
getRuntimeAlias( const char *, int ) | Return value changed. |
getRuntimeAlias( const UGUID &, int ) | Return value changed. |
New Functions
- setRuntimeParameter( const char *, const char *, const char * )
- setRuntimeParameter( const UGUID &, const char *, const char * )
- setRuntimeParameter( const char *, int, const char *, const char * )
- setRuntimeParameter( const UGUID &, int, const char *, const char * )
- getRuntimeParameter( const char *, const char * )
- getRuntimeParameter( const UGUID &, const char * )
- getRuntimeParameter( const char *, int, const char * )
- getRuntimeParameter( const UGUID &, int, const char * )
- hasRuntimeParameter( const char *, const char * )
- hasRuntimeParameter( const UGUID &, const char * )
- hasRuntimeParameter( const char *, int, const char * )
- hasRuntimeParameter( const UGUID &, int, const char * )
- removeRuntimeParameter( const char *, const char * )
- removeRuntimeParameter( const UGUID &, const char * )
- removeRuntimeParameter( const char *, int, const char * )
- removeRuntimeParameter( const UGUID &, int, const char * )
Import Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
getImporterTypeByExtension( const char * ) | Removed use getImporterIDsByExtension( const char *, bool ) instead. |
import( ) | Removed use doImport( ) instead. |
registerImporter( const Import::ImporterID&, const char *, ImporterCreationFunction, ImporterDeletionFunction, void *, int ) | Set of arguments changed. |
registerImporter( const char *, const char *, const char *, ImporterCreationFunction, ImporterDeletionFunction, void *, int ) | Set of arguments changed. |
unregisterImporter( void * ) | Set of arguments changed. |
createImporter( const Import::ImporterID&, const char * ) | Set of arguments changed. |
registerImportProcessor( const char *, ImportProcessorCreationFunction, ImportProcessorDeletionFunction, void * ) | Set of arguments changed. |
unregisterImportProcessor( void * ) | Set of arguments changed. |
New Functions
- isInitialized( )
- containsImporter( const Import::ImporterID&, const char * )
- containsImporter( const char *, const char *, const char * )
- getImporterPriority( const Import::ImporterID&, const char * )
- getImporterPriority( const char *, const char *, const char * )
- getImporterExtensions( const char *, const char * )
- getImporterExtensions( const Import::ImporterID& )
- getImporterIDsByExtension( const char *, bool )
- getImporterIDsByExtension( const char *, const char *, bool )
- getImporterIDsByExtension( const Import::ImporterID&, const char *, bool )
- getImporterIDsByExtension( const char *, const char *, const char *, bool )
- getImporterIDs( )
- createImporter( const char *, const char *, const char * )
- createImporterByFileName( const char *, const char * )
- createImporterByFileName( const Import::ImporterID&, const char * )
- createImporterByFileName( const char *, const char *, const char * )
Importer Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
onInit( const ImportScenePtr &, const char *) | Return value and arguments changed. |
onImportLight( const ImportProcessorPtr &, const ImportLightPtr & ) | Return value and arguments changed. |
onImportCamera( const ImportProcessorPtr &, const ImportCameraPtr & ) | Return value and arguments changed. |
onImportNode( const ImportProcessorPtr &, const ImportNodePtr & ) | Return value and arguments changed. |
New Functions
- getImporter( )
- hasPostProcessor( const char * )
- getMeshesProcessor( )
- getNodesProcessor( )
- getTexturesProcessor( )
- getMaterialsProcessor( )
- getCamerasProcessor( )
- getLightsProcessor( )
- getAnimationsProcessor( )
- setOutputFilepath( )
- getFlags( )
- convertNode( const ImportProcessorPtr &, const ImportNodePtr & )
- importNodeChild( const ImportProcessorPtr &, const NodePtr &, const ImportNodePtr &, const NodePtr &, const ImportNodePtr & )
- onImportNodeChild( const ImportProcessorPtr &, const NodePtr &, const ImportNodePtr &, const NodePtr &, const ImportNodePtr & )
ImportProcessor Class#
ImportScene Class#
Input Class#
Material Class#
MeshDynamic Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
TYPE_DOUBLE | Removed. |
addVertexDouble( int, double[] ) | Removed. |
addVertexDouble1( int, double ) | Removed. |
addVertexDouble2( int, double, double ) | Removed. |
addVertexDouble3( int, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
addVertexDouble4( int, double, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
setVertexDouble( int, double[] ) | Removed. |
setVertexDouble1( int, double ) | Removed. |
setVertexDouble2( int, double, double ) | Removed. |
setVertexDouble3( int, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
setVertexDouble4( int, double, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
setVertexDouble( int, int, double[] ) | Removed. |
setVertexDouble1( int, int, double ) | Removed. |
setVertexDouble2( int, int, double, double ) | Removed. |
setVertexDouble3( int, int, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
setVertexDouble4( int, int, double, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
ObjectDynamic Class#
Render Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
setEnvironmentHazeScatteringMieFresnelIntensity ( float ) | Removed. |
getEnvironmentHazeScatteringMieFresnelIntensity ( ) | Removed. |
New Functions
- getEnvironmentHazeScatteringMieFrontSideIntensity( )
- getEnvironmentHazeColorizationIntensity( )
- setEnvironmentHazeColorizationIntensity( float )
- getEnvironmentHazeColorizationThreshold( )
- setEnvironmentHazeColorizationThreshold( float )
- isEnvironmentHazeTemporalFilter( )
- setEnvironmentHazeTemporalFilter( bool )
- isEnvironmentHazeScreenSpaceGlobalIllumination( )
- setEnvironmentHazeScreenSpaceGlobalIllumination( bool )
- getTemporaryOldTextureCube( const Ptr<Material> &, int, int, int, int, int, const char *, int )
- getTemporaryOldTexture3D( const Ptr<Material> &, int, int, int, int, int, int, const char *, int )
- getTemporaryOldTexture2DArray( const Ptr<Material> &, int, int, int, int, int, int, const char *, int )
- getTemporaryOldTexture2D( const Ptr<Material> &, int, int, int, int, int, const char *, int )
- getTemporaryOldTexture( const Ptr<Material> &, int, const Ptr<Texture> & )
- getTemporaryOldTexture( const Ptr<Material> &, int, const Ptr<Texture> &, const char * )
- getTemporaryOldTexture( const Ptr<Material> &, int, const Ptr<Texture> &, const char *, int )
- getTemporaryOldTexture( const Ptr<Material> &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int )
- getTemporaryOldTexture( const Ptr<Material> &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const char * )
- getTemporaryOldTexture( const Ptr<Material> &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const char *, int )
- setReflectionDynamicRoughnessOffset( bool )
- isReflectionDynamicRoughnessOffset( )
- setShadowsWorldCascadesCullingClusters( bool )
- isShadowsWorldCascadesCullingClusters( )
- setShowClusters( bool )
- isShowClusters( )
- setShowImmovable( int )
- getShowImmovable( )
- setShowMeshDynamics( bool )
- isShowMeshDynamics( )
- setShowMeshStatics( bool )
- isShowMeshStatics( )
- setShowWorldShadowCasters( bool )
- isShowWorldShadowCasters( )
- getStereoFocusSupersampling( )
- setStereoFocusSupersampling( float )
RenderEnvironmentPreset Class#
Renderer Class#
UserInterface Class#
Viewport Class#
Widget Class#
WidgetExternBase Class#
WidgetManipulator Class#
WidgetWindow Class#
New Functions
- getDragAreaPaddingBottom( )
- getDragAreaPaddingTop( )
- getDragAreaPaddingRight( )
- getDragAreaPaddingLeft( )
- setDragAreaPadding( int, int, int, int )
- getDragAreaBackgroundColor( )
- setDragAreaBackgroundColor( const Math::vec4 & )
- getDragAreaBackground( )
- setDragAreaBackground( int )
- isDragAreaEnabled( )
- setDragAreaEnabled( bool )
FMOD::Channel Class#
FMOD::EventInstance Class#
FMOD::EventDescription Class#
FMOD::Bus Class#
FMOD::VCA Class#
FMOD::Bank Class#
FMODStudio Class#
Oculus Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
isHeadPositionLocked( ) | Renamed as isHeadPositionLock( ). |
isHeadRotationLocked( ) | Renamed as isHeadRotationLock( ). |
New Functions
OpenVR Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
isHeadPositionLocked( ) | Renamed as isHeadPositionLock( ). |
isHeadRotationLocked( ) | Renamed as isHeadRotationLock( ). |
New Functions
Varjo Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
isHeadPositionLocked( ) | Renamed as isHeadPositionLock( ). |
isHeadRotationLocked( ) | Renamed as isHeadRotationLock( ). |
setVelocityEnabled( bool ) | Removed. |
isVelocityEnabled( ) | Removed. |
setVelocityPrecision( float ) | Removed. |
getVelocityPrecision( ) | Removed. |
setVelocityTimeDelta( float ) | Removed. |
getVelocityTimeDelta( ) | Removed. |
New Functions
- isBlendMaskingDebugEnabled( )
- setBlendMaskingDebugEnabled( bool )
- getBlendMaskingMode( )
- setBlendMaskingMode( Varjo::BLEND_MASKING_MODE )
- getMotionPredictionVelocityTimeDelta( )
- setMotionPredictionVelocityTimeDelta( float )
- getMotionPredictionVelocityPrecision( )
- setMotionPredictionVelocityPrecision( float )
- isMotionPrediction( )
- setMotionPrediction( bool )
- isStreamColorCorrectionWhiteBalanceEnabled( )
- setStreamColorCorrectionWhiteBalanceEnabled( bool )
- getFocusViewportSupersamplingFactor( )
- setFocusViewportSupersamplingFactor( float )
- render( const Ptr<Player> &, const Math::ivec2 &, bool )
ConsoleVariableInt Class#
ConsoleVariableFloat Class#
ConsoleVariableString Class#
ConsoleVariableVec2 Class#
ConsoleVariableVec3 Class#
ConsoleVariableVec4 Class#
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