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Warning! This version of documentation is OUTDATED, as it describes an older SDK version! Please switch to the documentation for the latest SDK version.
Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Unigine::InputVRDevice Class

Header: #include <UnigineInput.h>

The base class for VR devices. It provides access to properties and settings that all VR devices have. For example, you can get a device name, check if it has a battery, or whether it will drift in a specific direction, and so on.

Also, the class functionality allows getting the model of the VR device. For example, you can use it for controller rendering:

  1. Get the controller to render by using the corresponding methods of the Input class. For example, to get the left controller, call getVRControllerLeft().
  2. Check it exists.
  3. Get the number of its models via getNumModels().
  4. Load its meshes and textures individually, one by one, or get the entire mesh at once. Note that there may be a delay during the loading process.
  5. Render the loaded meshes with textures.

InputVRDevice Class



INPUT_VR_UNKNOWN = 0Unknown VR device.
INPUT_VR_HEAD = 2Head-mounted display.
INPUT_VR_BASE_STATION = 5Base station.
NUM_TYPES = 6Total number of types of the VR devices.


bool isAvailable ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the VR device is available.

Return value

true if the device is available; otherwise, false.

int getNumber ( ) const#

Returns the index of the VR device.

Return value

Device index.

const char * getName ( ) const#

Returns the name of the VR device.

Return value

Device name.

Input::DEVICE getDeviceType ( ) const#

Returns the type of the input device (wheel, throttle, etc.).

Return value

Input device type.

InputVRDevice::TYPE getType ( ) const#

Returns the type of the VR device (HMD, controller, base station, etc.).

Return value

VR device type.

const char * getDeviceModelName ( ) const#

Returns the name of the model of the VR device.

Return value

Model name.

bool hasYawDrift ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the VR device will drift in a specific direction.

Return value

true if the device has yaw drift; otherwise, false.

bool isCharging ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the VR device is charging.

Return value

true if the device is charging; otherwise, false.

bool hasBattery ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the VR device has a battery.

Return value

true if the device has the battery; otherwise, false.

bool canReportBatteryValue ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the VR device provides the battery status.

Return value

true if the battery status is provided; otherwise, false.

float getBatteryValue ( ) const#

Returns the current battery level.

Return value

Battery level, in percents.

String getModelNumber ( ) const#

Returns the model number for the VR device.

Return value

Model number.

String getSerialNumber ( ) const#

Returns the serial number of the VR device.

Return value

Seril number.

String getManufacturerName ( ) const#

Returns the name of the VR device's vendor.

Return value

Vendor name.

unsigned long long getHardwareRevision ( ) const#

Returns the hardware revision of the VR device.

Return value

Hardware revision.

unsigned long long getFirmwareVersion ( ) const#

Returns the firmware version of the VR device.

Return value

Firmware version

Math::Mat4 getWorldTransform ( ) const#

Retuns the world transformation of the VR device.

Return value

World transformation matrix.

Math::mat4 getTransform ( ) const#

Returns the local transformation of the VR device.

Return value

Local transformation matrix.

Math::vec3 getLinearVelocity ( ) const#

Returns the linear velocity of the VR device.

Return value

Linear velocity.

Math::vec3 getAngularVelocity ( ) const#

Returns the angular velocity of the VR device.

Return value

Angular velocity.

Math::vec3 getAngularAcceleration ( ) const#

Returns the angular acceleration of the VR device.

Return value

Angular acceleration.

bool isTransformValid ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if transformation if the VR device is valid.

Return value

true if transformation is valid; otherwise, false.

int getNumModels ( ) const#

Returns the number of VR device's models.

Return value

Number of models.

Math::mat4 getModelTransform ( int num ) const#

Returns the local transformation of the given model.


  • int num - Model index.

Return value

Local transformation matrix of the model.

Math::Mat4 getModelWorldTransform ( int num ) const#

Returns the world transformation of the given model.


  • int num - Model index.

Return value

World transformation matrix of the model.

Ptr<Mesh> getModelMesh ( int num ) #

Returns the mesh of the given model.


  • int num - Model index.

Return value

Model mesh.

Ptr<Texture> getModelTexture ( int num ) #

Returns the texture of the given model.


  • int num - Model index.

Return value

Model texture.

const char * getModelName ( int num ) #

Returns the name of the given model.


  • int num - Model index.

Return value

Model name.

Ptr<Mesh> getCombinedModelMesh ( ) const#

Returns the entire mesh of the combined model of the VR device.
You cannot animate this mesh. However, if you get a mesh of each model individually, it will be automatically animated.

Return value

Mesh of the combined model.

Ptr<Texture> getCombinedModelTexture ( ) const#

Returns the texture of the combined model of the VR device.

Return value

Texure of the combined model.

const char * getCombinedModelName ( ) const#

Returns the name of the combined model of the VR device.

Return value

Name of the combined model.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.18.1 SDK.

Last update: 2024-04-19
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