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Unigine::ObjectBillboards Class

Header:#include <UnigineObjects.h>

Billboards class is used to bake billboards with the same material into one object. (A texture atlas can be applied, if necessary.) This allows you to optimize application performance when rendering a big number of billboards: as the number of texture fetches is reduced and the spatial tree is less cluttered, rendering is sped up.

The following samples demonstrate the ObjectBillboards class usage:

ObjectBillboards Class


static ObjectBillboardsPtr create()

Constructor. Creates a new Billboards object.

Ptr<ObjectBillboards> cast(const Ptr<Node> & node)


  • const Ptr<Node> & node

Ptr<ObjectBillboards> cast(const Ptr<Object> & base)


  • const Ptr<Object> & base

void setAngle(int num, float angle)

Updates an angle of a given billboard, which is used to set the billboard orientation.


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.
  • float angle - Billboard angle in degrees to set the billboard orientation. Positive values rotate the billboard clockwise, negative ones rotate it counter-clockwise.

float getAngle(int num)

Returns the angle of a given billboard, which is used to set the billboard orientation.


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.

Return value

Billboard angle in degrees. The default is 0 degrees.

void setBillboardPosition(int num, const Math::vec3 & position)


  • int num
  • const Math::vec3 & position

Math::vec3 getBillboardPosition(int num)


  • int num

void setDepthSort(int sort)

Sets a value indicating if the depth sorting (in back-to-front order) of billboards is enabled. The depth sorting should be enabled, if alpha blending is used for the billboard material.


  • int sort - 1 to enable the depth sorting, 0 to disable it. The default is 0.

int getDepthSort()

Returns a value indicating if the depth sorting (in back-to-front order) of billboards is enabled. The depth sorting should be enabled, if alpha blending is used for the billboard material.

Return value

Returns 1 if the depth sorting is enabled; otherwise, 0.

void setHeight(int num, float height)

Updates a height of a given billboard.


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.
  • float height - New billboard height in units.

float getHeight(int num)

Returns the height of a given billboard.


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.

Return value

Billboard height in units.

void setNormal(int num, const Math::vec3 & normal)

Updates a normal vector of a given billboard, which is used to orient billboard (used only with billboards_impostor_base material).


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.
  • const Math::vec3 & normal - Billboard normal coordinates local to the object.

Math::vec3 getNormal(int num)

Returns the normal vector of a given billboard (used only with billboards_impostor_base material).


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.

Return value

Billboard normal coordinates local to the object.

int getNumBillboards()

Returns the total number of billboards contained in and managed by Billboards object.

Return value

Number of billboards.

void setTexCoord(int num, const Math::vec4 & texcoord)

Updates texture coordinates of a given billboard. The default is vec4(1,1,0,0).
  • The first pair of coordinates (x and x) sets texture scale by X and Y axes. For example, by the scale of 2 the texture is repeated twice on the billboard.
  • The second pair (z and w) set texture offset along X and Y axes. For example, by the offset of 0.5 along X axis the texture is repositioned to the right (so that the edge of the texture is rendered in the center).


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.
  • const Math::vec4 & texcoord - New texture coordinates.

Math::vec4 getTexCoord(int num)

Returns the texture coordinates of a given billboard. The default is vec4(1,1,0,0).
  • The first pair of coordinates (x and x) sets texture scale by X and Y axes. For example, by the scale of 2 the texture is repeated twice on the billboard.
  • The second pair (z and w) set texture offset along X and Y axes. For example, by the offset of 0.5 along X axis the texture is repositioned to the right (so that the edge of the texture is rendered in the center).


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.

Return value

Billboard texture coordinates.

void setWidth(int num, float width)

Updates a width of a given billboard.


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.
  • float width - New billboard width in units.

float getWidth(int num)

Returns the width of a given billboard.


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.

Return value

Billboard width in units.

int addBillboard(float width, float height)

Adds a billboard with given width and height to be managed by the Billboards object. A position, texture coordinates and an angle of the new billboard are set to default:
  • position is set to vec3(0,0,0)
  • texture coordinates are set to vec4(1,1,0,0)
  • angle is set to 0.


  • float width - Billboard width in units.
  • float height - Billboard height in units.

Return value

Number of the added billboard.

void allocateBillboards(int num)

Allocates a buffer for a given number of billboards that will be created.


  • int num - The number of billboards to be created in the allocated buffer.

void clearBillboards()

Deletes all billboards from the Billboards object.

void removeBillboard(int num)

Removes a given billboard from the Billboard object.


  • int num - Billboard number in range from 0 to the total number of billboards.

int type()

Last update: 2017-07-03
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