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Setting Up Development Environment
High-Level Systems
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
Rendering-Related Classes
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Preprocessor Macros for Rebuilding the Engine

USE_OPENGL Build the binary with the OpenGL rendering system.
USE_DIRECT3D11 Build the binary with the Direct3D11 rendering system.
USE_OPENAL Build the binary with the OpenAL sound system.
USE_XAUDIO2 Build the binary with the XAudio2 sound system.
USE_MEMORY Build the binary with the Unigine memory management system.
USE_PASSWORD Build the binary with a password for resources and UNG archives.
USE_D3D11_WRAPPER Build the binary with the D3D11 wrapper.
USE_D3D12_WRAPPER Build the binary with the D3D12 wrapper.
USE_GL_WRAPPER Build the binary with the OpenGL wrapper.
USE_AL_WRAPPER Build the binary with the OpenAL wrapper.
USE_CU_WRAPPER Build the binary with the CUDA wrapper.
USE_CL_WRAPPER Build the binary with the OpenCL wrapper.
USE_XA2_WRAPPER Build the binary with the XAudio2 wrapper.
USE_OPENGL_44 Build the binary with OpenGL 4.4 functionality.
USE_OPENGL_45 Build the binary with OpenGL 4.5 functionality.
USE_CUDA Build the binary with CUDA support.
USE_OPENCL Build the binary with OpenCL support.
USE_SIXAXIS Build the binary with support of a sixaxis controller.
USE_EDITOR Build the binary with support of UnigineEditor.
USE_DOUBLE Build the binary with support of double precision of coordinates.
USE_HALF_TEXCOORDS Build the binary with half float coordinates.
USE_TERMINAL Build the binary with the console available.
DONT_USE_RTTI Build the binary with support of the RTTI mechanism (C++ feature).
DONT_USE_EXCEPTION Build the binary without support of C++ exceptions.
USE_MICROPROFILE Build the binary with support of the microprofile.
USE_OPENEXR Build the binary with support of the OpenEXR format.
USE_SSE2 Build the binary with support of the Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 technology (Intel SIMD).
USE_SSE Build the binary with support of the Streaming SIMD Extensions technology.
USE_OPENGL_DEBUG_OUTPUT Build the binary with the OpenGL debug context.
USE_EXTERN_INFO Build the binary with a possibility to generate the list of all external functions and variables exported to UnigineScript.
USE_MESH_FILE Build the binary with support of the following mesh formats:
  • MESH
  • OBJ
  • PLY
  • DAE
  • FBX
USE_SHADER_CACHE Build the binary with support of cache files for DirectX 11 shader.
DONT_USE_SHADER_COMPILER Build the binary without support of the DirectX 12 shader compiler.
USE_RESOURCES Build the binary with support of compiling binary resources.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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