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UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine and Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
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Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
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Rendering-Related Classes
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There are 2 types of the GUI supported by Unigine:

  • Unigine native GUI

The current article describes the native GUI, which includes the following:

General info

Unigine provides flexible Graphic User Interface (GUI), its main features are:

  • Various widgets and containers
  • Dialog windows
  • 3D effects
  • Activation animation
  • Easy skin changing
  • UI files in XML format
  • Localization support
  • True Type fonts support
  • Unicode (UTF8) support
  • IME input support

How to Create GUI Layout

There are 2 ways to create the GUI layout:

By Scripting

To create widgets directly from a script, perform the following steps:

  1. Declare all of the widgets as global variables in the script.
  2. Create the corresponding object for each widget.
  3. Define necessary properties for each object (hight, width, etc.) by using functions of the corresponding GUI-related classes.
  4. Add root widgets to be rendered in the GUI interface via Gui::addChild().
  5. Add children of the root widgets to be rendered in the GUI interface via Gui::addChild().

By Using UI files

To create widgets and describe the layout by using User interface (UI) files, perform the following:

  1. Create *.ui file that describes what widgets should be drawn and how they are laid out (see more details).
  2. Declare root widgets (or containers) as global variables in the script.
  3. Load User interface by using the UserInterface()constructor.
  4. Add root widgets to be rendered in the GUI interface via Gui::addChild().

This is faster and more convenient way to create a GUI.

How to Create Custom GUI Skin

  1. Create all required GUI textures (see details on Skin Layout).
  2. If necessary, create Resource file (RC) where global settings for GUI interface are described.
  3. Use custom skin:
    • If you need to change the system GUI skin (2D GUI), replace files under data/core/gui folder.
    • If ObjectGui or ObjectGuiMesh (that is, monitors positioned in the world) is used, specify a folder with all textures, RC file and the default font in the constructor.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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