MeshImport is a tool for converting formats of geometry and animation data.
MeshImport tool is used:
- To convert meshes of external formats to Unigine-supported mesh formats.
- To upgrade the Unigine-based project meshes, which are outdated, to the up-to-date mesh formats.
You can use the Unigine upgrade script for batch upgrading of the outdated meshes.
To invoke MeshImport, run meshimport_x86.exe (in Windows) or meshimport_x86 (in Linux) from the command line (the Windows command prompt and the Linux Terminal) (the 64-bit version has x64 postfix).
- Under Windows, type at the command prompt:
meshimport_x86.exe OPTIONS FILE
- Under Linux, type into the Terminal:
meshimport_x86 OPTIONS FILE
Command-Line Options#
MeshImport recognizes the following command-line options:
- -o NAME — name of the output file. If the -o option is not specified, the default .mesh extension is used.
- -s SCALE — scale a mesh. The default is1.0, no scaling. The option value is float.
- -tx VALUE — translate a mesh along theX axis. The option value is a float number.
- -ty VALUE — translate a mesh along theY axis. The option value is a float number.
- -tz VALUE — translate a mesh along theZ axis. The option value is a float number.
- -f — flip the Y and Z mesh axes.
Input Data Formats#
The following formats of geometry and animation data can be converted by MeshImport:
- Wavefront (.obj)
- COLLADA (.dae)
- FBX (.fbx)
- Unigine mesh (.mesh)
Output Data Formats#
The following output formats are supported:
- Unigine mesh (.mesh)
- Wavefront (.obj)
Convert an External Mesh#
Let's suppose that you want to convert a mesh called mesh.obj to the Unigine-supported data format. If it is located, for example, in the D:\my_project\external_meshes folder, you need to invoke MeshImport as follows:
meshimport_x86.exe "D:\my_project\external_meshes\mesh.obj"
D:\my_project\external_meshes\mesh.obj -> D:\my_project\external_meshes\mesh.mesh
meshimport_x86.exe "D:\my_project\meshes\my_mesh1.obj" "D:\my_project\meshes\my_mesh2.obj"
Upgrade an Outdated Mesh#
Assuming that you need to upgrade the Unigine outdated mesh called my_mesh.mesh to the up-to-date mesh format. For example, if the file is located in the D:\my_project\meshes folder, then you need to invoke MeshImport as follows:
meshimport_x86.exe "D:\my_project\meshes\my_mesh.mesh"
meshimport_x86.exe "D:\my_project\meshes\my_mesh1.mesh" "D:\my_project\meshes\my_mesh2.mesh"